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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by quindibu » 28 Aug 2022, 10:52

eden wrote:
27 Aug 2022, 22:22

I was hoping for names of Tigrian leaders satisfying our interest. Name Tigrian leaders that fall outside of ሕጸቡኒ ግና ኣይተጠልቅዩኒ

What’s the point of removing TPLF if there’s no replacement that suits us?
:roll: :roll:

One astute Eritrean aptly described Tigrians politics as "ኮንዶም ግዛልኝና አስገድጀ ልድፈርህ" አይነት ነው የህወሓት ጨዋታ።

Do I think if there is any 'politician' of yours who can be excluded from that mentality? NOPE!!

BTW Sarcasm: War isn't a 100m race, it's more like a marathon.....Even I see some of my people's knee-jerk reaction to some of the unfolding developments, so take a break, and update us when you reach the Menelik Palace!

Till then, I would enjoy 'your cultural show'. Where is my popcorn.....? 8)

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by sarcasm » 28 Aug 2022, 11:33

"ኤርትራ ዶባታ ዓጽያ ከም ሱዳን ጅቡቲ ኬንያን ካልኦትን ከም ጎረባብታ ሃገራት ዶባታ ዓጽያ ክትከታተል እዩ ዝግበኣ። ጽባሕ ንግሆ ተደፊርና ዓድና ኸምዚ ኮይኑ እንተድኣ ኽንብል ኮይንና ሕጂ እግርና ኢድናን ኣኪብና ክንሕዝ'ዮ ዝግብኣና"

Start from 2:15

This is what Eritrean got out of its last interference in Ethiopian Civil War according to the Ethiopian Attorney General የኢፌዲሪ ጠቅላይ ዐቃቤ ሕግ. When do you think Eritrea will be held accountable for its actions? Ethiopian Attorney General file against Eritrea is still open and would most likely progress to international court. Does Eritrea want another file to be opened against her when Abiy starts negotiating with Tigray?

"Eritrean troops killed 40 civilians in Axum in home to home raids" FDRE Attorney General የኢፌዲሪ ጠቅላይ ዐቃቤ ሕግ
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መረብ ምላሽ
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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by መረብ ምላሽ » 28 Aug 2022, 12:27

Cartmann wrote:
27 Aug 2022, 20:37
My brother Sabur it is always nice to see you around.
As you said leaving Eritrean Army in the open was the highest treachery one could ever face with. After that I do not see there is any way to fix the alliance with the spineless PM. Fortunately, we are out of the quagmire created by the useless PM and we are in much more better position than anytime before. If any threat comes our way, it will be a defensive war which is our speciality. If they want to negotiate and keep the TPLF let them dance with it and we only deal with it if it ever threaten Eritrea. In my opinion that should be our policy and I do not support Eritrea's involvement now.
Trust me the TPLF will yet cause havoc in Ethiopia, and all Ethiopians will one day appreciate the degree of Eritrea's contribution in the previous conflict.

Sabur wrote:
27 Aug 2022, 20:19


What you have just said is all True. Thank you !

Who would have thought PM Abiy would desert Eritrea openly naked in the field after he officially Thanked the Eritrean Gov't, the Eritrean Army and the Eritrean people in the Parliament by saying,

"During Dark Times at night even your own shadow deserts you, but the Eritrean Gov't, The Eritrean Army and the Eritrean People did not desert Ethiopia during its darkest times.

Meaning "The Eritrean Army put their lives and saved Ethiopia by destroying the Terrorist TPLF".

Again no one with the right mind would predict that "PM Aby's desire to negotiate with the TPLF group that he designated them Terrorist".

Let's remain hopeful and send a clear message that Eritrea's Trust is ONLY open for those who deserve.

ካብ መጀምርትኡ ኣትሕዚካ ኣዝዩ ጠገል ዘለዎ - መተዓለሊ -

ምስ ኣክብሮቱ ነመስግን !!

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Zmeselo » 28 Aug 2022, 12:52

Shoot just one rocket towards Eritrea again, if you got the balls! 8)

sarcasm wrote:
28 Aug 2022, 11:33
"ኤርትራ ዶባታ ዓጽያ ከም ሱዳን ጅቡቲ ኬንያን ካልኦትን ከም ጎረባብታ ሃገራት ዶባታ ዓጽያ ክትከታተል እዩ ዝግበኣ። ጽባሕ ንግሆ ተደፊርና ዓድና ኸምዚ ኮይኑ እንተድኣ ኽንብል ኮይንና ሕጂ እግርና ኢድናን ኣኪብና ክንሕዝ'ዮ ዝግብኣና"

Start from 2:15

This is what Eritrean got out of its last interference in Ethiopian Civil War according to the Ethiopian Attorney General የኢፌዲሪ ጠቅላይ ዐቃቤ ሕግ. When do you think Eritrea will be held accountable for its actions? Ethiopian Attorney General file against Eritrea is still open and would most likely progress to international court. Does Eritrea want another file to be opened against her when Abiy starts negotiating with Tigray?

