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Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Afdeyu » 26 Dec 2020, 19:29

The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

Posts: 4282
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 26 Dec 2020, 19:49

PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.

Posts: 9582
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sun » 26 Dec 2020, 20:38

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:49
PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.

Hmm... :P

Ethiopian politics have always been identity politics. During the rule of the kings it was amhara identity that ruled and cooked while the identities of others have been cvnningly hidden and destroyed. the Name Dandana Ayana destroyed (hidden) and Amhara name identity, Tilahun Gessesse imposed. Oromo name, Magarsa badhaasa, hidden (destroyed) and Abuna Petros, Amhara identity imposed. Oromo name, Gebremariam Gaari, destroyed and amhara idnetity indicator, Gebremariam retained. Oromo place name identity, Bushhooftu, destroyed, while Amhara name identity, Debrezeit imposed. Oromo place name identity, Ambo destroyed and replaced by amhara name identity, Hagerehiwet, and list goes very long way.

I (Sun) am not saying this for the sake of creating divisive ideas but for the sake of bring balance and sober sanity to the current one sided fanatic feudal type cadre barking as if their recommendations make any sense for the majority what so ever. If Ethiopia has had it so good under the feudal unitary dictatirship then why did the country succumbed to spiraling violence and the mass shootings of the Imperial to leaderships by chairman Mengistu HaileMariam?

So why call on Abiy to destroy federalism on your behalf and bring back centralized unitary dictatorship just to empower amhara extremists when it should be the same amhara extremists who should do that job, if they can since currently this same extremists are getting hallucinated and hypnotized by the euphoria of the tplf collapse as well as lying sky high about Amhara deaths all over the places when in fact all of those deaths include Oromos, Gurages, Amharas , Agaws and other Ethiopians such as the Shinashas who died more than the number of Amharas themselves. This means that the amara extremists make dirty fake politics even out of human deaths. Hopefully moderate amharas could correct these intoxicated pathological lair propagandist pigs. :P

Change or no change it needs to come based on the existing law of the land and with the participation of all concerned Ethiopians and their two third informed clear majority. It should not be only the vocal and noisy absentee elites shouting from across the sea. Not even only the few percent urban elites but also the some 80% rural population needs to participate actively in such issues if the issue ever comes to the front.

Can then the solution be one language, one religion (orthodox) one language (amharic) one flag(Limuxx) one absolute king (king Solomon of Israel or Menelik 1st) under which all of these 80+ nations and nationalities be crushed and forcefully glued together to be called the new vibrant healthy mamma Ethiopia against whom both the tplf, eplf and all the others rebelled violently and brought about the current system?

I am only asking this question because I am not a politician and don't wish to see another round of surging violent revolutions against the anticipated centralized unitary dictatorship being too familiar to all of those former kingdom's elites descendants screaming day and night high and loud to go back to their familiar ancestor's slave trading unitary slave society system?

The best way is to have egalitarian equality and justice for all and even that needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day to start with until such time when the general population comes to understand accepts its true shares and interests as well as understanding and accepting others true interests and fair shares in all aspects of lives and livings.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~George Orwell
Last edited by sun on 26 Dec 2020, 20:59, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 4282
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 26 Dec 2020, 20:48

የቤቤረሰብ የዘር ቦለቲካ መቃወም ወይም ይሔን ሕገመንግስት መተቸት አሐዳዊነት ጨፍላቂነት ወዘተ የሚል ጥሬ ምላሽ የሚሰጡት በብዛት የብሔር ሸቃላዎች ወይም ማሰብ የማይፈልጉ ቤረተኞች ናቸው።

ሕገመንግስቱ ተተግብሮ ፍሬዎቹ ከደንገጎ እስከ ማይካድራና መተከል ያፈራው ታይቷል።በቲዎሪም በአለም የሌለ 100ሚሊዮን ዜጎች ላይ እንደአይጥ የተሞከረ Zenawizm እያሉ ፈረንጆቹ የሚያላግጡበት የTplf OLF project ነው።

አማራጩ አሐዳዊነት ምናምን ሳይሖን ሉአላዊ ግለሰብን ማእከል ያደረገ አዲስ ፖለቲካ አስተዳደር ፍልስፍና ነው።

ሕገመንግስቱ ሳይነካ ለውጥ መጠበቅ ቫይረሱን እየተንከባከቡ በሽታው እንዲጠፋ መመኘት ነው።
የአፈጻጸም ችግርነው የtplf ሕገመንግስቱን አለማክበር ነው የሚሉ የብልጽግናና ሌሎች ብሔረተኞች እባካቹ አስቡበት።
ካልሖነ ዲዛይኑ የተበላሸን የማይበር አውሮብላን ልምድ የለው ባይለት አያበረውም።በተረፈ በአመክንዮ ሳይሖን በ45 አመት የተማሪ ንቅናቄ የነጻውጪ መንፈስ የፌደራሊዝምና የሶሻሊስት ሶሲዮሎጂ እየጠቀሳቹ የምታደናግሩ በተለይ የብልጽግና ደጋፊ መሳይ ምሑራን በግልጹ tplfን ተክተን እንስራ እያላቹ እንደሖነ ተረዱት።


