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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Abere » 31 Dec 2021, 15:49

በፈረንጆቹ አድስ አመት እኔ የምመኘው ወያኔ ሙሉ በሙሉ ተደምስሶ ማየት እና የመላው ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ( ትግራይን ይጨምራል) እና የኤርትራ ህዝብ የሰላም አየር የሚተነፍሱበት - ንግድ የሚለዋወጡበት ልማት እቅድ የሚያንሸራሽሩብት፥ ምቀኛ አሲድ፥ከፋፋይ ተንኮለኛ የሚጠፉበት - ፍቅር እንደ ሸማ የምን ዘረጋበት አገር ነው። በመቀጠል ለኢትዮጵያ አገሬ ልዩ ምኞት እና ጸሎቴ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ የሚከስምበት፥ ህጋዊ ህገ-መንግስት እና አስተዳደር ክፍላተ ሀገር የሚፈጠሩበት በጎ ዘመን ይሆን ዘንድ - የውጭ ጥላቶቿን ዐይናቸውን ጨላማ ጉልበታቸውን ቄጠማ ያድርግላት። አሜን!

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 16:02

Selam/ wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 15:16
Asmara - No question Eritrea is capable of securing its borders. But that’s not enough. The west will turn every stone on earth to destabilize HOA and create a proxy war using our own people & neighbors. The case of Somalia for example will not only affect Mogadishu, but also Addis Ababa. They will do everything to support insurgency from every angle & install a puppet government whether it’s in Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan or Eritrea. Do you think a destabilization in Ogaden would affect only Ethiopia? It will affect Djibouti & Eritrea as well. So, if Eritrea & Ethiopia are able to cooperate military to destroy TPLF thugs, they can equally collaborate with other HOA countries to protect the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. I don’t understand why you are okay with accommodating non-regional powers but not your immediate neighbors? If US has a joint naval base with South Korea in Mainland Asia to counter China & North Korea, I don’t see a reason why East Africans can’t collaborate?

You asked about GERD. Yes, if Eritrea is getting electricity from the dam or has any other interest on it, a military alliance with Ethiopia makes sense to me in order to protect the dam from terrorists.
Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 11:47

With all due respect, who said Eritrea is incapable of safeguarding its coastal line? Would it also be appropriate to offer the Sudan the same package, as you are suggesting to Eritrea. If Eritrea was able to secure its part of the Red Sea in the last 30 years under harsh conditions (wars, sanctions etc) on its own, why does it need a hand now? Eritrea can only get stronger as time progresses and as its nemesis (mainly TPLF) are decisively defeated and vanished from the Horn. Rest assured Eritrea is well versed and strong enough to protect its territory and beyond. After all, lets not have short memories, isn't Eritrea the sole contributor for the near collapse of TPLF as we see it today? If Ethio needs help lets know (lol).
We are all for cooperation in many spheres of the economy including trade, tourism, education, transportation etc, but sovereignty and territorial integrity of our respective nations should be non-negotiable. We don't want to repeat the same mistake our clean-hearted forefathers made by ushering Haileselasie into Eritrea and what followed after.
Selam - you are such a reasonable and honest guy unlike Horus and/or Kibramlak who resort to name calling when he/they lose(s) arguments. I undestand where you are coming from but imho it is way more complex than the examples you mentioned. S. Korea could seek support from America to fend off attacks from N. Korea and rightly so invite America into their country because that is the only option S. Korea has. On the other hand, if Ameica wants to destabilise the Horn a combined Naval Force you seem to suggest is not going to stop that from happening, hence why Eritreans see this idea/plan with suspicion. Why doesn't Ethiopia ask Djoubuoti or Somaliland for a base and everyone will be happy?

As to why Eritreans (at least in this forum) are comfortable with inviting other external forces into Eritrea but not Ethiopia, i am sorry but this is a stupid question. It is a matter of interest. Inviting UAE would be more beneficial to Eritrea than teaching a baby Naval Force of Ethiopia.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 31 Dec 2021, 16:23

Abere wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 15:49
በፈረንጆቹ አድስ አመት እኔ የምመኘው ወያኔ ሙሉ በሙሉ ተደምስሶ ማየት እና የመላው ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ( ትግራይን ይጨምራል) እና የኤርትራ ህዝብ የሰላም አየር የሚተነፍሱበት - ንግድ የሚለዋወጡበት ልማት እቅድ የሚያንሸራሽሩብት፥ ምቀኛ አሲድ፥ከፋፋይ ተንኮለኛ የሚጠፉበት - ፍቅር እንደ ሸማ የምን ዘረጋበት አገር ነው። በመቀጠል ለኢትዮጵያ አገሬ ልዩ ምኞት እና ጸሎቴ የጎሳ ፖለቲካ የሚከስምበት፥ ህጋዊ ህገ-መንግስት እና አስተዳደር ክፍላተ ሀገር የሚፈጠሩበት በጎ ዘመን ይሆን ዘንድ - የውጭ ጥላቶቿን ዐይናቸውን ጨላማ ጉልበታቸውን ቄጠማ ያድርግላት። አሜን!
Well said. All Ethiopia needs are economic progress, peace within itself, dismantling of ethinic politics and unity. Anything beyond that will stretch it to the max like a plastic rubber band and break it beyond repair.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 31 Dec 2021, 16:40


dumping waste is not a joke, the slightest trace of toxic waste in the water can cause health problems for the coastal inhabitants, fishermen, merchant seaman and can lead to mass fish deaths, it will not only affect Somali marine resource but also the entire western Indian ocean marine life, if one fish is infected with toxic waste then fish all have the same toxic disease and no Europeans will eat a fish infected with dangerous toxic waste.