"Eritrean troops killed 40 civilians in Axum in home to home raids" FDRE Attorney General የኢፌዲሪ ጠቅላይ ዐቃቤ ሕግ
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መረብ ምላሽ
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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by መረብ ምላሽ » 28 Aug 2022, 13:47

እነ "ቅንድቡ" quindibu ሲሚላለሷት - - - ("ኣብ ዝውሳሰቡሉ 'ዋናት") ሰዓታቱ ደርሰ እንዴ ??
ኣቤት - - - ኣቢየየት - - - ስለ'ዝች፣ ኣንጋፋዋ Eden የኪስራ ኪሳራ የ"ፖለተኪወያዎቻችን" (ነበራት) ኪሳር "ፍሽለት" ስንት ባልን።

ዝጊ በሉልኝ።

ፊት ለፊቴ ብትቀመጥ ማናፈጥኳት ነበር።
ለሴት ልጆች ካለኝ ትህትና ጋር።

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by sarcasm » 30 Aug 2022, 07:48

መልእኽቲ መንግስቲ ትግራይ ናብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ

ዝኸበርካ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ

ፋሽስታዊ ስርዓት ኣዲስ ኣበባን ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያሳን ነቲ ቅድሚ ሕዚ ጀሚሮም ዘይወደኡዎ ምፅናት ዘርኢ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ንምቕፃል ብሙሉእ ዓቕሞም እናሰርሑ እዮም። ናይዚ ኣካል ድማ ፋሽስታዊ ጉጅለ ኣብይ ኣሕመድ ካብ 18 ነሓሰ 2014 ዓ.ም ጀሚሩ ብኣንፈት ደቡብ ትግራይ ሰፊሕ ወራር እናካየደ እንትኾን እቲ ተሃንዲዱ ዝኣተወ ሓይሊ ፀላኢ ብሓየት ሰራዊት ትግራይ ብዝግባእ እናተመከተን ከከም ኣመፃፅኣኡ ድማ ዋግኡ ክረክብ እናተገበረን ይርከብ። በዚ ግንባር ዝኣተወ ወራሪ ሓይሊ ዝሓሰቦ ክሰምረሉ ስለዘይክኣለ ግን ኣብ ምዕራብ ትግራይ ነቁጡ ዝነበረ ካልእ ሓይሊ ኢትዮጵያ ናብ ወገን ኤርትራ ኣስጊሩዎ ኣሎ። እዚ ድማ ምስ ሰራዊት ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ ኮይኑ ብኣንፈት ኤርትራ ካልእ ናይ ወራር ግንባር ንምኽፋት ከምዝኾነ ግልፂ እዩ።

መንግስቲ ኢሳያስ ናይ ዝሓለፈ ገበንን ክሕደትን ከይኣኽሎ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ካልእ ተወሳኺ ጥፍኣት ንምፍፃም ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ምሽብሻብ ዘርኢ እዩ። ዕድመ ስልጣን ኢሳያስ ንምንዋሕ ክብሃል ብኩሉ መዐቀኒ ኣሕዋት ዝኾኑ ህዝብታት ናብ ዘይዛሪ ቂምን በቀልን ንክኣትዉ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክፈቅድ ኣይግባእን። እዚ ድማ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ካብ ምሕላይን ፅቡቕ ካብ ምምናይን ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ ካብ ዘላቒ ረብሓ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣንፃር እውን ክምዘን ዘለዎ ውራይ እዩ።

