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Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by tolcha » 30 Nov 2020, 09:02

The Gobana administration admits that Eritrea helped its fight with TPLF. Had there was no reconciliation with Eritrea, the consequences would be unimaginable, per Gobana. The two dictators rule indefinitely . Gobana is completely rubbish. He should be ashamed of associating himself with Eritrean King who ruled for 30 yrs without a single election. Those primitive Eritreans who live abroad and support King Isias shame on you. You live a phacking civilized life in foreign country, but you support a mad man who suppress the rights of your fellow Eritreans.

As to me, with regard to politics, today is my last day on ER. For those who are impartial with their outlook and has an outstanding integrity, please keep up. For those with low life with primitive IQ, please read the Book written by David Brooks, " The Road to Character". I know you are not born for change in your life time !

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by euroland » 30 Nov 2020, 09:43

Yes, it is true that
The 90% of the North Command that scaped the Junta’s organized massacre were crossed to Eritrea and gave its hand to Shaebia soldiers who feed, clothed and gave their own light and heavy weapons; tanks and heave artilleries.

Yes, these former Northern Command member had no leaders, because their leaders were either killed or kidnapped, thus the Eritrean commanders step in to fill the gap until they get assistance from the central government....that was 8 days later.

Yes, these Northern command members had no supply to continue to fight back; thus, Shaebia made sure they have a continuous supply coming from its own bases, from food, gas, bullets to heavy weapons.

Yes, Weyane tried to chase them across the border to these poor soldiers who were defeated psychologically and morally of members of the Northern command who had nothing to defend themselves from ; but Shaebia not only defended them but also completely destroyed the Junta’s forces before they even crossed on inch into Eritrea; they were able to cut their supply line inside Tigray and made them surrender to Shaebia.

Yes, once the Northern Command were fed well and their psychological and moral were back; with the help of the Shaebia commanders, not only did they decimate the huge Junata force in the border, but also able crossed further in three different fronts and liberated Sheraro and Shire from Badme front, Axum and Adwa from Rama front and Zalambesa and Adi grat from Tserona front. It was after all these are achieved that the Ethiopian Generals, Abebayehu and Balcha flew to Asmara with many more central commanders and drove to the border and joined their heronic soldiers. Shaebia help was also instrumental in cutting and disrupting the Junta’s communications. Once their commanders joined them; they were able to chase the Junta’s force from all directions and captured the Junta’s final burial place, Mekele. It is for the reason above that the Junta was crying Shaebia Shaebia until the end; but the Ethiopians themselves gave their ultimate life to defeated the Junta.

In near future, we will find out more how this victory was achieved so quickly by defeating the well armed and manned Junta in the region. Stay tuned.
tolcha wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 09:02
The Gobana administration admits that Eritrea helped its fight with TPLF. Had there was no reconciliation with Eritrea, the consequences would be unimaginable, per Gobana. The two dictator gov. Planned to continue their i democratic rules over the coming century.

As to me, with regard to politics, today is my last day on ER. For those who are impartial with their outlook and has an outstanding integrity, please keep up. For those with low life with primitive IQ, please read the Book written by David Brooks, " The Road to Character".

lil kogne
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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by lil kogne » 30 Nov 2020, 10:36

Tolcha, good riddance get the hell out of here. You wished your MLLT would win and the outcome will be different but the plan was in the works while the MLLT had their own betrayal plan like usual. either way they had inflicted some damage and it's worth of their demise. So, go find something that cn pay you for your little input by scribbling fake statement like you use to do. as of Ethiopia and Eritrea actually the whole east Africa is going to be in a better shape for the cancer has been removed once for all.

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by Afdeyu » 30 Nov 2020, 11:16

Tell them the truth bro!
The virtues of Shaebia is that never brag or exaggerated... but just do it. Woyane were the opposite of that lies and exaggerating was their trademark...
Woyanes have brainwashed many Ethiopian minds with their made up history of bravery and we’ve seen them melt like ice in three weeks which revealed their true makeup... mother of all lies

Ethiopians knowing the truth is good for Eritrea long term security...

euroland wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 09:43
Yes, it is true that
The 90% of the North Command that scaped the Junta’s organized massacre were crossed to Eritrea and gave its hand to Shaebia soldiers who feed, clothed and gave their own light and heavy weapons; tanks and heave artilleries.

Yes, these former Northern Command member had no leaders, because their leaders were either killed or kidnapped, thus the Eritrean commanders step in to fill the gap until they get assistance from the central government....that was 8 days later.

Yes, these Northern command members had no supply to continue to fight back; thus, Shaebia made sure they have a continuous supply coming from its own bases, from food, gas, bullets to heavy weapons.

Yes, Weyane tried to chase them across the border to these poor soldiers who were defeated psychologically and morally of members of the Northern command who had nothing to defend themselves from ; but Shaebia not only defended them but also completely destroyed the Junta’s forces before they even crossed on inch into Eritrea; they were able to cut their supply line inside Tigray and made them surrender to Shaebia.