White men are not stupid, European countries authorized their fishing vessels to unlawfully fish in Somali waters because they know that there is no waste in Somalia waters, Somalia has the last unspoiled stretch of Indian ocean coast in all of Indian ocean region.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Horus » 31 Dec 2021, 16:50

Well, societies must chew gum and walk at the same. All of these ideas are processes when they come to practice. Abere - the eradication of the tribal order is being done in every aspect of its manifestation but it is a process. It will take time. Tribalism is an idea, it is belief, it is an ideology. Eradicating these require changing minds as well as material, institutional changes. እነዚህ ሁሉ ግዜ ይወስዳሉ፣ ግን በግዜያቸው ይፈጸማሉ። አሁን የብሄራዊ ዳያሎግ ነጻ ኮሚሽን ተቋቅሟል፤ ቀጥሎ የሪፎርሞቹ ዝርዝር እንከታተል ። የትግሬ ጦርነት በአጭር ግዜ ሙሉ በሙሉ አይሞትም ፣ ቀውሱ አያቆምም። በአንድ ቃል የትግሬን ጉዳይ እየፈታች በተመሳሳይ ግዜ ጎን ለጎን የቀሩት ያገር ግምባታና እድገት ማካሄድ አለባት ። መስቲካ እያኘኩ መራመድ ማለት ያ ነው ። እስትራተጂክ ይሆኑ ችግሮች እስካሉብን ድረስ የፈረሰው ት/ቤት ቢገነባ ሽፍታ ተመልሶ መጥቶ ያፈሰዋል። ባንድ ቃል ሁሉም የተያያዙ ናቸውና ባቅማችን ልክ ሁሉም መስኮች ትኩረት ያሻቸዋል።
Last edited by Horus on 01 Jan 2022, 00:08, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by euroland » 31 Dec 2021, 18:44

quindibu wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:36
simbe11 wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:27
The question of access/ownership of port in the red sea is one of the biggest problems Ethiopia has. This question has been shunned by the Ethio-Eritrean governments for long time. It should be resolved. Ethiopia has every right with no precondition to get Asab back.
Eritrean brothers,
It's not inciting hate towards you but fearing what's coming.
:lol: :lol:

Yes, Agame boy!

I never had the delusion that you are capable of learning from your past mistakes.

Here is an idea: why don't you worry where your next Oxfam lunch would come from, rather than wallowing in your usual demented delusion/illusion.
OUCH!! :lol: :lol:

Ayte Gebru Asrat is in the house

Nay Agame neger, they can’t even cross beyond Tekeze river toward westward and yet they want access to the sea.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Selam/ » 31 Dec 2021, 20:01

Asmara - Probably, we should first talk about the general framework without going into the details. Do you agree HOA countries should collaborate in defense in addition to the trade sectors you listed earlier? If you have no objection to that premise, which military means do you want to exclude and why?
Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 16:02
Selam/ wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 15:16
Asmara - No question Eritrea is capable of securing its borders. But that’s not enough. The west will turn every stone on earth to destabilize HOA and create a proxy war using our own people & neighbors. The case of Somalia for example will not only affect Mogadishu, but also Addis Ababa. They will do everything to support insurgency from every angle & install a puppet government whether it’s in Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan or Eritrea. Do you think a destabilization in Ogaden would affect only Ethiopia? It will affect Djibouti & Eritrea as well. So, if Eritrea & Ethiopia are able to cooperate military to destroy TPLF thugs, they can equally collaborate with other HOA countries to protect the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. I don’t understand why you are okay with accommodating non-regional powers but not your immediate neighbors? If US has a joint naval base with South Korea in Mainland Asia to counter China & North Korea, I don’t see a reason why East Africans can’t collaborate?

You asked about GERD. Yes, if Eritrea is getting electricity from the dam or has any other interest on it, a military alliance with Ethiopia makes sense to me in order to protect the dam from terrorists.
Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 11:47