ስለዝኾነ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ነዚ ብኣብይ ኣሕመድን ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቅን ዝቐርበልካ ዘሎ ናይ ጥፍኣት ድግስ ኣደብ ክተትሕዞን ብትረት ክትቃለሶን ይግባእ። መእንተ ረብሓኹምን ዘላቒ ህልውናኹም ኢልኩም ነዚ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝፍፀም ዘሎ ታሪኻዊ ገበን ጠጠው ክተብልዎ፡ እንተዘይክኢልኩም ድማ ፍፁም ተሓባበርቲ ክትኾኑ ኣይግባእን። ሰራዊት ኤርትራ እውን ንባዕልካን ንመሰረታዊ ረብሓታት ህዝብኻን ክትብል ነዚ ጥፍኣት ብትሪ ክትቃወሞ ዘለካ እዩ። ዕድመ ስልጣን ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ ንምንዋሕ ክብሃል ብዝኾነ መንገዲ ኣብ ዘይረብሐካ ኩናትን ውግእን እናኣተውካ ህይወትካን መፃኢ ዕድልካን ናብ ከቢድ ሓደጋ ክተእቱ የብልካን።

ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ከባቢታት ዓለም ኣብ ስደት ዘለኻ ኤርትራዊ እውን ክሳብ ሐዚ እትገብሮ ዝነበርካ ምንቅስቓስ ዝያዳ ኣሐይልካ ክትቃለስን ኣንፃር ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝግበር ዘሎ ኩናት ብትሪ ክትቃወሞን ይግባእ። ናይ ኢሳያስ ፃምእ ቂምን በቀልን ንምርዋይ ተባሂሉ ክልቲኡ ህዝቢ ናብ ዘይዛሪ ምድማይ ንክኣቱ ፍፁም ክትቕበሎን ክትዕገሶን ኣይግባእን።

ንሕና ኣንፃር እቲ ካብ ገፅ መሬት ክጥፍኣና ምስ ኣሃዳውያን ልፍንቲ ፈጢሩ ኣብ ልዕሌና ጀኖሳይድ ዝኣወጀልና ስርዓት እምበር ኣንፃር መሰልን ረብሓን ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘቕንዐ ድልየትን ዕላማን የብልናን። እዚ ድማ ናይ ሎሚ እዋናዊ መርገፅና ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ኣብ ዝሓለፉ ልዕሊ 40 ዓመታት ብተግባር እናረጋገፅናዮ ዝመፃእናን በዚ ምኽንያት እውን ብዙሕ ዋጋ ዝኸፈልናሉን ዘይናውፅ ህዝባዊ መትከልና እዩ።
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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Cartmann » 30 Aug 2022, 17:09

sun wrote:
27 Aug 2022, 23:34

That is in funny dirty day dreams and hallucinated funniest nightmares. I don't even believe that you are an Eritrean when I see that you are bowing down so low and l!cking the greasy extremist amhara back holes as if the Eritreans were not fighting for decades against the Amharas and as if Amhara kings did not cut hands and limbs from several Eritreans. What have the good PM did to you? Did he engage and lead several brutal wars against Eritrea when hundreds were killed and wounded or did he cut hands and limbs from innocent Eritreans, or took their land on the border area? NEVER!

On the contrary the PM unilaterally proposed and made peace with Eritrea after decades confrontational enemy status and helped the country come out of the long standing backbreaking embargo, thereby helping the country to join the family of nations no question asked. And you come here to brag about helping the norther command when the tplf thugs attacked them without any provocation. What is wrong with helping the northern command at the time because they were brutally attacked and robbed by the same tplf who attacker Eritrea with deadly missile attacks, to say the least. In this sense genuine Eritreans can present their grievances to the PM but should never be in a harry to become vulgar like the vagabond Amhara extremists and cut relations for good.
That is exactly the point I was trying to make. You see, you minimize the contribution of the Eritrean army, and you even have the nerve to accuse me of bragging about it. As it turned out we can brag much more than your incompetent show-pony prime minister who is being humiliated left and right by the ragtag TPLF militias. Now all those hostile Ethiopian media personalities who were accusing Eritrea based on the TPLF narrative of atrocities are now crying foul after the debacle of the ENDF in the first days of the current conflict. That is why I said we should not get involved. After a little bit, it will be clear for everybody the degree of contribution Eritrean army made during the initial period of the previous conflict.

Your ungrateful self-entitlement says a lot about you. What makes you think that you had the right to receive Eritrea’s support even if the TPLF is our enemy? We could have also just focused on neutralizing the rockets and watch you while you eat each other from afar. Instead, the Eritrean Army stayed through thick and thin for months to help the ENDF. What did we get in return? Yes, your spineless prime minister left us there and ordered the Ethiopian troops to vacate Tigray without informing the Eritrean army, and he even started to frame us to ease the pressure from the EU and US. Don’t accuse me of vulgarity, I just called a show-pony traitor by his name. That is even without mentioning the way he betrayed the Amhara despite all the sacrifices they made together with Eritrean army. What did they get in return? They were chased like criminals and disarmed while their mortal enemy is waiting well-armed thanks to the useless generals who left them countless weapons while ‘retreating’ (read running with their tail between their legs). Now they are prey to the TPLF and their blood is on your show-pony PM.