1-ሕገመንግስቱ ሳይስተካከል የብቤረሰብ ታጣቂ ልዩ ሐይል ስርአት ሳይዝ የ115 ጥቃትና ግጭት ፈጻሚዎችና አስፈጻሚዎች ተመርምረው ፍትሕ ርትእ ካሳ እርቀሰላም ሳይወርድ ምርጫ መባሉ ራሱ ግራ ያጋባል። ይታሰብበት።

2-ከምርጫ በፊት የሕግና ፍትሕ ተቋማት ማጠንከር ግድ ነበር። ይታሠብበት!!

3-በግለሰብ ሉአላዊነት ላይ የተመሰረተ ሕገመንግስት።
ሰው ሑሉ በሰውነት ብቻ እኩል የማድረግ በቂ ትምርትና የ30አመት የብሔር ጭቆና ትርክትንና ደም ያስከፈለ አካሔድ የማስተካከል ስራ ያስፈልጋል።የግለሰብ ሰብአዊ የሕይወት ነጻነትና ንብረት መብትን የሚጠብቅ ፖሊስ አቃቤ ሕግ ፍርድ ቤት መጠናከር አለበት።

ፖሊስና የፍርድና ፍትሕ ስርአት እንደ ፌደራል መከላከያ አገራዊ የተማከለ ከዘር ቤርቤረሰብ ፖለቲካና ሐይማኖት የተፋታ የአገሬውን ብሔራዊና ከባቢያዊ ቋንቋ የሚያውቅ ፕሮፌሽናልና በበቂ ተከፋይ ነጻ ተቋም አድርጎ ማደራጀት።ፍትሕ ዘር ሊኖራት አይችልምና።(አሐዳዊ የፍትሕ ስርአት ትክክለኛው መንገድ ነው።ይሔን መቃወም በግልጡ ልጨቁንሕ ልግደልሕ እኔ ካንተ የበለጠ መብት አለኝ የሚል ትርክት ነው።)

4-በመጨረሻ በየ 4-5 አመት ሕግአውጪን በideology party not identity party በዲሞክራሲ መምረጥ።የቤርቤረሰብ ዘር ማንነት የፖለቲካ ፍልስፍና አይደለምና የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ ማደራጃ መስፈርት ሊሖን አይችልም።

5-አስተዳደር በቀበሌ ወረዳ ዞን ክልል ሰው በመረጠው የሚያስተዳድር ያልተማከለ ፌደራል ስርአት መገንባት።ፌደራል አሰተዳደር ድንበርና መሬትን በዘር ቤርቤረሰብ ልዩ ባለቤትነት አለማደራጀት።መስፈርቱም ጂኦግራፊ የአስተዳደር አመቺነት ስታንዳርድ የሕዝብ ቁጥር ታሪክ ቋንቋ ወዘተ ድምር ሊሖን ይችላል።የአስተዳደር ቦታ ወረዳ ይሑን ክልል ባለቤትነት/territorial authonomy በፍጹም ቤቤረሰብ ቡድን ለይቶ ባለቤትነት አለመስጠት(200 ቤቤረሰብ ያላት ራሺያ ችግሩን የፈቱበት መንገድ ነው)።

6-በፈለገ ጊዜ መገንጠል የሚለው በታኝ አንቀጽንም ማስወገድ።
7-ቋንቋና ባሕልን ለማልማት ከቱሪዝም ጋር አያይዞ ልዩ ድጋፍ የሚሰጥ cultural authonomy agency እንደ ራሺያ ማቋቋም የቤቤረሰብ ባሕልና ቋንቋ ለሚገዳቸው ይጠቅማል።

8-መሬትን እንደማንኛውም ንብረት የግል የማሕበር የኩባንያ የቤተእምነት መሸጥ መለወጥ የሚቻል ንብረት ማድረግ።

9-ይሕ ሲሖን በትክክል ኢትዮጵያ -ኢፌዲሪ ትሖናለች።

የቤቤረሰብ ቦለቲካ ዴሞክራሲ ሳይሖን ኤትኖክራሲ ነው።ሪፐብሊክማ አጠገቡም አንደርስም።ሪፐብሊክ የሉአላዊ ግለሰቦች ሉአላዊ አገር ነው። ኢትዮጵያ የ86 በላይ አርቲፊሻል ሉአላዊ ቤቤረሰቦችና ሕዝቦች(ትርጉሙን ሳይነግረን tplf ደየመ) አገር ነች-አንቀጽ 8 ።ቤርቤረሰቦቹ ሲፈልጉ አገር በመሖን ሉአላዊት ኢትዮጵያን ወደ ብዙ አገር መፈረካከስ ይችላሉ(አንቀጽ 39)።የመበተኛ መቀስ የሖነው አንቀጽ 39የአንድነታችን ዋስትና ነው ይላል Zenawizm.