With all due respect, who said Eritrea is incapable of safeguarding its coastal line? Would it also be appropriate to offer the Sudan the same package, as you are suggesting to Eritrea. If Eritrea was able to secure its part of the Red Sea in the last 30 years under harsh conditions (wars, sanctions etc) on its own, why does it need a hand now? Eritrea can only get stronger as time progresses and as its nemesis (mainly TPLF) are decisively defeated and vanished from the Horn. Rest assured Eritrea is well versed and strong enough to protect its territory and beyond. After all, lets not have short memories, isn't Eritrea the sole contributor for the near collapse of TPLF as we see it today? If Ethio needs help lets know (lol).
We are all for cooperation in many spheres of the economy including trade, tourism, education, transportation etc, but sovereignty and territorial integrity of our respective nations should be non-negotiable. We don't want to repeat the same mistake our clean-hearted forefathers made by ushering Haileselasie into Eritrea and what followed after.
Selam - you are such a reasonable and honest guy unlike Horus and/or Kibramlak who resort to name calling when he/they lose(s) arguments. I undestand where you are coming from but imho it is way more complex than the examples you mentioned. S. Korea could seek support from America to fend off attacks from N. Korea and rightly so invite America into their country because that is the only option S. Korea has. On the other hand, if Ameica wants to destabilise the Horn a combined Naval Force you seem to suggest is not going to stop that from happening, hence why Eritreans see this idea/plan with suspicion. Why doesn't Ethiopia ask Djoubuoti or Somaliland for a base and everyone will be happy?

As to why Eritreans (at least in this forum) are comfortable with inviting other external forces into Eritrea but not Ethiopia, i am sorry but this is a stupid question. It is a matter of interest. Inviting UAE would be more beneficial to Eritrea than teaching a baby Naval Force of Ethiopia.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Kuasmeda » 31 Dec 2021, 20:16

Horus the moribund Dergist! Eritrea is the only country in Africa that doesn't lease its ports to any nation. Before you wish others territory, you should free yourselves from dependency on others to do your bidding say it the west & the east. Who could forget the role played by your successive regimes during the Cold War. You have the dubious distinction that all your successive regimes in Ethiopia depend on the goodwill of their patrons for their political, economic, and security survival and wellbeing and not on your people’s support and blessings. This culture of dependency isn’t limited to the ruling classes only but to all the elites and the entire Ethiopian population as well. This culture of dependency on white masters led you to consider yourself as colonialists & grab other countries' land.

Eritrea's navy forces consist of a strong naval force and an air force. It is one of the strongest navies in Africa responsible for the security of the entire coastline of Eritrea, (over 1,100 km) as well as the Eritrean territorial waters. That is why peace has been secured in the northern & southern red sea. Eritrea is also the only nation in Africa that is saying enough is enough. It is advocating for the revival of African pride, honor, and dignity. Africans have to demand to be treated as equals. A shared partnership, mutual benefit, and shared responsibility should be the way of the future. Economic cooperation, not aid, and handouts should be the winning formulas for success. The slave master arrangement of the past should be discarded. Africans should support the Eritrean clarion call for action. These could -come true only and only if Africans have the ability and courage to free themselves from their intoxicated colonized mindset.

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Abere » 31 Dec 2021, 20:21


መልካም የምዕራባዊያን አድስ ዓመት ይሁንልህ!!!

ትክክል ነህ 30 ዓመት የተዘራ እንክርዳድ እራስ ሳያዞር በቀላሉ የሚነቀል አረም አይደለም። በአንድ ጀምበር ታርሞ አያልቅም ይገባኛል። እስኪ ቀና ቀና የሚያስቡትን ሰዎች በጠቀስከው የምክክር ዲያሎግ አባል እግዜር እጁን አስገብቶ ይምረጣቸው ። ጠማሞች ከገቡበት እንደገና ለጠማማ እድል አገሪቱን እንዳይዳርጓትም ፍራቻ አለኝ። በዚህ ዘመን ትልቁ ድህነታችን የሞራል ብቃት የሌላቸው ሰዎች ስለበረከቱ ነው። አሁን በቅርቡ እንደ ሰማነው ስማቸውን ደብቀው አገራዊ የእርቅ መዝገብ ብለው ወያኔዎቹ ተደብቀው መጥተው ነበር። ሲፈተሽ ግን የኮሪደር ፍለጋ ነበር። እናም ይሄ አገራዊ ዲያሎግ በተኩላዎች እንዳይነጠቅ እና ያለ አስፈላጊ ህጋዊ ሽፋን እንዳይሰጠው ጸሎታችን ይሁን። በእውነቱ ኢትዮጵያ ሁሉ ሙሉ የሆነች አገር ናት። ዳር እና ዳሯ እረመጥ መሀሏ ገነት የተመሰልች አገር ነች። የወደፊቱ ዘመን የሚፈልጋቸው የተፈጥሮ እና የስነ ህዝብ ግብዓት በእጅጉ ያላት አገር። በዘመነ ክላውድ (cloud) ቴክኖሎጅ በዘመነ ሶላር (solar) በዘመን ንጹህ ውሃ (freshwater) በዝናም ምርት (rainfed agriculture) ሰፊ ግብይይት ወዘተ ልዩ ቦታ ይኖራታል ባይ ነኝ። ኢትዮጵያ እጅግ ተፈላጊ አገር ከመሆኗ አንጻር የወደፊቱ የፓለቲካ ቅያስ በደንብ ሊሰራበት ይገባል። እንድሁ በሆሆይታ እንዳይሆን። የጎሳ ግለት የውሳኔ የምርጫ ክሽፈት እንዳያስከትል ምኞታችን ይሁን። መንግስት የሚደረጉትን ብሄራዊ : አህጉራዊ እንድሁም አለም አቀፋዊ ግንኝነቶች እና የውል አግባቦች ለህዝብ ተጠያቂ በሆነ መንገድ ማሳወቅ ይገባዋል(Transparency)። ነገሮች እየተሸፋፈኑ ብዙ ጊዜ ተጎድተናል - በተለይ በዘመነ ወያኔ።
Horus wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 16:50
Well, societies must chew gum and walk at the same. All of these ideas are processes when they come to practice. Abere - the eradication of the tribal order is being done in every aspect of its manifestation but it is a process. It will take time. Tribalኢስም is an idea, it is belief, it is አን ideology. Eradicating these require changing minds as well as material, institutional changes. እነዚህ ሁሉ ግዜ ይወስዳሉ፣ ግን በግዜያቸው ይፈጸማሉ። አሁን የብሄራዊ ዳያሎግ ነጻ ኮሚሽን ተቋቅሟል፤ ቀጥሎ የሪፎርሞቹ ዝርዝር እንከታተል ። የትግሬ ጦርነት በአጭር ግዜ ሙሉ በሙሉ አይሞትም ፣ ቀውሱ አያቆምም። በአንድ ቃል የትግሬን ጉዳይ እየፈታች በተመሳሳይ ግዜ ጎን ለጎን የቀሩት ያገር ግምባታና እድገት ማካሄድ አለባት ። መስቲካ እያኘኩ መራመድ ማለት ያ ነው ። እስትራተጂክ ይሆኑ ችግሮች እስካሉብን ድረስ የፈረሰው ት/ቤት ቢገነባ ሽፍታ ተመልሶ መጥቶ ያፈሰዋል። ባንድ ቃል ሁሉም የተያያዙ ናቸውና ባቅማችን ልክ ሁሉም መስኮች ትኩረት ያሻቸዋል።