About the peace with Eritrea, unlike you, we do not deny credit where it is due. He accepted the Algiers agreement and Eritrea helped him consolidate his shaky position by checkmating the TPLF. Nothing new here. It is basics of politics.

Regarding ‘Amhara extremists’, did I ever say ‘Amhara extremist? Where did you read that? I said Eritrea should work to maintain its border with Amhara simply because that is the pragmatic way to deal with the situation. That has nothing to do with hating the Tigray people which is under clout of the TPLF. As such, for any future relations we cannot rely on the hostile border with Tigray for foreseeable future. Given your untrustworthy prime minister, maintaining the border with Amhara will allow us to work against our common enemy. We can’t help it if you do not like it.

By the way cut the cräp, we never fought against the Amharas, we fought against Ethiopian regimes.
Last edited by Cartmann on 30 Aug 2022, 17:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Asmara » 30 Aug 2022, 17:13

Cartmann wrote:
30 Aug 2022, 17:09
sun wrote:
27 Aug 2022, 23:34

That is in funny dirty day dreams and hallucinated funniest nightmares. I don't even believe that you are an Eritrean when I see that you are bowing down so low and l!cking the greasy extremist amhara back holes as if the Eritreans were not fighting for decades against the Amharas and as if Amhara kings did not cut hands and limbs from several Eritreans. What have the good PM did to you? Did he engage and lead several brutal wars against Eritrea when hundreds were killed and wounded or did he cut hands and limbs from innocent Eritreans, or took their land on the border area? NEVER!

On the contrary the PM unilaterally proposed and made peace with Eritrea after decades confrontational enemy status and helped the country come out of the long standing backbreaking embargo, thereby helping the country to join the family of nations no question asked. And you come here to brag about helping the norther command when the tplf thugs attacked them without any provocation. What is wrong with helping the northern command at the time because they were brutally attacked and robbed by the same tplf who attacker Eritrea with deadly missile attacks, to say the least. In this sense genuine Eritreans can present their grievances to the PM but should never be in a harry to become vulgar like the vagabond Amhara extremists and cut relations for good.
That is exactly the point I was trying to make. You see, you minimize the contribution of the Eritrean army, and you even have the nerve to accuse me of bragging about it. As it turned out we can brag much more than your incompetent show-pony prime minister who is being humiliated left and right by the ragtag TPLF militias. Now all those hostile Ethiopian media personalities who were accusing Eritrea based on the TPLF narrative of atrocities are now crying foul after the debacle of the ENDF in the first days of the current conflict. That is why I said we should not get involved. After a little bit, it will be clear for everybody the degree of contribution Eritrean army made during the initial period of the previous conflict.

Your ungrateful self-entitlement says a lot about you. What makes you think that you had the right to receive Eritrea’s support even if the TPLF is our enemy? We could have also just focused on neutralizing the rockets and watch you while you eat each other from afar. Instead, the Eritrean Army stayed through thick and thin for months to help the ENDF. What did we get in return? Yes, your spineless prime minister left us there and ordered the Ethiopian troops to vacate Tigray without informing the Eritrean army, and he even started to frame us to ease the pressure from the EU and US. Don’t accuse me of vulgarity, I just called a show-pony traitor by his name. That is even without mentioning the way he betrayed the Amhara despite all the sacrifices they made together with Eritrean army. What did they get in return? They were chased like criminals and disarmed while their mortal enemy is waiting well-armed thanks to the useless generals who left them countless weapons while ‘retreating’ (read running with their tail between their legs). Now they are prey to the TPLF and their blood is on your show-pony PM.

About the peace with Eritrea, unlike you, we do not deny credit where it is due. He accepted the Algiers agreement and Eritrea helped him consolidate his shaky position by checkmating the TPLF. Nothing new here. It is basics of politics.

Regarding ‘Amhara extremists’, did I ever say ‘Amhara extremist? Where did you read that? I said Eritrea should work to maintain its border with Amhara simply because that is the pragmatic way to deal with the situation. That has nothing to do with hating the Tigray people which is under clout of the TPLF. As such, for any future relations we cannot rely on the hostile border with Tigray for foreseeable future. Given your untrustworthy prime minister, maintaining the border with Amhara will allow us to work against our common enemy. We can’t help it if you do not like it.