ለዝርዝር getahun heramo ሰሞኑን የለጠፈውን ጥናት ላይ የተመሰረተ ጽሑፍ ማየት በቂ ነው።
ኢፌዴሪ ሳንሖን ኢፌኤሪ ነን ይላል።

Erissido Lendebo,

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sun » 26 Dec 2020, 21:12

Afdeyu wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:29
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

If it is true that the LION OF NAKFA is calling for constitutional change in Mamma Ethiopia I demand that the LION should practice what he is preaching, means constitutional change in Mamma Eritrea for showing the way and being a role model for us all. Otherwise the demand smells very fishy! :lol: :lol:
Posts: 6796
Joined: 19 Oct 2017, 11:19

Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by » 26 Dec 2020, 21:20

Forget what the Wedi sher.muta low iq weyane rodent afuchenyu is saying. He's misleading you. Issu is telling you the peril of ethnic politics. He didn't say what you should do, that's entirely up to you.
sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 21:12
Afuchenyu wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:29
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

If it is true that the LION OF NAKFA is calling for constitutional change in Mamma Ethiopia I demand that the LION should practice what he is preaching, means constitutional change in Mamma Eritrea for showing the way and being a role model for us all. Otherwise the demand smells very fishy! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Fed_Up » 26 Dec 2020, 21:31

Ya this people are weird and love to lie through their wide open teeth. Smh wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 21:20
Forget what the Wedi sher.muta low iq weyane rodent afuchenyu is saying. He's misleading you. Issu is telling you the peril of ethnic politics. He didn't say what you should do, that's entirely up to you.
sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 21:12
Afuchenyu wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:29
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

If it is true that the LION OF NAKFA is calling for constitutional change in Mamma Ethiopia I demand that the LION should practice what he is preaching, means constitutional change in Mamma Eritrea for showing the way and being a role model for us all. Otherwise the demand smells very fishy! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 26 Dec 2020, 22:10

sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 20:38
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:49
PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.

Hmm... :P

Ethiopian politics have always been identity politics. During the rule of the kings it was amhara identity that ruled and cooked while the identities of others have been cvnningly hidden and destroyed. the Name Dandana Ayana destroyed (hidden) and Amhara name identity, Tilahun Gessesse imposed. Oromo name, Magarsa badhaasa, hidden (destroyed) and Abuna Petros, Amhara identity imposed. Oromo name, Gebremariam Gaari, destroyed and amhara idnetity indicator, Gebremariam retained. Oromo place name identity, Bushhooftu, destroyed, while Amhara name identity, Debrezeit imposed. Oromo place name identity, Ambo destroyed and replaced by amhara name identity, Hagerehiwet, and list goes very long way.

I (Sun) am not saying this for the sake of creating divisive ideas but for the sake of bring balance and sober sanity to the current one sided fanatic feudal type cadre barking as if their recommendations make any sense for the majority what so ever. If Ethiopia has had it so good under the feudal unitary dictatirship then why did the country succumbed to spiraling violence and the mass shootings of the Imperial to leaderships by chairman Mengistu HaileMariam?

So why call on Abiy to destroy federalism on your behalf and bring back centralized unitary dictatorship just to empower amhara extremists when it should be the same amhara extremists who should do that job, if they can since currently this same extremists are getting hallucinated and hypnotized by the euphoria of the tplf collapse as well as lying sky high about Amhara deaths all over the places when in fact all of those deaths include Oromos, Gurages, Amharas , Agaws and other Ethiopians such as the Shinashas who died more than the number of Amharas themselves. This means that the amara extremists make dirty fake politics even out of human deaths. Hopefully moderate amharas could correct these intoxicated pathological lair propagandist pigs. :P

Change or no change it needs to come based on the existing law of the land and with the participation of all concerned Ethiopians and their two third informed clear majority. It should not be only the vocal and noisy absentee elites shouting from across the sea. Not even only the few percent urban elites but also the some 80% rural population needs to participate actively in such issues if the issue ever comes to the front.

Can then the solution be one language, one religion (orthodox) one language (amharic) one flag(Limuxx) one absolute king (king Solomon of Israel or Menelik 1st) under which all of these 80+ nations and nationalities be crushed and forcefully glued together to be called the new vibrant healthy mamma Ethiopia against whom both the tplf, eplf and all the others rebelled violently and brought about the current system?