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Horus » 31 Dec 2021, 23:55

ለአንተም መልካም አዲስ ይሁንልህ!

አሁን በያዝነው ወቅት በሁኔታዎች ተገደውም ሆነ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ስልጣን ላይ ያሉት ብልጽግናዎች በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ለማስተዳደር ፍቱን የሆነው ፎርሙላ አግኝተውታል ... ያ ፎርሙላ የኢትዮጵያን አንድነት አስከብሮ፣ ኢትዮጵያን ከፍ ማድረግ ነው ። የቀድሞ ሰራዊትና የቀድሞ ምሁራን፣ ልሂቃን ወደ መንግስት መጠራታቸው አንድ እርምጃ ወደ ፊት ነው። አሁን የቀራቸው አኩራፊ ኦሮሞ ልሂቃንን ማስተካከል ነው ። በመሰረቱ ሸኔን ትጥቅ ማስፈታት ነው ። ከዚያ አልፎ ያለው ያው መደበኛ የግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች የስልጣን ፉክክር ነው። ያ ደሞ ምንም ማለት አይደለም ። አሁን ማንም ሰው ይበልጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ እንጂ ያነሰ ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆን ሰው ፊት አይቀርብም ። ይህ እጅግ ግዙፉ የዘመናችን ለውጥ ነው ። ማንም ፖለቲከኛ ኢትዮጵያን ጠልቶ ስልጣን አይደለም፣ ፖለቲካ አጠገብ አይደርስም ። በጣም ነቅተን መከታተል ያለብን የአገራዊ መግባባቱ ምን እንደ ሚመስል ነው።

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Abere » 01 Jan 2022, 12:54


ትክክል ብለሃል - ከዚህ የተሻለ ጊዜም አማራጭ ዕድልም የለም። አገራችን በእኛ ዕድሜ እንኳን ስንት መልካም አጋጣሚዎችን አበላሽታለች። ይህኛው አጋጣሚ ከባለፉት ተምሮ ውጤታማ ማድረግ ነው። በንቃት ሁሉ ዜጋ ገንቢ በሆነ መልኩ መከታተል አለበት። በተጨማሪም ነቅተን መከታተል ያለብን የውጭ ፍላጎት ተጽዕኖነው። የችግሮቹ ድርሻ ባለቤቶች/Stakeholders/ እኛ ስለሆንን ውይይቱ የእኛን ፍላጎት እና ዘላቂ ጥቅም ማስከበር ብቻ ነው ያለበት። አንበሳ ያደነውን ጅብ ይጎበኘዋል እንድሉ በአጋጣሚው ዙሪያ ሊያንዣብቡ የሚችሉ በርካታ የውጭ ተዋንያን የውስጥ ሰው ተጠቅመው ድግስ ሊያበላሹ እንዳይችሉ ማድረግ አለብን። ብዙ መስዋእትነት ያመጣውን አጋጣሚ በሰከነ፣በተጠና እና አሳታፊ በሆነ መንገድ ይጠናቀቅ ዘንድ የሆላችን ምኞት ይሁን።
Horus wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 23:55
ለአንተም መልካም አዲስ ይሁንልህ!

