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Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by banebris2013 » 25 Aug 2020, 03:31

What the difference between neftenga as a system and neftenga as being amhara? Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.
Neftenga as a system is part and parcel of the ruling kingdom of the day, mainly during Menelik and H/S. The neftengas are delegates of the king to administer the territories under the control of the king of the day. Neftengas are also known as “aqingis (developers)”. The main reason behind the term neftenga is due to the fact that the people who were sent as aqingis usually have guns to enforce whatever to be enforced. The main criteria to be neftenga is to be assigned by the system. Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas. This being the background, why is that Some amharas took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga? Why are they offended by the use of the term by others? Do these people know that the wider amhara population was also a victim of the neftenga system just like everybody else? Didn’t Amhara benefit from “land for the tillers” proclamation by derg? Can someone elaborate why some amharas, specially the elites took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga?
Last edited by banebris2013 on 26 Aug 2020, 00:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by Degnet » 25 Aug 2020, 03:38

banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
What the difference between neftenga as a system and neftenga is as being amhara? Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.
Neftenga as a system is part and parcel of the ruling kingdom of the day, mainly during Menelik and H/S. The neftengas are delegates of the king to administer the territories under the control of the king of the day. Neftengas are also known as “aqingis (developers)”. The main reason behind the term neftenga is due to the fact that the people who were sent as aqingis usually have guns to enforce whatever to be enforced. The main criteria to be neftenga is to be assigned by the system. Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas. This being the background, why is that Some amharas took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga? Why are they offended by the use of the term by others? Do these people know that the wider amhara population was also a victim of the neftenga system just like everybody else? Didn’t Amhara benefit from “land for the tillers” proclamation by derg? Can someone elaborate why some amharas, specially the elites took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga?
Be 1915 be ferenjoch hulet wetat balna mist be beteseb tel mekniat ke Menz yehe hulu akuartew wed Mekelle gebu Mekelle ende gebu emenged yegegnutn ezih kebur teblo yemitaseb sew bet asayun belew teykew ayate bet tewesedu eneh bal hagerachewn sitewu neft yezew neber ena ayate tekeblew astnageduachew hulet set lijochm weledu,ye mejemeriawa lijachew ye setwat sem netsuh Tigrigna new Kiros,also my mother's name,ezih yebka.Ye Kiros yemwedat ye Kristna enat ayate neberu.Some correction here,the time can be after 1920 Gregorean Caledar.
Last edited by Degnet on 25 Aug 2020, 04:00, edited 1 time in total.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by Noble Amhara » 25 Aug 2020, 03:53

There is no problem with being Neftegna it’s a heroic name similar to arbegna. The problem is when TPLF used this heroic term or title as a way to dehumanize vilify demonize Amaras In Oromia Neftegna has changed meaning from rifle man or arbegna To a ethnicity and a religion (Orthodox) in Arsi Christians are Neftegnas Tulamas Gurages Selales Etc it’s a religious term in most of Islamic Oromiya the name has evolved

In Shashamene. Shoa Oromos Welaytas Gamos and any other ethnicity which adheres to Christianity and has no hatred towards Amaras is seen as Neftegna a code word for Rwandan galasi
Last edited by Noble Amhara on 25 Aug 2020, 04:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by info » 25 Aug 2020, 04:32

banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
What the difference between neftenga as a system and neftenga is as being amhara? Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.
Neftenga as a system is part and parcel of the ruling kingdom of the day, mainly during Menelik and H/S. The neftengas are delegates of the king to administer the territories under the control of the king of the day. Neftengas are also known as “aqingis (developers)”. The main reason behind the term neftenga is due to the fact that the people who were sent as aqingis usually have guns to enforce whatever to be enforced. The main criteria to be neftenga is to be assigned by the system. Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas. This being the background, why is that Some amharas took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga? Why are they offended by the use of the term by others? Do these people know that the wider amhara population was also a victim of the neftenga system just like everybody else? Didn’t Amhara benefit from “land for the tillers” proclamation by derg? Can someone elaborate why some amharas, specially the elites took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga?

