Most of the amiches and Jihadis here acting as Isaias cadres are driven by hate of woyane and have no more feelings for the suffering of the Eritrean people. Some of us have relatives and friends in the front lines and hearing the news of war that involves Eritrea is a headache yehmimena eyu
I bet you with the exception of Zmeselo, the other wannabe cadres here are just like you banned from doing any thing in Eritrea refugees on welfare, who mostly have no relatives left in Eritrea, since most of them are old their grown kids married non Eritreans... they are lost and don’t have a future plan in Eritrea... they defend the dictator and suffering of our people with no care... just to satisfy their ego and hate of the dead tplf which is still not dead in their little brain 🧠
Driven by an ego and hate...with no care for the Eritrean people or future But don’t mind them Uncle issu with all his domestic failures does not think like his wannabe be his cadres here. So there’s no war that will involve Eritrea, remember Ethiopian soldiers liberated badme and handed it over to us... no need to spill Eritrean blood
(I suspect a fake news here that Eritrea is going to war with Sudan)
Sudan Ethiopia yibalia niana ayntaynan eyu