አሁን በያዝነው ወቅት በሁኔታዎች ተገደውም ሆነ በራሳቸው ፍቃድ ስልጣን ላይ ያሉት ብልጽግናዎች በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ለማስተዳደር ፍቱን የሆነው ፎርሙላ አግኝተውታል ... ያ ፎርሙላ የኢትዮጵያን አንድነት አስከብሮ፣ ኢትዮጵያን ከፍ ማድረግ ነው ። የቀድሞ ሰራዊትና የቀድሞ ምሁራን፣ ልሂቃን ወደ መንግስት መጠራታቸው አንድ እርምጃ ወደ ፊት ነው። አሁን የቀራቸው አኩራፊ ኦሮሞ ልሂቃንን ማስተካከል ነው ። በመሰረቱ ሸኔን ትጥቅ ማስፈታት ነው ። ከዚያ አልፎ ያለው ያው መደበኛ የግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች የስልጣን ፉክክር ነው። ያ ደሞ ምንም ማለት አይደለም ። አሁን ማንም ሰው ይበልጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ እንጂ ያነሰ ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆን ሰው ፊት አይቀርብም ። ይህ እጅግ ግዙፉ የዘመናችን ለውጥ ነው ። ማንም ፖለቲከኛ ኢትዮጵያን ጠልቶ ስልጣን አይደለም፣ ፖለቲካ አጠገብ አይደርስም ። በጣም ነቅተን መከታተል ያለብን የአገራዊ መግባባቱ ምን እንደ ሚመስል ነው።

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Joined: 03 Jan 2019, 02:05

Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Merhano » 01 Jan 2022, 23:10

Sensitive issue!
I don't see any reason why Eritrea would refuse cooperation in all fields including defence.
At this point we are fighting with the brotherly Ethiopian defence forces, Amara and Afar special forces shoulder to shoulder against the Junta TPLF.

Horus, PIA stated that we are one people, and no one can label the two people as different. So please don't mind some of the half baked opinions given by some forumers. Their opinions are in stark contrast to what our leadership believe. And they are not sanctioned by PFDJ.

To the extent of our cooperation, the sky is the limit.
quindibu wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:06
kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
:roll: :roll:

Why don't you tell us first which part of the Red Sea you own and we talk about the possibility of that 'cooperation' you seek, and at the same time help the 'hypocrite' Asmara 'to calm down'?

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by kibramlak » 02 Jan 2022, 01:18

አልሰሜን ግባ በሉት እንዳይሆንብህ ነገሩ፣ የእሸባሪው ህውሀት ቅሬት የባህር በር ያስፈልገኛል ሲል በየት በኩል ማለቱ እንደሆነ እና እነማን ከጀርባው እንደሚገፉ መገመት ካልቻልክ እንደገና ማሰብ ያስፈልግሀል፣፣ ሳማንታ ፓወር የተባለችው በተረአዶ ስም ለጦርነት መሬት በመጥረግ የምትታወቀው ባንድ ወቅት የኤርትራን ወደብ መጠቀም አማራጭ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ፍንጭ ሰታ ነበር፣፣ ቆም ብለህ አስብ፣ ለምን ይመስልሀል አሜሪካ ያን አካባቢ ነክሳ የያዘችው? ዋናው ታርጌቷ ኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ ነው፣፣ ለዚህ ደግሞ ሶስቱ ጎረቤት ሀገሮች የጀመረት መግባባት ለነአሜሪካ አልጣማቸውም፣ አካባቢውን ለመቆጣጠር ኢትዮጵያን እና ኤርትራን ታርጌት ማድረግ ይኖርባቸዋል፣፣
ለዚህ ቀድሞ መዘጋጀቱ እሚከፋ አይመስለኝም፣፣ አወ ኤርትራ ራሷን የመከላከል ብቃት ሊኖራት ይችላል በጋራ መከላከሉ ደግሞ የበለጠ ይሆናል፣ የባንዳ አጋሜዎችንም ህልም ይቀብራል፣፣ እንዳው አያድርስ እንጅ የኤርትራ ባንዳዎች (በወያኔ የሚደገፉት) በለስ ቀንቷቸው ስልጣን ቢይዙ ኤርትራን አንደሚሸጡ አትጥፕራጠር፣፣ ምክንያቱም ወያኔ ክብርን ለስልጣን ማድርግ እሚችለውን ምድራዊ ሰይጣናዊ ስራ ከማድረግ አይመለስም፣፣
ከዛ ውጭ ግን አንዳንድ ድቂቅ እና ኢምንት የፖለቲካ ድሪቶወች ካልሆኑ በስተቀር 99% ኢትዮጵያዊ በሚያስብል መልኩ ስለ ኤርትራ የውስጥ ጉዳይ ምንም ፍላጎትም የለው፣ መስማትን አይፈልግ እንኳንስ ገብቶ ሊፈተፍት ፣፣
PS: ሆረስ አደለሁም እይምታታብህ

Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:30
kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
Horus - why are you using your second/third nickname to reply? Is it to avoid answering the questions we put forward to you? Or are you a spokesperson for Horus ? :lol:
Can you find a single Eritrean in this forum alone who would agree with your "noble" idea? Thank you for your concern but Eritrea is well prepared to safeguard its territory, be it the land, air or sea. All we need in the Horn is mutual respect, neighbourly co-existance and harmony. ከዚህ ፈንከት ማለት ወደ ሰላስ ኣመቱን ቀውስ መመልስ ማለት ነው። ገባህ ክብረኣምላክ?