Neftegna is a poorly defined word. You for example said it is a historical term which has relevance during Menelik and H/S but at the same time you said the main criteria to be neftegna is to be assigned by the system. What is it? Are you talking about the current system or the old feudal system? If you are talking about the old feudal system, we all know this system is gone for almost 50 years now. So why use this term in the first place and promote it as if the current main problem is neftenga. But if you are talking about the current system (since the criteria for neftegna is "being assigned by the system") then why you never used the term neftegna for the 27 year against TPLF dictatorial rule? Why you use it extensively now?

Even though the term neftegna was a historical term, TPLF used and abused the term for 27 years to attack and displace Amharas exclusively. We have never seen people "assigned by the system" attacked and displaced but ordinary Amhara farmers and civilians were ethnic cleansed. Hence, as every ordinary Ethiopian know, the term has currently a different meaning than its historical origin. Today, it means Amhara people. Anyone who uses this term in a political discourse is for me nothing but is inciting violence against ordinary Amhara civilans. We have seen the last decades and in recent violence in Oromia, the term neftegna is a code word to attack, kill, and commit genocide on Amharas. It was NEVER used to attack those who "are assigned by the system".

Words and their meaning change through time. Anybody today who use words like Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna is inciting violence against specific ethnic groups. Everybody knows Tebab refers to Oromo ethnic group and no matter how one tries to redefine the term neftegna, in today's Ethiopia it means Amhara civilians, nothing else.

So, the main question remains: why use the term neftegna in a time when there is no neftegna system on the ground? What is the reason behind the promotion of this word now? The answer is clear: to commit genocide on Amhara civilians and in times on Christians as a whole. No other justification can be given for using this word now where there is zero evidence for the existence of the neftegna system on the ground.
Last edited by info on 25 Aug 2020, 06:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by kibramlak » 25 Aug 2020, 05:57


There is no any option other that to fight the agents of destructions ...... There is no any other way because all these agents of destructions use it for purpose. They suffer with a never ending inferiority complex. They cant be healed. Thus, Amhara is their eternal enemy. To prove this, even in the reign of tplf killings, both narrow minded tribalists call Amhara as neftegna, while in reality tplf was killing everyone. Inferiority complex is a worst sickness one cannot heal it, unfortunately. Si, you have to fight these agents of destructions. People are getting organized.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Aug 2020, 09:19

The argument banebris2013 makes does not ring true, infact it is false. The Amharas took it to themselves to accept the name “ neftegnas” as exclusively theirs he argues. He said nobody say that. Yes, the ethnic politicians of Oromos and Tigres have said that. In fact, the political fortune of those rode the “neftegna” adjective“ to this very day.
It is prudent to remember the TPLF manifesto declared the Amharas, which translates , yes, the neftegnas, are the enemy of all people in Ethiopia, of course excluding themselves. Yes, TPLF has used “neftegnas” and “ temketegnas” interchangeably, But it says the same thing. The thirty plus million Amharas are “neftegnas,” and in banebris2013 defination land grabbers which did not belong to them.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by EPRDF » 25 Aug 2020, 22:38

Neft is and means RIFLE. Neftegna means a person who carries Neft/Rifle. In the 19th century, emperor Menilik and his troops bearing Rifle/Neft emerged and spread throughout all over Ethiopian territories.

Those who carried Neft/Rifle brought and introduced a system that upheld serfdom, the supremacy of one language, religion and culture of the North. That system is the system of Neftegna ( Yeneftegna Ser'aat ) and the person who advocates that system a hundred years ago or today is Neftegna.

That oppressive, feudalist system was imposed over Ethiopian people by the means of that Neft/Rifle, and Ethiopians are recalling it today that system by its name Neftgna/Riflers/ Musketeers.