I am only asking this question because I am not a politician and don't wish to see another round of surging violent revolutions against the anticipated centralized unitary dictatorship being too familiar to all of those former kingdom's elites descendants screaming day and night high and loud to go back to their familiar ancestor's slave trading unitary slave society system?

The best way is to have egalitarian equality and justice for all and even that needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day to start with until such time when the general population comes to understand accepts its true shares and interests as well as understanding and accepting others true interests and fair shares in all aspects of lives and livings.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~George Orwell
He has blatantly told people he knows what is good for Ethiopia and he’s decided federalism has to end in Ethiopia. The first step is to remove TPLF as it was the last fortress of self-rule. He clearly said, “We will not try to convince them”. The next step is to abolish the Federal Constitution. Dr Abiy does not have any other options than to follow through Isaias’s and UAE / Saudi road map for Ethiopia. He knows he is not indispensable in their eyes. If he does not abolish the constitution, Isaias has plan B and plan C leaders for Ethiopia, and he will not hesitate to remove Dr Abiy. When you pay as much as Eritrea has paid in this war, and when you have been assigned as the regional superpower by the UAE / Saudi, your needs and orders have to be met. You are not just another stakeholder trying to influence decisions. Dr Abiy said once, “You don’t have sovereignty when you are poor.”
Last edited by sarcasm on 27 Dec 2020, 10:50, edited 1 time in total.

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 26 Dec 2020, 22:29


This is not a new video. However, that is his opinion. The Ethiopian people will decide what they want through the voice of the people. For me, Whatever system you choose, if the democratic principles are not followed the system goes bankrupt. :twisted: The weyanes needed to take lesson on that one. :lol: If Isayas had a working democratic system in Eritrea, then his opinion on Ethiopia would have mattered. Otherwise, both of our windows are made out of glass.
Don't worry, about a thing, every little thing is going to be alright
... I got carried away with old Bob Marley :lol: :lol:

Noble Amhara
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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Noble Amhara » 26 Dec 2020, 22:30

Metekel biggest ethnics are Agews and Amharas killing Agaw Gojames is also killing Amhara Gojames aka killing Abysinnians the Oromo activists people come out to support the killing because Oromos activists are animals as well that’s why they call terrorism prosperity they call massacre sustainability, genocide... development, Chaos... stability, death, popularity... never trust activist political Oromo many of them wish to participate in such massacre culture of there borana ancestors at least in selassie time Ethiopia was a very peaceful country now it has been decimated by galla mengistu and Galla Meles Zenawi and Galla Shimeles Abdisa never ending massacre and violence which has killed 8 million people.
Last edited by Noble Amhara on 26 Dec 2020, 22:51, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Temt » 26 Dec 2020, 22:36 wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 21:20
Forget what the Wedi sher.muta low iq weyane rodent afuchenyu is saying. He's misleading you. Issu is telling you the peril of ethnic politics. He didn't say what you should do, that's entirely up to you.
sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 21:12
[b wrote:Afuchenyu[/b] post_id=1138121 time=1609025346 user_id=52227]
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

If it is true that the LION OF NAKFA is calling for constitutional change in Mamma Ethiopia I demand that the LION should practice what he is preaching, means constitutional change in Mamma Eritrea for showing the way and being a role model for us all. Otherwise the demand smells very fishy! :lol: :lol:
LOL! I like that nick. It is appropriate!

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by TGAA » 27 Dec 2020, 01:29

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:49
PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.
Sun the Oromuma cadre is so transparent he leaves nothing for imagination ( the king of Straw man) So let us try to explain What the straw man looks like, they are so mundane we need to give them some label to Identify them easily.

