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Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Ghirmawi » 12 Dec 2020, 15:21

The Amhara is the only ethnic in Ethiopia that doesnt have a tribe outside Ethiopia which shares the same/similar cultural and linguistic traits. The Afars, the Tigres, the Somalis, the Kunamas, the Oromias, the Gambelas, the Harambes and so on all have peoples outside their national borders with at least a common linguistic features. The Amahara doesnt. They are contained in Ethiopia. That is why they love it to death. They are as such the sole true keepers of Ethiopia.
By the same token, the Tigrayans are the weakest link in unified Ethiopia. Their fear of the Amharas coupled with a syndrom of inferiority complex, they render themselves to be unfit to be called Ethiopians.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by dawwit » 12 Dec 2020, 15:36

They Collaborate with foreign country to attack their country men ( we don’t believe in ethiopiawinet anymore)
They go land grabbing from Tigray , Oromo..etc
As long as everybody speaks Amharic and embraces Amhara culture

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 12 Dec 2020, 16:32

Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by ethioscience » 12 Dec 2020, 16:47

የአማራውን ህዝብ ከሌላው ኢትዮጵያዊ ወገኑ ጋር የሚያጣሉ ጽሁፎች መሰረታቸው ሞቶ በጣር ላይ ያለው ወያኔ ሊሆን ስለሚችል የሚጻፈውን ሁሉ በጥንቃቄ ማየት አስፈላጊ ነው በተለይ ሰውየው ከዚህ በፊት የለጠፈው የሚዘፍነውን ዘፈን ምንነት ያሳያል እንጠንቀቅ

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Ghirmawi » 12 Dec 2020, 17:08

Aurorae Borealis wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:32
Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.
Why do u think that is prostitution. I have been sayng this for long now. Have you ever seen or met any Amhara who want to seceded from Ethiopia? Have u ever? But I am sure you have heard an Oromo, a Somali, Afar and/or Tegaru threatening to secede from Ethiopia if things are not going his way. That alone shows u Amahara's view on a unified Ethiopia.
For the record, I am niether saying nor implying Amharas are more Ethiopians than the rest.

Abe Abraham
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Abe Abraham » 12 Dec 2020, 17:13

Ghirmawi wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 17:08
Aurorae Borealis wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:32
Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.
Why do u think that is prostitution. I have been sayng this for long now. Have you ever seen or met any Amhara who want to seceded from Ethiopia? Have u ever? But I am sure you have heard an Oromo, a Somali, Afar and/or Tegaru threatening to secede from Ethiopia if things are not going his way. That alone shows u Amahara's view on a unified Ethiopia.
For the record, I am niether saying nor implying Amharas are more Ethiopians than the rest.
You are talking to a Tigrayan muslim gaHba who gets excited very quickly. I know that you are painting a picture based on logical observation. gaHba doens't understand that. It is beyond her capacity.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Sadacha Macca » 12 Dec 2020, 17:49

Eh. I think you are exaggerating a bit, because there's no way that Ethiopia could've been built without the white man's help [in the form of military aid], and its recruitment of talented people from the various ethnic groups- Oromo's, Gurages, etc.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by sun » 12 Dec 2020, 18:29

Ghirmawi wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 15:21
The Amhara is the only ethnic in Ethiopia that doesnt have a tribe outside Ethiopia which shares the same/similar cultural and linguistic traits. The Afars, the Tigres, the Somalis, the Kunamas, the Oromias, the Gambelas, the Harambes and so on all have peoples outside their national borders with at least a common linguistic features. The Amahara doesnt. They are contained in Ethiopia. That is why they love it to death. They are as such the sole true keepers of Ethiopia.
By the same token, the Tigrayans are the weakest link in unified Ethiopia. Their fear of the Amharas coupled with a syndrom of inferiority complex, they render themselves to be unfit to be called Ethiopians.
Really? :P :P

Liar, liar, liar...
Your dirty tattered pants are on hot fire,
your liar tongue and liar lips are filthy and rusty like the old barbed wire!

That is also why your red ar$$$ chest pumping utterly f@ke self glorification Judas p!mp appear from the blues and come to fool Ethiopians with your fairy tales.

Please be kind and go to preach your fairy tales to the true patriots, such as general Abdis Aga who fought on tow continents the over armed, over drinking and over eating foreign invaders until the enemies got crushed beyond any repair.