Why it is so hard to understand this simple definition of this word and ye Qalaat mesenexaxeQ.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 25 Aug 2020, 23:16

EPDRF feudalism was buried in Ethiopia a long time ago. Why calling Amharas “ neftegnas” still exist? By your own argument you cannot separate one from the other. meaning feudalism and neftegna.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by banebris2013 » 26 Aug 2020, 00:32

Noble Amhara wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:53
There is no problem with being Neftegna it’s a heroic name similar to arbegna. The problem is when TPLF used this heroic term or title as a way to dehumanize vilify demonize Amaras In Oromia Neftegna has changed meaning from rifle man or arbegna To a ethnicity and a religion (Orthodox) in Arsi Christians are Neftegnas Tulamas Gurages Selales Etc it’s a religious term in most of Islamic Oromiya the name has evolved

In Shashamene. Shoa Oromos Welaytas Gamos and any other ethnicity which adheres to Christianity and has no hatred towards Amaras is seen as Neftegna a code word for Rwandan galasi
Arbenga and neftenga are two different things. But if you thing killing poor amharas to enforce them to be in to serfdom, or leave their land for their lords is considered "arbenginet" it is up to you. For the sake of understanding the difference between the to, you better read books related to "Akingis (neftengna). By equating Neftenga with arbenga, you are insulting those who paid ultimate price in adwa.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by banebris2013 » 26 Aug 2020, 00:48

info wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 04:32
banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
What the difference between neftenga as a system and neftenga is as being amhara? Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.
Neftenga as a system is part and parcel of the ruling kingdom of the day, mainly during Menelik and H/S. The neftengas are delegates of the king to administer the territories under the control of the king of the day. Neftengas are also known as “aqingis (developers)”. The main reason behind the term neftenga is due to the fact that the people who were sent as aqingis usually have guns to enforce whatever to be enforced. The main criteria to be neftenga is to be assigned by the system. Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas. This being the background, why is that Some amharas took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga? Why are they offended by the use of the term by others? Do these people know that the wider amhara population was also a victim of the neftenga system just like everybody else? Didn’t Amhara benefit from “land for the tillers” proclamation by derg? Can someone elaborate why some amharas, specially the elites took on themselves the mantle of being neftenga?

Neftegna is a poorly defined word. You for example said it is a historical term which has relevance during Menelik and H/S but at the same time you said the main criteria to be neftegna is to be assigned by the system. What is it? Are you talking about the current system or the old feudal system? If you are talking about the old feudal system, we all know this system is gone for almost 50 years now. So why use this term in the first place and promote it as if the current main problem is neftenga. But if you are talking about the current system (since the criteria for neftegna is "being assigned by the system") then why you never used the term neftegna for the 27 year against TPLF dictatorial rule? Why you use it extensively now?

Even though the term neftegna was a historical term, TPLF used and abused the term for 27 years to attack and displace Amharas exclusively. We have never seen people "assigned by the system" attacked and displaced but ordinary Amhara farmers and civilians were ethnic cleansed. Hence, as every ordinary Ethiopian know, the term has currently a different meaning than its historical origin. Today, it means Amhara people. Anyone who uses this term in a political discourse is for me nothing but is inciting violence against ordinary Amhara civilans. We have seen the last decades and in recent violence in Oromia, the term neftegna is a code word to attack, kill, and commit genocide on Amharas. It was NEVER used to attack those who "are assigned by the system".

Words and their meaning change through time. Anybody today who use words like Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna is inciting violence against specific ethnic groups. Everybody knows Tebab refers to Oromo ethnic group and no matter how one tries to redefine the term neftegna, in today's Ethiopia it means Amhara civilians, nothing else.

So, the main question remains: why use the term neftegna in a time when there is no neftegna system on the ground? What is the reason behind the promotion of this word now? The answer is clear: to commit genocide on Amhara civilians and in times on Christians as a whole. No other justification can be given for using this word now where there is zero evidence for the existence of the neftegna system on the ground.
All the systems i was talking about are specific to the systems of the two kings i mentioned. Though the term is used widely since 1991, i felt it is very important to understand the origin of the term and in what context it was being used. Having saying that, can you answer the question i posed in my heading?
You are absolutist right in that the terms Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna are being used as political weapon. Hopefully time will abolish this terms by changing political environment in to something positive in the future.

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by info » 26 Aug 2020, 03:14

banebris2013 wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 00:48
All the systems i was talking about are specific to the systems of the two kings i mentioned. Though the term is used widely since 1991, i felt it is very important to understand the origin of the term and in what context it was being used. Having saying that, can you answer the question i posed in my heading?
You are absolutist right in that the terms Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna are being used as political weapon. Hopefully time will abolish this terms by changing political environment in to something positive in the future.
You asked: Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.