You start with grudious clam that Ethiopian politics have always been identity politics. You confuse sociological with political just for one simple reason because you can push your Oromumaa tribal politic, and as long as this narrative is retold without examination of historical facts in Ethiopia the chances of replacing and plundering Ethiopia like weyanes will be grunted. What you claim that Amhara’s did to Oromos had been done to Amharas and many other Ethiopans by Oromos. That is more than 21 Ethiopian nationalities were Oromazied by force – It is researched and written by none other than Dr. Negasso Gedada, not Berhanu or Bekele of Amhara. You don’t need a tribal apartheid system just the like you have in Oromia to justify ethnic federalism, the most archaic of all systems. One point about the Oromia Ethic federal system is that it denies more than 15million Ethiopian living in Oromia not to have a single representation in Cheffe Oromia a single one . That is 4 times the population of Eritrea, or most Ethiopian neighboring countries , South Sudan , Somalia , Djebuti , Eritrea combined have less than 15 million Ethiopians you disenfranchise in their own country – the new Oromuma tribal cadres want to continue to disenfranchise. This fake Bushooftu destroyed by Debrezeit cry is as fake at it gets.
“the euphoria of the tplf collapse as well as lying sky high about Amhara deaths all over the places when in fact all of those deaths include Oromos, Gurages, Amharas , Agaws and other Ethiopians such as the Shinashas who died more than the number of Amharas themselves.”
Here your idiocy comes out shining. Now you even want to belittle the death of Amharas who the victims of your kind of fanatic Oromos .. Just like your Hutu buddies you are starting to deny the very fact that Amharas are the main targets . Sure,your kinds are a little rattled that the dead Amharas are not so dead after all . They just came back home after destroying your spiritual leaders weyanes in one go. But as the President federal democratic of Ethiopia twitted those who play with fire will be burned by it. Amharas or for that matter Gurages Agaws Shianshas are saying we don’t want to be kill in our countries, you are making fun of their death with the help of the killer gumuze leader and coordinators such as Shimels , propagandist Taye Denda. You guys stop playing with firer. You might forget it but just two years a go Somali regions Abdle ali used his leyu force to uproot more than 2000000 Oromos from their land in two weeks . if you think denying the Ethnic cleansing against Amharas is going to be a panica for your Oromuma dream .. think again. The fire thrown at Amharas has the same buring power when it is thrown on Oromos. Think before to late.

“Can then the solution be one language, one religion (orthodox) one language (amharic) one flag(Limuxx) one absolute king (king Solomon of Israel or Menelik 1st) under which all of these 80+ nations and nationalities be crushed and forcefully glued together to be called the new vibrant healthy mamma Ethiopia against whom both the tplf, eplf and all the others rebelled violently and brought about the current system?”

Here again your very amateurish straw man argument. No one – not a single person say learn in one langue . You have already have been doing that for 30 long years. so Who on earth say you have to learn other language if you don’t want to . no one. But if you ask others to learn your language you have to learn others mainly Amharina because they are equal or close to equal population wise and Amharas are willing to learn oromuffa . Ture federalism gives voice for every one including 15 million Ethiopans living in Oromia.. they need to have a chair in Cheffe Oromia . Then we can take you seriously you meant what you say.

I like your final statements but you spiced it up by saying that “needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day” Who they might be-- those who going to give us “paternalist guidance” the convince or confuse and the Amhara spine breaker Shimels , or is it Takele Uma, the Oromo version of santa claus, who gave thousands and thousands of apartments and land for his ormo buddies in the name of uprooted Oromo farmers . Stop being cocky and be genuine if you want to resolve the problem of all Ethiopians .
The best way is to have egalitarian equality and justice for all and even that needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day to start with until such time when the general population comes to understand accepts its true shares and interests as well as understanding and accepting others true interests and fair shares in all aspects of lives and livings.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Afdeyu » 27 Dec 2020, 05:06


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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 19 Dec 2021, 20:39

sarcasm wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 22:10
sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 20:38
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:49
PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.

Hmm... :P

Ethiopian politics have always been identity politics. During the rule of the kings it was amhara identity that ruled and cooked while the identities of others have been cvnningly hidden and destroyed. the Name Dandana Ayana destroyed (hidden) and Amhara name identity, Tilahun Gessesse imposed. Oromo name, Magarsa badhaasa, hidden (destroyed) and Abuna Petros, Amhara identity imposed. Oromo name, Gebremariam Gaari, destroyed and amhara idnetity indicator, Gebremariam retained. Oromo place name identity, Bushhooftu, destroyed, while Amhara name identity, Debrezeit imposed. Oromo place name identity, Ambo destroyed and replaced by amhara name identity, Hagerehiwet, and list goes very long way.

I (Sun) am not saying this for the sake of creating divisive ideas but for the sake of bring balance and sober sanity to the current one sided fanatic feudal type cadre barking as if their recommendations make any sense for the majority what so ever. If Ethiopia has had it so good under the feudal unitary dictatirship then why did the country succumbed to spiraling violence and the mass shootings of the Imperial to leaderships by chairman Mengistu HaileMariam?

So why call on Abiy to destroy federalism on your behalf and bring back centralized unitary dictatorship just to empower amhara extremists when it should be the same amhara extremists who should do that job, if they can since currently this same extremists are getting hallucinated and hypnotized by the euphoria of the tplf collapse as well as lying sky high about Amhara deaths all over the places when in fact all of those deaths include Oromos, Gurages, Amharas , Agaws and other Ethiopians such as the Shinashas who died more than the number of Amharas themselves. This means that the amara extremists make dirty fake politics even out of human deaths. Hopefully moderate amharas could correct these intoxicated pathological lair propagandist pigs. :P

Change or no change it needs to come based on the existing law of the land and with the participation of all concerned Ethiopians and their two third informed clear majority. It should not be only the vocal and noisy absentee elites shouting from across the sea. Not even only the few percent urban elites but also the some 80% rural population needs to participate actively in such issues if the issue ever comes to the front.