Posts: 1364
Joined: 11 Aug 2018, 07:41

Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Sabur » 03 Jan 2022, 00:47


Let Eritreans FIRST decide what is good for Eritreans. It is because of the principle based stand that Eritreans achieved their rightful independence.

Eritreans never waiver from their principled stand during good and bad times.

Case in point is Somalia . When Junta lead Ethiopian Army committed genocide on the Ethiopian Somalis and invaded Somalia at the behest of the US order, None of you have stood to say "it is wrong"; in fact most of you were cheering and applauding. But Eritreans stood with the people of Somalia to resolve their issues by themselves.

If it had not been for Principled stand, Eritrea could have accepted the myriad Junta's begging to make peace with Eritrea after they were chased out of power and would have easily collaborated with Junta.

By the same token Eritreans will never entertain this kind sinister idea that repeatedly floats from the Old Prostitute Horus since his plan is plain Evil. I wonder if any one of you would care about regional economic cooperation if Eritrea was land locked and Ethiopia was bordered by the Red Sea.

The Eritrean People principled stand is still for peace to prevail in the region so that all countries, big and small, in the Horn can enjoy the dividend of Peace and own their future of regional economic cooperation through agreements that respect every country's sovereignty.

Again, Let Eritreans FIRST decide what is good for Eritreans.

kibramlak wrote:
02 Jan 2022, 01:18
አልሰሜን ግባ በሉት እንዳይሆንብህ ነገሩ፣ የእሸባሪው ህውሀት ቅሬት የባህር በር ያስፈልገኛል ሲል በየት በኩል ማለቱ እንደሆነ እና እነማን ከጀርባው እንደሚገፉ መገመት ካልቻልክ እንደገና ማሰብ ያስፈልግሀል፣፣ ሳማንታ ፓወር የተባለችው በተረአዶ ስም ለጦርነት መሬት በመጥረግ የምትታወቀው ባንድ ወቅት የኤርትራን ወደብ መጠቀም አማራጭ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ፍንጭ ሰታ ነበር፣፣ ቆም ብለህ አስብ፣ ለምን ይመስልሀል አሜሪካ ያን አካባቢ ነክሳ የያዘችው? ዋናው ታርጌቷ ኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ ነው፣፣ ለዚህ ደግሞ ሶስቱ ጎረቤት ሀገሮች የጀመረት መግባባት ለነአሜሪካ አልጣማቸውም፣ አካባቢውን ለመቆጣጠር ኢትዮጵያን እና ኤርትራን ታርጌት ማድረግ ይኖርባቸዋል፣፣
ለዚህ ቀድሞ መዘጋጀቱ እሚከፋ አይመስለኝም፣፣ አወ ኤርትራ ራሷን የመከላከል ብቃት ሊኖራት ይችላል በጋራ መከላከሉ ደግሞ የበለጠ ይሆናል፣ የባንዳ አጋሜዎችንም ህልም ይቀብራል፣፣ እንዳው አያድርስ እንጅ የኤርትራ ባንዳዎች (በወያኔ የሚደገፉት) በለስ ቀንቷቸው ስልጣን ቢይዙ ኤርትራን አንደሚሸጡ አትጥፕራጠር፣፣ ምክንያቱም ወያኔ ክብርን ለስልጣን ማድርግ እሚችለውን ምድራዊ ሰይጣናዊ ስራ ከማድረግ አይመለስም፣፣
ከዛ ውጭ ግን አንዳንድ ድቂቅ እና ኢምንት የፖለቲካ ድሪቶወች ካልሆኑ በስተቀር 99% ኢትዮጵያዊ በሚያስብል መልኩ ስለ ኤርትራ የውስጥ ጉዳይ ምንም ፍላጎትም የለው፣ መስማትን አይፈልግ እንኳንስ ገብቶ ሊፈተፍት ፣፣
PS: ሆረስ አደለሁም እይምታታብህ

Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:30
kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
Horus - why are you using your second/third nickname to reply? Is it to avoid answering the questions we put forward to you? Or are you a spokesperson for Horus ? :lol:
Can you find a single Eritrean in this forum alone who would agree with your "noble" idea? Thank you for your concern but Eritrea is well prepared to safeguard its territory, be it the land, air or sea. All we need in the Horn is mutual respect, neighbourly co-existance and harmony. ከዚህ ፈንከት ማለት ወደ ሰላስ ኣመቱን ቀውስ መመልስ ማለት ነው። ገባህ ክብረኣምላክ?