Yes, once the Northern Command were fed well and their psychological and moral were back; with the help of the Shaebia commanders, not only did they decimate the huge Junata force in the border, but also able crossed further in three different fronts and liberated Sheraro and Shire from Badme front, Axum and Adwa from Rama front and Zalambesa and Adi grat from Tserona front. It was after all these are achieved that the Ethiopian Generals, Abebayehu and Balcha flew to Asmara with many more central commanders and drove to the border and joined their heronic soldiers. Shaebia help was also instrumental in cutting and disrupting the Junta’s communications. Once their commanders joined them; they were able to chase the Junta’s force from all directions and captured the Junta’s final burial place, Mekele. It is for the reason above that the Junta was crying Shaebia Shaebia until the end; but the Ethiopians themselves gave their ultimate life to defeated the Junta.

In near future, we will find out more how this victory was achieved so quickly by defeating the well armed and manned Junta in the region. Stay tuned.
tolcha wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 09:02
The Gobana administration admits that Eritrea helped its fight with TPLF. Had there was no reconciliation with Eritrea, the consequences would be unimaginable, per Gobana. The two dictator gov. Planned to continue their i democratic rules over the coming century.

As to me, with regard to politics, today is my last day on ER. For those who are impartial with their outlook and has an outstanding integrity, please keep up. For those with low life with primitive IQ, please read the Book written by David Brooks, " The Road to Character".

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by Facts » 30 Nov 2020, 11:25

We will know all the details in due time. But they are just that-details. The decisive factor from the rejection of TPLF rule, to rise of Abiy and now the ejection of TPLF from Mekelle was the 100M+ Ethiopian people.

So much can be achieved with the support of 100M people and Ethiopia can achieve a lot with good leadership. Let's all (Ethiopians, Eritreans and rest of region, and indeed entire world) hope that he and others in power are up to the task. Best wishes to them.

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by Feron11 » 01 Dec 2020, 20:32

What the F.U.C.K you are going to do even if we involved in to the WAR ? Don't you Know we have been in war for the past 22 Years m.[ deleted ] weyane besides you are finished already

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by sun » 01 Dec 2020, 21:05

tolcha wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 09:02
The Gobana administration admits that Eritrea helped its fight with TPLF. Had there was no reconciliation with Eritrea, the consequences would be unimaginable, per Gobana. The two dictators rule indefinitely . Gobana is completely rubbish. He should be ashamed of associating himself with Eritrean King who ruled for 30 yrs without a single election. Those primitive Eritreans who live abroad and support King Isias shame on you. You live a phacking civilized life in foreign country, but you support a mad man who suppress the rights of your fellow Eritreans.

As to me, with regard to politics, today is my last day on ER. For those who are impartial with their outlook and has an outstanding integrity, please keep up. For those with low life with primitive IQ, please read the Book written by David Brooks, " The Road to Character". I know you are not born for change in your life time !

Please just think of your own favorite gangs who hold fake and pink cake elections events for themselves against themselves and then win 100% by themselves. :lol:

Total dishonesty! It is even much better not hold elections if you are not even 1% honest. So what is the use of bursting in to tears when the LION OF NAKFA pushes back noisy infiltrators with his small left finger and you are punched flat on to the ground not even knowing whether it is day or night. :P

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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by Fed_Up » 01 Dec 2020, 21:09

tolcha wrote:
30 Nov 2020, 09:02
The Gobana administration admits that Eritrea helped its fight with TPLF. Had there was no reconciliation with Eritrea, the consequences would be unimaginable, per Gobana. The two dictators rule indefinitely . Gobana is completely rubbish. He should be ashamed of associating himself with Eritrean King who ruled for 30 yrs without a single election. Those primitive Eritreans who live abroad and support King Isias shame on you. You live a phacking civilized life in foreign country, but you support a mad man who suppress the rights of your fellow Eritreans.

As to me, with regard to politics, today is my last day on ER. For those who are impartial with their outlook and has an outstanding integrity, please keep up. For those with low life with primitive IQ, please read the Book written by David Brooks, " The Road to Character". I know you are not born for change in your life time !
Stop announcing your exit. We don’t give a fûck whether you stay or go. We don’t even aware your existence. However,
You are beaten and knocked out woyanus (fake Oromo). Nothing left here for you, agameW.

መንገዱን ጨርቅ ያርግልህ:: Don’t break the door in your way out... ጥርግግግግግግግግግግ በል! :P

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Abiy's MP speech confirms-Eritrea involved in War.

Post by Sadacha Macca » 01 Dec 2020, 23:23

Bye bye fake Oromo! Good riddance. Thankfully our Ethiopian and Eritrean brothers NEVER believed that you were an Oromo. You spent your entire time here insulting oromos while being kind to and serving as some kind of adviser to TPLF. Yet they still fell from power and were humiliated. Such is the recompense of oppressors and tyrants!

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