Can then the solution be one language, one religion (orthodox) one language (amharic) one flag(Limuxx) one absolute king (king Solomon of Israel or Menelik 1st) under which all of these 80+ nations and nationalities be crushed and forcefully glued together to be called the new vibrant healthy mamma Ethiopia against whom both the tplf, eplf and all the others rebelled violently and brought about the current system?

I am only asking this question because I am not a politician and don't wish to see another round of surging violent revolutions against the anticipated centralized unitary dictatorship being too familiar to all of those former kingdom's elites descendants screaming day and night high and loud to go back to their familiar ancestor's slave trading unitary slave society system?

The best way is to have egalitarian equality and justice for all and even that needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day to start with until such time when the general population comes to understand accepts its true shares and interests as well as understanding and accepting others true interests and fair shares in all aspects of lives and livings.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~George Orwell
He has blatantly told people he knows what is good for Ethiopia and he’s decided federalism has to end in Ethiopia. The first step is to remove TPLF as it was the last fortress of self-rule. He clearly said, “We will not try to convince them”. The next step is to abolish the Federal Constitution. Dr Abiy does not have any other options than to follow through Isaias’s and UAE / Saudi road map for Ethiopia. He knows he is not indispensable in their eyes. If he does not abolish the constitution, Isaias has plan B and plan C leaders for Ethiopia, and he will not hesitate to remove Dr Abiy. When you pay as much as Eritrea has paid in this war, and when you have been assigned as the regional superpower by the UAE / Saudi, your needs and orders have to be met. You are not just another stakeholder trying to influence decisions. Dr Abiy said once, “You don’t have sovereignty when you are poor.”
Isaias Afeworki's interference in the running of the state of Ethiopia has caused 100s of thousands to die. Is the death count big enough to halt Isaias's adventurism in Ethiopian internal politics? Or another 100s of thousands have to die?

Abe Abraham
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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by Abe Abraham » 19 Dec 2021, 20:55




You thought you could enter Addis and overthrow the elected government of PMAA with the instruction and guidance of the Americans. Look what you are left with now:

Don't try to cover your crime,rape,murder,looting and destruction of property by inventing lies.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 16 Feb 2022, 09:02

Afdeyu wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:29
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

Abiy told Isaias the he will change the Ethiopian constitution. TDF has forced Abiy to make a u-turn. Isaias sacrificed 10s of thousands Eritreans to achieve this goal. So, what will be Isaias's response for Abiy's u-turn?

በእንዚህ ነገሮች ላይ ብሔራዊ መግባባት እንዲኖር ይፈልጋል :- የፌዴራል ሥርዓቱ፣ ሕገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱ፣ ሕገ መንግሥቱ - ብልፅግና ፓርቲ

በእንዚህ ነገሮች ላይ መግባባት consensus እንጂ ለውጥ change የለም

አገሩን የሚወድ ሰው ሁሉ በመሠረታዊ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ የጋራ መግባባት እንዲኖረው ይፈልጋል። ብሔራዊ መግባባት ማለት ሁሉንም ጨፍልቆ አንድ ማድረግና በአንድ ሃሳብ እንዲስማማ ማድረግ ሳይሆን መሠረታዊ በሆኑ ኢኮኖሚያዊ፣ ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ የጋራ አተያይ መያዝን የሚመለከት ነው።

ምክንያቱም በአንድ አገር ወይም በአንድ ቤተሰብ ውስጥ እንኳን አንድ ዓይነት አስተሳሰብ ስለማይኖር ሕዝብም በሁሉም ነገር ላይ ይግባባል ማለት አይቻልም። ሆኖም ልዩነቱን አቻችሎ ለድርድር በማይቀርቡ ወሳኝ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ ለአገር በሚጠቅም መልኩ በጋራ መስራት የግድ አስፈላጊ ነው።

ከአገር እና ከኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ጥቅም አንጻር ለድርድር የማይቀርቡ ነጥቦችን በመለየት የጋራ እስቤና መግባባት መያዝ የሚገባን ጉዳዮች ላይ ብቻ ትኩረት አድርጎ መወያየት ያስፈልጋል።ለአብነትም፣ በመሰረታዊነት ሕገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱ ላይ መግባባት ያስፈልጋል።