Posts: 1404
Joined: 24 May 2007, 05:09

Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Asmara » 03 Jan 2022, 10:26


As usual, your response to the likes of Horus or Kibramlak is spot on. The 5 million Eritreans need to decide what type of cooperation they need to develop not only with Ethiopia but any country in the region or beyond for that matter. Part of the Red Sea belongs to Eritrea and only Eritreans can decide what to do with it. Eritrea doesn't need Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia or Uganda to secure the part of the Red Sea it owns. Charity begins at home as they say... Ethiopians have a lot to worry about in their internal securities and would be better off dealing with this rather than streching their energy to the limit.

Posts: 5317
Joined: 04 Jun 2013, 22:23

Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Temt » 03 Jan 2022, 12:33

Sabur wrote:
03 Jan 2022, 00:47

Let Eritreans FIRST decide what is good for Eritreans. It is because of the principle based stand that Eritreans achieved their rightful independence.

Eritreans never waiver from their principled stand during good and bad times.

Case in point is Somalia . When Junta lead Ethiopian Army committed genocide on the Ethiopian Somalis and invaded Somalia at the behest of the US order, None of you have stood to say "it is wrong"; in fact most of you were cheering and applauding. But Eritreans stood with the people of Somalia to resolve their issues by themselves.

If it had not been for Principled stand, Eritrea could have accepted the myriad Junta's begging to make peace with Eritrea after they were chased out of power and would have easily collaborated with Junta.

By the same token Eritreans will never entertain this kind sinister idea that repeatedly floats from the Old Prostitute Horus since his plan is plain Evil. I wonder if any one of you would care about regional economic cooperation if Eritrea was land locked and Ethiopia was bordered by the Red Sea.

The Eritrean People principled stand is still for peace to prevail in the region so that all countries, big and small, in the Horn can enjoy the dividend of Peace and own their future of regional economic cooperation through agreements that respect every country's sovereignty.

Again, Let Eritreans FIRST decide what is good for Eritreans.

kibramlak wrote:
02 Jan 2022, 01:18
አልሰሜን ግባ በሉት እንዳይሆንብህ ነገሩ፣ የእሸባሪው ህውሀት ቅሬት የባህር በር ያስፈልገኛል ሲል በየት በኩል ማለቱ እንደሆነ እና እነማን ከጀርባው እንደሚገፉ መገመት ካልቻልክ እንደገና ማሰብ ያስፈልግሀል፣፣ ሳማንታ ፓወር የተባለችው በተረአዶ ስም ለጦርነት መሬት በመጥረግ የምትታወቀው ባንድ ወቅት የኤርትራን ወደብ መጠቀም አማራጭ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ፍንጭ ሰታ ነበር፣፣ ቆም ብለህ አስብ፣ ለምን ይመስልሀል አሜሪካ ያን አካባቢ ነክሳ የያዘችው? ዋናው ታርጌቷ ኢትዮጵያ እና ኤርትራ ነው፣፣ ለዚህ ደግሞ ሶስቱ ጎረቤት ሀገሮች የጀመረት መግባባት ለነአሜሪካ አልጣማቸውም፣ አካባቢውን ለመቆጣጠር ኢትዮጵያን እና ኤርትራን ታርጌት ማድረግ ይኖርባቸዋል፣፣
ለዚህ ቀድሞ መዘጋጀቱ እሚከፋ አይመስለኝም፣፣ አወ ኤርትራ ራሷን የመከላከል ብቃት ሊኖራት ይችላል በጋራ መከላከሉ ደግሞ የበለጠ ይሆናል፣ የባንዳ አጋሜዎችንም ህልም ይቀብራል፣፣ እንዳው አያድርስ እንጅ የኤርትራ ባንዳዎች (በወያኔ የሚደገፉት) በለስ ቀንቷቸው ስልጣን ቢይዙ ኤርትራን አንደሚሸጡ አትጥፕራጠር፣፣ ምክንያቱም ወያኔ ክብርን ለስልጣን ማድርግ እሚችለውን ምድራዊ ሰይጣናዊ ስራ ከማድረግ አይመለስም፣፣
ከዛ ውጭ ግን አንዳንድ ድቂቅ እና ኢምንት የፖለቲካ ድሪቶወች ካልሆኑ በስተቀር 99% ኢትዮጵያዊ በሚያስብል መልኩ ስለ ኤርትራ የውስጥ ጉዳይ ምንም ፍላጎትም የለው፣ መስማትን አይፈልግ እንኳንስ ገብቶ ሊፈተፍት ፣፣
PS: ሆረስ አደለሁም እይምታታብህ