Simple Answer: Because it was the Amhara farmers, mothers, fathers and civilians that were displaced, killed and their properties destroyed in the name of neftegna for the last 30 years. How hard is that to understand, that the word Netegna is nothing but a code word to incite ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara? Is that not what the last 30 years has thought us? We have seen no "gun carrier" or "assigned by the system" being attacked for being neftegna. It was always Amhara civilians that were the target, i.e. that is the meaning of Netegna in today's Ethiopia. Why is that hard to understand? The word has changed its meaning, period and means Amhara civilians. Why are toxic ethno fascists still use the word knowing the consequences very well?

The last 30 years have shown us, those who constantly use this word for political discourse have displaced Amhara farmers, killed and attacked Amhara civilians and destroyed Amhara properties. It is by now very clear what these people have in mind when they say Neftegna. It is the innocent Amhara people that they see as enemies and as a possible target. When you use the word neftegna I feel you want to target me and my family even though I am a strong opponent of the actual historical Neftegna system which I prefer to call a feudal system.

:arrow: Hence, anybody who use the term neftegna should be charged for inciting ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara people, period!

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by info » 26 Aug 2020, 03:27

EPRDF wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 22:38
Neft is and means RIFLE. Neftegna means a person who carries Neft/Rifle. In the 19th century, emperor Menilik and his troops bearing Rifle/Neft emerged and spread throughout all over Ethiopian territories.

Those who carried Neft/Rifle brought and introduced a system that upheld serfdom, the supremacy of one language, religion and culture of the North. That system is the system of Neftegna ( Yeneftegna Ser'aat ) and the person who advocates that system a hundred years ago or today is Neftegna.

That oppressive, feudalist system was imposed over Ethiopian people by the means of that Neft/Rifle, and Ethiopians are recalling it today that system by its name Neftgna/Riflers/ Musketeers.

Why it is so hard to understand this simple definition of this word and ye Qalaat mesenexaxeQ.
This is a very narrow meaning completely leaving out what the word has become in the last 30 years. Words are not static and do change their meaning due to time and the word neftegna has completely changed its meaning in the last 30 years! The last 30 years have shown us, those who constantly use this word for political discourse have displaced Amhara farmers, killed and attacked Amhara civilians and destroyed Amhara properties. It is by now very clear what these people have in mind when they say Neftegna. It is by no means the historical feudal system or "a person with rifle" but the innocent Amhara people that they see as enemies and as a possible target. How hard is that to understand that the word has changed its original meaning and has become to refer to innocent Amhara civilans? When you use the word neftegna today, I feel you want to target me and my family even though I am a strong opponent of the actual historical Neftegna system which I prefer to call a feudal system.

:arrow: Hence, anybody who use the term neftegna should be charged for inciting ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara people, period!

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Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by kibramlak » 26 Aug 2020, 05:55


your views here are partially true. The wrong parts you dont want to recognize are the following:

Who were the generals of Minilk of that time. History accounts tell that 9 out of 10 generals were oromos. Why then point to Amharas only ??? I need answer for this.

Additionally, based on your definition of neftegna w.r.t rife/neft, was not tplf who slaughtered many oromos, with no less number than amharas. If so, what do you call tplf because it has used even now neft to kill and maim anyone that opposes its tribal power hegemony?? Can you answer on this?

EPRDF wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 22:38
Neft is and means RIFLE. Neftegna means a person who carries Neft/Rifle. In the 19th century, emperor Menilik and his troops bearing Rifle/Neft emerged and spread throughout all over Ethiopian territories.

Those who carried Neft/Rifle brought and introduced a system that upheld serfdom, the supremacy of one language, religion and culture of the North. That system is the system of Neftegna ( Yeneftegna Ser'aat ) and the person who advocates that system a hundred years ago or today is Neftegna.

That oppressive, feudalist system was imposed over Ethiopian people by the means of that Neft/Rifle, and Ethiopians are recalling it today that system by its name Neftgna/Riflers/ Musketeers.