ምክንያቱም ሕገ መንግሥቱ ላይ መግባባት ካልተቻለ አብሮ መኖርም ሆነ እንደ አገር የሚታሰበውን ብልጽግና ማምጣት ያስቸግራል።ከሕገ መንግሥቱ በተጓዳኝም በወሳኝ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ መግባባት አስፈላጊ ነው። የፌዴራል ሥርዓቱ ላይም ብሔራዊ መግባባት መፍጠር መቻል ሊፈጠሩ ከሚችሉ አላስፈላጊ ክስተቶች ይታደጋል።
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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 08 Mar 2022, 21:19

sarcasm wrote:
19 Dec 2021, 20:39
sarcasm wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 22:10
sun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 20:38
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:49
PIA has spoken clearly from the get go that identity politics is dangerous not only for Ethiopia but also for the entire region. I am not sure if there are experienced leadership in our country to understand the danger. Most are trapped in to the now and what they are benefiting from such a lopsided system than seeing the big picture.

Essentially identity politics is a receipe for disaster and disintegration. The aspirations to create monochromatic ethnic states isn't the way to build a united, democratic and peaceful society.

Hmm... :P

Ethiopian politics have always been identity politics. During the rule of the kings it was amhara identity that ruled and cooked while the identities of others have been cvnningly hidden and destroyed. the Name Dandana Ayana destroyed (hidden) and Amhara name identity, Tilahun Gessesse imposed. Oromo name, Magarsa badhaasa, hidden (destroyed) and Abuna Petros, Amhara identity imposed. Oromo name, Gebremariam Gaari, destroyed and amhara idnetity indicator, Gebremariam retained. Oromo place name identity, Bushhooftu, destroyed, while Amhara name identity, Debrezeit imposed. Oromo place name identity, Ambo destroyed and replaced by amhara name identity, Hagerehiwet, and list goes very long way.

I (Sun) am not saying this for the sake of creating divisive ideas but for the sake of bring balance and sober sanity to the current one sided fanatic feudal type cadre barking as if their recommendations make any sense for the majority what so ever. If Ethiopia has had it so good under the feudal unitary dictatirship then why did the country succumbed to spiraling violence and the mass shootings of the Imperial to leaderships by chairman Mengistu HaileMariam?

So why call on Abiy to destroy federalism on your behalf and bring back centralized unitary dictatorship just to empower amhara extremists when it should be the same amhara extremists who should do that job, if they can since currently this same extremists are getting hallucinated and hypnotized by the euphoria of the tplf collapse as well as lying sky high about Amhara deaths all over the places when in fact all of those deaths include Oromos, Gurages, Amharas , Agaws and other Ethiopians such as the Shinashas who died more than the number of Amharas themselves. This means that the amara extremists make dirty fake politics even out of human deaths. Hopefully moderate amharas could correct these intoxicated pathological lair propagandist pigs. :P

Change or no change it needs to come based on the existing law of the land and with the participation of all concerned Ethiopians and their two third informed clear majority. It should not be only the vocal and noisy absentee elites shouting from across the sea. Not even only the few percent urban elites but also the some 80% rural population needs to participate actively in such issues if the issue ever comes to the front.

Can then the solution be one language, one religion (orthodox) one language (amharic) one flag(Limuxx) one absolute king (king Solomon of Israel or Menelik 1st) under which all of these 80+ nations and nationalities be crushed and forcefully glued together to be called the new vibrant healthy mamma Ethiopia against whom both the tplf, eplf and all the others rebelled violently and brought about the current system?

I am only asking this question because I am not a politician and don't wish to see another round of surging violent revolutions against the anticipated centralized unitary dictatorship being too familiar to all of those former kingdom's elites descendants screaming day and night high and loud to go back to their familiar ancestor's slave trading unitary slave society system?

The best way is to have egalitarian equality and justice for all and even that needs paternalist guidance by the government of the day to start with until such time when the general population comes to understand accepts its true shares and interests as well as understanding and accepting others true interests and fair shares in all aspects of lives and livings.

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~George Orwell
He has blatantly told people he knows what is good for Ethiopia and he’s decided federalism has to end in Ethiopia. The first step is to remove TPLF as it was the last fortress of self-rule. He clearly said, “We will not try to convince them”. The next step is to abolish the Federal Constitution. Dr Abiy does not have any other options than to follow through Isaias’s and UAE / Saudi road map for Ethiopia. He knows he is not indispensable in their eyes. If he does not abolish the constitution, Isaias has plan B and plan C leaders for Ethiopia, and he will not hesitate to remove Dr Abiy. When you pay as much as Eritrea has paid in this war, and when you have been assigned as the regional superpower by the UAE / Saudi, your needs and orders have to be met. You are not just another stakeholder trying to influence decisions. Dr Abiy said once, “You don’t have sovereignty when you are poor.”
Isaias Afeworki's interference in the running of the state of Ethiopia has caused 100s of thousands to die. Is the death count big enough to halt Isaias's adventurism in Ethiopian internal politics? Or another 100s of thousands have to die?
Prosperity Party is openly supporting ህብረ-ብሄራዊ ፌደራሊዝምና ህገ መንግስታችን. What is Pres. Isaias going to do now? Will he work with Fano to remove PM Abiy's government?