By the way cut the cräp, we never fought against the Amharas, we fought against Ethiopian regimes.
Well said Cartman. I have the same views as you have.

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by quindibu » 31 Aug 2022, 11:03

quindibu wrote:
28 Aug 2022, 10:52

One astute Eritrean aptly described Tigrians politics as "ኮንዶም ግዛልኝና አስገድጀ ልድፈርህ" አይነት ነው የህወሓት ጨዋታ።

They never disappoint you!

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Cartmann » 02 Nov 2022, 13:40

Never underestimate the power of the showpony PM to screw things up from the jaw of victory.
With the signing of the peace agreement, the cadres of Ethiopian government are declaring victory and the TPLF leadership seems to be relieved that they are off the hook. But the devil is in the details. I expect nothing short of problems when implementing such agreement. As far as Eritrea is concerned the disarmament of TPLF and border demarcation are what matters the most. For the rest, we will determine how good or bad the deal is once the full text is released.
I hope peace will prevail in the region. But given the credibility of both sides, I am sure this agreement is nothing but the postponement of the conflict. We can’t continue like this. Let us make sure the border is demarcated and we should stay away from this messy affair.

Abe Abraham
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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Abe Abraham » 02 Nov 2022, 13:49

Cartmann wrote:
02 Nov 2022, 13:40
Never underestimate the power of the showpony PM to screw things up from the jaw of victory.
With the signing of the peace agreement, the cadres of Ethiopian government are declaring victory and the TPLF leadership seems to be relieved that they are off the hook. But the devil is in the details. I expect nothing short of problems when implementing such agreement. As far as Eritrea is concerned the disarmament of TPLF and border demarcation are what matters the most. For the rest, we will determine how good or bad the deal is once the full text is released.
I hope peace will prevail in the region. But given the credibility of both sides, I am sure this agreement is nothing but the postponement of the conflict. We can’t continue like this. Let us make sure the border is demarcated and we should stay away from this messy affair.

There is no stay away. I guess you haven't heard how the Junta recently attacked Eritrea from three fronts. If you think we are involved for the sake of getting involved then you are wrong.

You are clearly Eritrean -- civilized and honest -- but the world is not that way.

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 02 Nov 2022, 14:23

Cartmann wrote:
02 Nov 2022, 13:40
Never underestimate the power of the showpony PM to screw things up from the jaw of victory.
With the signing of the peace agreement, the cadres of Ethiopian government are declaring victory and the TPLF leadership seems to be relieved that they are off the hook. But the devil is in the details. I expect nothing short of problems when implementing such agreement. As far as Eritrea is concerned the disarmament of TPLF and border demarcation are what matters the most. For the rest, we will determine how good or bad the deal is once the full text is released.
I hope peace will prevail in the region. But given the credibility of both sides, I am sure this agreement is nothing but the postponement of the conflict. We can’t continue like this. Let us make sure the border is demarcated and we should stay away from this messy affair.

KaB Qedemu eka Esu ena Elna Neirna. The alcholcic junk tried to be more Catholic than the pope, to be more Ethiopians than Ethiopian and the result is what we are witnessing.

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Re: Eritreas's involvement in the current war between Ethiopian Govt and TPLF

Post by eritrea » 02 Nov 2022, 14:38

Cartmann wrote:
02 Nov 2022, 13:40
Never underestimate the power of the showpony PM to screw things up from the jaw of victory.
With the signing of the peace agreement, the cadres of Ethiopian government are declaring victory and the TPLF leadership seems to be relieved that they are off the hook. But the devil is in the details. I expect nothing short of problems when implementing such agreement. As far as Eritrea is concerned the disarmament of TPLF and border demarcation are what matters the most. For the rest, we will determine how good or bad the deal is once the full text is released.
I hope peace will prevail in the region. But given the credibility of both sides, I am sure this agreement is nothing but the postponement of the conflict. We can’t continue like this. Let us make sure the border is demarcated and we should stay away from this messy affair.

It is true the devil is always in the details. But, as I said before, the agreement is about TPLF's willingness to disarm without any string attached to it. The Americans considering the development of geopolitics in our region might have come to the conclussion to end their attachment with TPLF by giving them somewhere a safe-heaven. All this is of course speculation. But, the only TPLF can get is a couple of days to commit itself to the agreements. Failing to do so, the Ethiopian government should have another alternative to make it happen in anyway.

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