Asmara wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 13:30
kibramlak wrote:
31 Dec 2021, 12:42
Asmera, calm down. No Ethiopians has any appetite in the internal affairs of Eritrea. I think Horus is pointing out about possible cooperation to counter foreign enemies. You are hypocritical that you seem comfortable by the presence of distant countries. ግን የሸባሪው የአጋሜ ውላጅ ሳትሆን አትቀርም
Horus - why are you using your second/third nickname to reply? Is it to avoid answering the questions we put forward to you? Or are you a spokesperson for Horus ? :lol:
Can you find a single Eritrean in this forum alone who would agree with your "noble" idea? Thank you for your concern but Eritrea is well prepared to safeguard its territory, be it the land, air or sea. All we need in the Horn is mutual respect, neighbourly co-existance and harmony. ከዚህ ፈንከት ማለት ወደ ሰላስ ኣመቱን ቀውስ መመልስ ማለት ነው። ገባህ ክብረኣምላክ?
Wow, an amazing, honest, and to-the-point analysis. Thank you Sabur! As my Eritrean brothers have eloquently stated above, the sooner our Ethiopian brothers and sisters stop hallucinating about Eritrean assets, the better it is for the wellbeing of both of our countries. I am saying this, not because we have anything that we owe Ethiopia, but we have long decided that let bygones be bygones and opted to live side by side as good-neighborly people for our mutual benefit. What is it that some Ethiopians apparently believe that Eritrea is doing this, not as a sign of friendship, but as a sign of weakness?
Will, it ever get in the minds of the likes of Horus that if Eritrea needs any assistance from any country including unstable Ethiopia, the request should be made from Eritrea and Eritrea alone? What is so difficult to understand such a basic human interaction? When are some Ethiopian bozos going to stop the "We know what is good for you" bogus mentality?
Lastly, as stupid as the idea of having naval forces for a landlocked country is, may I suggest for the crazy Ethiopians that they have many options of satisfying their ego by talking to Sudan, Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Kenya, etc, The sky is the limit. I am mentioning these territories for they all possess seaports and are bordering Ethiopia with straddling ethnicity just like Eritrea. No more no less. Leave Eritrea alone for Eritrea has never sought your "assistance" and Eritrea is not bothered to even respond to your silly perpetual daydreams. Just ask the criminal Weyanes where they are now after their never-ending evil deeds against Eritrea!

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Meleket » 06 Jan 2022, 03:35

"የኢትዮጵያ ባህር ኃይል" ታሪክ ሲፈተሽ! 1962 G.C

ወያኔዎቹን “ኣፈር ልሰን ተነስተናል” ሲሉ ሰምተናቸው ነበር። :lol: ሲሉ ሰምታ እንዲሉ . . .

እነ ዘበርጋ እነ በለጠ እነ በቀለ፡ እነ ኩራባቸው፡ እነ ሽዋንዳኝ፡ እነ ልዑልሰገድ፡ እነ ኣዝብጤ፡ እነ መገርሳ፡ እነ ፈይሳ፡ እነ ገመቹ፡ እነ ዘበርጋ ጭምር “እኛም የቀይባህርን ጨው ልሰን ልንነሳ እያለምን ነው” ሲሉ ሰማናቸው። :mrgreen:

ለማንኛዉም 'ከጦቢያዉ ባህር ኃይል' ፋይል በጥቂቱ ተቀንጭቦ ሲመዘዝ ይህን ይመስላል፡ አልኳሉ ላይ ዘበርጋ የለ በለጠ የለ በቀለ የለ ኩራባቸው የለ ሽዋንዳኝ የለ ልዑልሰገድ የለ መገርሳ የለ ፈይሳ የለ ገመቹ የለ ችሮስ የለ አነንያ የለ . . .



Published by the Government of Eritrea on the Authority of H.E the Chief Executive


Capt. S. BRAATHEN – [Naval Officer in charge (NOIC) Massawa]
Cdr. INGE THORP –[Executive Officer H.S.I.N.B.]
Cdr. R. ANDRESEN – [Head of Supply Dep.]
Lt. W.R. SCHOLZ –[Training Officer N.Coll]
Lt. cdr. T NILSEN – [Training Officer N.Po School Training Officer N. Rating school]
Professor P.HOEL – [Head of Academic Sec.]
Lt cdr. N HANSEN – [Head of Engineering Electrical Dep.]
Lt. K.E. STROEM-PEDERSEN – [Head of Weapon/Shipwright Dept.]
Lt. B. ERIKSEN – [Head of Supply Dep.]
Dr. N. AANESEN – [Head of Medical Dept.]
Lt. cdr. R.G DUE ANDERSEN – [Base Maintenance Officer]
Lt. B JOHANSEN – [Duty Officer]
Lt. R. STOLPESTAD – [Wardroom Officers Mess C.O]

በነኝህ “ነጮች” የተመለመለውን የጦቢያ ባህር ኃይል ነው፡ ያገሬ ቆፍጣኖቹ የባህር ቀበሮዎች ድባቅ በመምታት ናቫልቤዙንም ጭምር ድምጥማጡን ኣጥፍተው፡ ባህራቸውን ሙሉ በሙሉ የተቆጣጠሩት ጀግኖቹ የኤርትራ ባህር ኃይሎች!

ክብር ለኤርትራ የምድር የአየርና የባህር ኃይል!!!!!

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Re: WHAT ARE YOUR NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR? የእኔ ሃሳብ፡ የኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ባህር ሃይል

Post by Horus » 18 Feb 2022, 17:02

እኔ ሆረስ የወረወርኩት ትንቢት መሬት ላይ ጠብ አይልም ! ኤቦ ዬቦ !!

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