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sun » 09 Mar 2022, 00:21

Noble Amhara wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 22:30
Metekel biggest ethnics are Agews and Amharas killing Agaw Gojames is also killing Amhara Gojames aka killing Abysinnians the Oromo activists people come out to support the killing because Oromos activists are animals as well that’s why they call terrorism prosperity they call massacre sustainability, genocide... development, Chaos... stability, death, popularity... never trust activist political Oromo many of them wish to participate in such massacre culture of there borana ancestors at least in selassie time Ethiopia was a very peaceful country now it has been decimated by galla mengistu and Galla Meles Zenawi and Galla Shimeles Abdisa never ending massacre and violence which has killed 8 million people.

Ante wushetam Sharmuxxaa whorear$$,

Keep your filthy mouth shut and do the twerking and striptease usual show business of yours.

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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 18 Feb 2023, 19:55

Isaias Afeworki has again committed to end Ethiopian constitutional federalism on his interview on the 18 Feb 2023. PM Abiy and his PP party have committed to preserve constitutional federalism. Eritrean continued interference in Ethiopian internal sovereign system of government is likely to lead to head-on collision between the two governments.

sarcasm wrote:
16 Feb 2022, 09:02
Afdeyu wrote:
26 Dec 2020, 19:29
The tribal woyane constitution belongs in the trash 🗑
Abiy should uproot the root cause of the chaos in Ethiopia :roll: for the sake of peace ☮️

Abiy told Isaias the he will change the Ethiopian constitution. TDF has forced Abiy to make a u-turn. Isaias sacrificed 10s of thousands Eritreans to achieve this goal. So, what will be Isaias's response for Abiy's u-turn?

በእንዚህ ነገሮች ላይ ብሔራዊ መግባባት እንዲኖር ይፈልጋል :- የፌዴራል ሥርዓቱ፣ ሕገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱ፣ ሕገ መንግሥቱ - ብልፅግና ፓርቲ

በእንዚህ ነገሮች ላይ መግባባት consensus እንጂ ለውጥ change የለም

አገሩን የሚወድ ሰው ሁሉ በመሠረታዊ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ የጋራ መግባባት እንዲኖረው ይፈልጋል። ብሔራዊ መግባባት ማለት ሁሉንም ጨፍልቆ አንድ ማድረግና በአንድ ሃሳብ እንዲስማማ ማድረግ ሳይሆን መሠረታዊ በሆኑ ኢኮኖሚያዊ፣ ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ የጋራ አተያይ መያዝን የሚመለከት ነው።

ምክንያቱም በአንድ አገር ወይም በአንድ ቤተሰብ ውስጥ እንኳን አንድ ዓይነት አስተሳሰብ ስለማይኖር ሕዝብም በሁሉም ነገር ላይ ይግባባል ማለት አይቻልም። ሆኖም ልዩነቱን አቻችሎ ለድርድር በማይቀርቡ ወሳኝ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ ለአገር በሚጠቅም መልኩ በጋራ መስራት የግድ አስፈላጊ ነው።

ከአገር እና ከኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ጥቅም አንጻር ለድርድር የማይቀርቡ ነጥቦችን በመለየት የጋራ እስቤና መግባባት መያዝ የሚገባን ጉዳዮች ላይ ብቻ ትኩረት አድርጎ መወያየት ያስፈልጋል።ለአብነትም፣ በመሰረታዊነት ሕገ መንግስታዊ ስርዓቱ ላይ መግባባት ያስፈልጋል።

ምክንያቱም ሕገ መንግሥቱ ላይ መግባባት ካልተቻለ አብሮ መኖርም ሆነ እንደ አገር የሚታሰበውን ብልጽግና ማምጣት ያስቸግራል።ከሕገ መንግሥቱ በተጓዳኝም በወሳኝ አገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ መግባባት አስፈላጊ ነው። የፌዴራል ሥርዓቱ ላይም ብሔራዊ መግባባት መፍጠር መቻል ሊፈጠሩ ከሚችሉ አላስፈላጊ ክስተቶች ይታደጋል።
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Re: Isaias Afwerki calls for constitutional change in Ethiopia

Post by sarcasm » 21 Mar 2023, 07:53

"ኢትዮጵያ ወደ unitary አሃዳዊ ስርዓት ለመመለስ መሞከር፤ ኢትዮጵያን ሊያፈርሳት ይችላል" ኦቦ ሌንጮ ለታ

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