It is a master piece and epic success story of planning, organizing, defending, attacking and defeating the vulgar and arrogant inhuman enemy, all these while your hiding under under you mamma's skirt waiting for the opportune occasion to come out from under the skirt and claim the magnificent true and verified history heroes.

Add to this also the unbending patriotic and majestic activities and self sacrifices of Abuna Petros (Magarsa Badhaasaa) who face to face with the invading enemy defied enemy demands and gave his single life and died at the hands of the enemy even though he would have saved his life by aligning with the invading enemy and subjugating the Ethiopian people and making them to kneel down under the enemy forces.

Again your self serving fake, vocal and arrogant wild beach baboon types were silently hiding under their mamma's skirts waiting for the right calm moments to come out from under the skirts and claim the sweet victories brought about by the real fighters and true Ethiopian patriots who talk less but did/do magnificent country and life saving activities for Mamma Ethiopia the beautiful. Last but not least, you smell strongly like the tplf running cadre Dogs and their wounded dirty wild Hogs. :mrgreen:

That is why my Gurage friends like Obbo Zabarga and his colleagues say to you, "fck you so much with the longest, thickest and dirties broom sticks" for you to feel the heat and correct yourself before it is too late.
:lol: :lol:

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Temt » 12 Dec 2020, 18:55

Sadacha Macca wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 17:49
Eh. I think you are exaggerating a bit, because there's no way that Ethiopia could've been built without the white man's help [in the form of military aid], and its recruitment of talented people from the various ethnic groups- Oromo's, Gurages, etc.
I have always stated that fact in spite of some of our Ethiopian brothers/sisters keep on bragging as if they have done it without the help of the Portuguese, English, French, Norwegians, Americans, Russians, Chinese, and Italians, at one time or the other. Ethiopia is basically a country that stands with the aid of the white man regardless of what our Ethiopian buddies would like us to believe.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Asmara » 12 Dec 2020, 18:58

Aurorae Borealis wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:32
Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.

Just to p_iss Tigreans off you are wandering into dangerous territory. TPLF is gone for good let's now concentrate on Eritrea.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by sun » 12 Dec 2020, 19:13

Temt wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 18:55
Sadacha Macca wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 17:49
Eh. I think you are exaggerating a bit, because there's no way that Ethiopia could've been built without the white man's help [in the form of military aid], and its recruitment of talented people from the various ethnic groups- Oromo's, Gurages, etc.
I have always stated that fact in spite of some of our Ethiopian brothers/sisters keep on bragging as if they have done it without the help of the Portuguese, English, French, Norwegians, Americans, Russians, Chinese, and Italians, at one time or the other. Ethiopia is basically a country that stands with the aid of the white man regardless of what our Ethiopian buddies would like us to believe.
Hmm... :P

You seem to be confused and have very narrow conception of reality in the real world otherwise all countries and all nations are living on this one single planet and as such are both independent and interdependent for their individual and collective securities and well beings. All countries and nations on this planet take some sort of support and give some sort of support to each other in order to keep the systems in balance and predictable. Even to get organized and secure the assistance of the Portuguese, English, French, Norwegians, Americans,, Russians, Chinese and Italians needs to be appreciated since it demands quality politics, diplomacy, military, etc. talents, otherwise you will remain an isolated angry and hungry wretched cave fox waiting for your last days only, or else take a trip to the mother Moon and find your self exploring how to live alone. Okay? Okay!

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Sabur » 12 Dec 2020, 19:54

Co-signed !!

Eritrea must concentrate on the Eritrean People First and Foremost.

Eritrea must invest on the Eritrean People so that they are the First Beneficiaries of Eritrea's Resources and Eritrea's Strategic Location.

The Depopulation of Eritreans must be a great concern for Eritreans.

The Eritrean People did not sacrifice so much for other people from other countries to benefit from Eritrea's Resources and Strategic Location.

Eritreans are aware of economical integration and good neighbourhood but not at the expense of the Eritrean People who sacrificed so much to preserve Eritrea.

Denmark is not 100% member of the EU, and Norway and Switzerland are 100% not member of the EU. All three countries enjoy the highest per capita and their nationalities have peace and the best wellbeing.

Viva Eritrea !!

Asmara wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 18:58
Aurorae Borealis wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:32
Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.

