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Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Blueshift » 12 Aug 2021, 09:28

Many Eritreans, including a couple of the my relatives defend the Eritrean government based on the ineffectiveness of the opposition. The problem with this irrationality is, all opposition come from all sides. Some of the opposition could even be worse. That is to be expected. But, to support dictatorial government that suffocated practically everything is not only wrong but stupidity. Here is a government that never gave an aura of freedom to the people. A government that controls the youth through war camps almost all of their lives. The people Eritrea have never gotten the chance to choose their own government since independence. The government that loves war. The youth who get sacrificed for the war that does not benefit their country or people. A one man government that is so secretive, no telling what the top guy is signing. This is independence ? :twisted: The tedemrenal crowd, shut up. You are the worst enemy of the Eritrean people and worse, the martyrs. You are the garbage of history. No single man is bigger than the people.
Last edited by Blueshift on 12 Aug 2021, 11:53, edited 1 time in total.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Noble Amhara » 12 Aug 2021, 09:43

Isaias Afwerkay would be a great president for Amhara region :mrgreen: :P :lol:

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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Zmeselo » 12 Aug 2021, 10:00

The so called off position is sell out, ineffective & generally unknown in the Eritrean body politic & asking the people to discard the govt (whether or not they agree or diagree with the assesement) is tantamount to telling them to opt to being Stateless a-la Chgray Republic. Especially, when the country is being continiously harrassed by powerful foreign entities.

The so called "war camp" (Sawa), saved the country from the leeches in Chgray from marching straight to Asmara in 1998 & is still keeping them in check within their miserable killil. Viva Sawa!!!

Which war, Eritrea has been part of doesn't benefit the country? The war with Yemen, Djibouti & weyane Chgray ruled Ethiopia? All those wars have been to protect the sovereignty of the nation. Only an enemy who lost, sees no benefit in that.

Telling someone to "shut up" is a clear sign, what a perfect democratic State the off position wants to build.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Digital Weyane » 12 Aug 2021, 10:24

ኡኔ ቦጣም ዮሚገርመኝ፡ ላለፉት 20 አመታት የኤርትራ ተቃዋሚዎች ተመስለው ሲንቀሳቀሱ የነበሩ የአሸባሪው ወያኔ ጁንታ ካድሬዎች፣ ዛሬ በውድቀት ላይ ውድቀት፣ በሽንፈት ላይ ሽንፈት እየደራረቡ፡ ያ የተሸነፉበት ጣታቸውን ቀስረው ኤርትራ ላይ ያነጣጠረው የስም ማጥፋትና ጥላሸት የመቀባት የፕሮፓጋንዳ ዘመቻቸው ሲቀጥሉበት ኡንደ አንድ ትግራዋይ ሆነህ ስታየው ኡጅግ ከማሳፈሩ እና ከማሳዘኑም በላይ በአስተሳሰብ ደረጃ ተጋሩ ሙን ያህል ማነሳችንን ማሳያ ነው። Blueshift ብሎ ራሱ የሚጠራው ጁንታ ዎንድሜ ቦጣም ያሳዝነኛል። ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Blueshift » 12 Aug 2021, 11:48

Digital weyane aka Fiyameta aka Revolution Aka Abdissa the Oromo dude wanna be,
Yes. ተደምረሃል :lol: :lol:


Yes, Isayas could be your (Amhara) President. He is your hero. He is giving the key to Abbiy the weasel :evil:

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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by YAY » 12 Aug 2021, 12:25

Dear Blueshifty: Yes it is independence
You do have a misguided understanding of political independence, I believe. The political independence of a country is not determined by the type of government, or the level of its democratization, etc. that country has.The only thing that matters, according to international law, is that it has a government from within its resident population. That government could be a monarchy (the dictatorship of one king, queen, emperor), democratic (the dictatorship of the multitude), republican (the dictatorship of the representatives of the electors of the people), aristocratic (the dictatorship of the best few), etc.

If you believe what you are propagating, I think, it would be best if you work among the people of Eritrea. Go ahead and teach your political assessment, organize them and mobilize them to act following your way of thinking. Let us see if you will end up in success or failure. Stop shifting from a TPLF lover to an Eritrean people's lover.
Blueshift wrote:
12 Aug 2021, 09:28
Many Eritreans, including a couple of the my relatives defend the Eritrean government based on the ineffectiveness of the opposition. The problem with this irrationality is, all opposition come from all sides. Some of the opposition could even be worse. That is to be expected. But, to support dictatorial government that suffocated practically everything is not only wrong but stupidity. Here is a government that never gave an aura of freedom to the people. A government that controls the youth through war camps almost all of their lives. The people Eritrea have never gotten the chance to choose their own government since independence. The government that loves war. The youth who get sacrificed for the war that does not benefit their country or people. A one man government that is so secretive, no telling what the top guy is signing. This is independence ? :twisted: The tedemrenal crowd, shut up. You are the worst enemy of the Eritrean people and worse, the martyrs. You are the garbage of history. No single man is bigger than the people.

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Re: Justifying dictatorship on the ineffectiveness of the opposition

Post by Blueshift » 12 Aug 2021, 13:07


Yay, you are getting ruddiy ruddiy ruddiy. TPLF is the scape goat till Eritrea is anuuled altogether. TPLF is Ethiopian problem shi_it head. :twisted:

You always find an excuse for your case. Independence under strict dictatorship that owns your life is not really what our martyrs died for. Not the North Korea kind but the South Korea type that was promised to the gullible. Not a dictatorlship that Isayas gives a key to a former colonizer. Not a government that enslaves the youth to a war camp. Not a government that does not know how to develop the country but fight wars under the sovereignity excuse, Not a government that does not disclose anything it signs with another country. No freedom of press, no freedom speech, No freedom of anything. Yay, please don't tell me what to do and what not to do. The Tedemrenal kind have nothing to offer but squander our hard earned independence on a shiny platter. 40% reduction of the population since independence, that is enslavement not independence.

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