Just to p_iss Tigreans off you are wandering into dangerous territory. TPLF is gone for good let's now concentrate on Eritrea.

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 12 Dec 2020, 20:19

Ape Abraham,

Did you call me agame ? :lol: Didn't you state you were agame to the south of Gash Barka side of the agame clan :lol: :lol: What was the agame village you once told us. :lol: Get this to your thick skull, you can not divide Eritreans by region or religion. :twisted: I really am proud of my Eritrean Muslim brothers. I am the first one to advocate for them, and for every Eritrean regardless. S--hit head. :twisted: ኣንታ ወዲዛ ቆሳል ምጥራ በጅባጅ ወዲ ጦር ሰራዊት ከይተላዕለኒ ተጠንቀቅ
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 12 Dec 2020, 21:50


I love that Denmark comparison. Eritrea is twice the size of Denmark, but Denmark's population is more than 1.5 times the size of Eritrea. I would love to see Eritrea as the Denmark of East Africa. Denmark with Great research universities, home of the likes of Niels Bohr. Peaceful and hardworking population. Eritrea could be the next Denmark of Africa. I am dreaming . It is all your fault. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by nizzy » 12 Dec 2020, 21:57

Asmara wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 18:58
Aurorae Borealis wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 16:32
Ghirmawi wrote ,
Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia
That really is prostitution :evil: I have nothing against amhara. Becareful, the honeymoon could be over. 8) :lol:
It is like saying, People from Hammasien are the true guardians of Eritrea. Where did I hear that. :roll: The agames used to say that. All Ethiopians are equally true guardians of Ethiopia, as all Eritreans are true guardians of Eritrea.

Just to p_iss Tigreans off you are wandering into dangerous territory. TPLF is gone for good let's now concentrate on Eritrea.
cosigned as well, this is a pretty stupid thread all Ethiopians are the guardians of Ethiopia.

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Misraq » 13 Dec 2020, 00:05

Honourable Ghirmawi put his observation backing it up by evidence, yet inferiority complexed Tegarus & Oromos got really mad and attacked him like a rabid dog. Yeah, truth hurts.

Amharas of current generation clearly knows that they can't help inferiority complexed Tegarus and Oromos.

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 13 Dec 2020, 00:37


Tegarus ? :lol: BTW, a proud patriotic Ethiopian would have said
No, No thank you ! but we are all Ethiopians first. All Ethiopians are the guardians of Ethiopia.
Don't you think that would have been more of a patriotic thing to do. :lol: Thank you, Thank you again. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Jirta » 13 Dec 2020, 01:41

In the olden time Amhara was the protector and guardian for Ethiopia from the foreign invader. However, these days, Amhara is fighting against the bandits who have give mission by the ex- invaders or our historical enemies.
Unless otherwise the Oromo and Tigray will live in peaceful with the rest of Ethiopians, the will soon be destroyed and send them back.
Since AMhara is the only indigenous Ethiopian, yes I agree, they Amharic speakers are every where. The land land belongs to Amhara.
What is wrong claiming their land to liver together peacefully?

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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by kibramlak » 13 Dec 2020, 07:01

There are traitors from every community. However, Every ethiopian is guardian.
Ghirmawi wrote:
12 Dec 2020, 15:21
The Amhara is the only ethnic in Ethiopia that doesnt have a tribe outside Ethiopia which shares the same/similar cultural and linguistic traits. The Afars, the Tigres, the Somalis, the Kunamas, the Oromias, the Gambelas, the Harambes and so on all have peoples outside their national borders with at least a common linguistic features. The Amahara doesnt. They are contained in Ethiopia. That is why they love it to death. They are as such the sole true keepers of Ethiopia.
By the same token, the Tigrayans are the weakest link in unified Ethiopia. Their fear of the Amharas coupled with a syndrom of inferiority complex, they render themselves to be unfit to be called Ethiopians.

Aurorae Borealis
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Re: Amharas are the true guardians of Ethiopia

Post by Aurorae Borealis » 13 Dec 2020, 09:30

Besides the point,

I am here to clarify since I remember where Ape Abraham said he was from. He told an agame who used the nick Axumite that he was from ላዕላይ or ታሕታይ ኣዲያቦ I don't remember specifically which ኣዲያቦ it was, but the idiot clearly is, one deceitful agame from Tigray. :lol: :lol:

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