Why it is so hard to understand this simple definition of this word and ye Qalaat mesenexaxeQ.

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Joined: 26 Jan 2010, 12:58

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by EPRDF » 26 Aug 2020, 15:28

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 23:16
EPDRF feudalism was buried in Ethiopia a long time ago. Why calling Amharas “ neftegnas” still exist? By your own argument you cannot separate one from the other. meaning feudalism and neftegna.
info wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 03:27
It is by no means the historical feudal system or "a person with rifle" but the innocent Amhara people that they see as enemies and as a possible target. How hard is that to understand that the word has changed its original meaning and has become to refer to innocent Amhara civilans? :arrow:
kibramlak wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 05:55

your views here are partially true. The wrong parts you dont want to recognize are the following:

Who were the generals of Minilk of that time. History accounts tell that 9 out of 10 generals were oromos. Why then point to Amharas only ??? I need answer for this.

Additionally, based on your definition of neftegna w.r.t rife/neft, was not tplf who slaughtered many oromos, with no less number than amharas. If so, what do you call tplf because it has used even now neft to kill and maim anyone that opposes its tribal power hegemony?? Can you answer on this?
Wendimoche Sam, Info and Kibreamlak,

First of all, I have never said Amharas are Neftegnas. I simply defined the word Neftegna and its system of subjugation. If one associated the entire poor Amhara population with Neftegna, that is absolutely wrong and it is out of the context of the meaning of Neftegna/ Rifler/ Xebmenjegna. Amharas equally suffered by the Neftegna system as the rest of Ethiopians. Wollo ( Bete Amara ) was ignored by the Neftegna system while dying in tens of thousands due to starvation is one good example to remember. Walelegn Mekonen and many brave souls those who died fighting the Neftegna system behalf of all Ethiopians were hailed from Amhara whereas benefiting from the same Neftegna system and once who owned half of the Kaffa province the likes of Ras Mesfin Silshis were ethnic Oromos. Right here needs to mark a clear distinction between the two, Neftegna the system and its functionaries and the Ordinary Amhara citizens.

Having said that, Yes, as one of you has pointed out, it is very true that the Neftegna system died and buried long ago, but the mindset that was planted by the Neftegna system is still out there and running as if it is a political Ideology. Those who support the Neftegna system that died forty five years ago are nothing but Neftegnas the same as those who support Dergue are Derguists, and those who support Woyanes are Woyanists regardless of their ethnic background.
By admitting this simple fact, without Qalaat Mesenexaxeq, that is where we all need be united to combat.

I hope I made myself clear.

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Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by banebris2013 » 26 Aug 2020, 17:25

info wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 03:14
banebris2013 wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 00:48
All the systems i was talking about are specific to the systems of the two kings i mentioned. Though the term is used widely since 1991, i felt it is very important to understand the origin of the term and in what context it was being used. Having saying that, can you answer the question i posed in my heading?
You are absolutist right in that the terms Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna are being used as political weapon. Hopefully time will abolish this terms by changing political environment in to something positive in the future.
You asked: Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.

Simple Answer: Because it was the Amhara farmers, mothers, fathers and civilians that were displaced, killed and their properties destroyed in the name of neftegna for the last 30 years. How hard is that to understand, that the word Netegna is nothing but a code word to incite ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara? Is that not what the last 30 years has thought us? We have seen no "gun carrier" or "assigned by the system" being attacked for being neftegna. It was always Amhara civilians that were the target, i.e. that is the meaning of Netegna in today's Ethiopia. Why is that hard to understand? The word has changed its meaning, period and means Amhara civilians. Why are toxic ethno fascists still use the word knowing the consequences very well?

The last 30 years have shown us, those who constantly use this word for political discourse have displaced Amhara farmers, killed and attacked Amhara civilians and destroyed Amhara properties. It is by now very clear what these people have in mind when they say Neftegna. It is the innocent Amhara people that they see as enemies and as a possible target. When you use the word neftegna I feel you want to target me and my family even though I am a strong opponent of the actual historical Neftegna system which I prefer to call a feudal system.

:arrow: Hence, anybody who use the term neftegna should be charged for inciting ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara people, period!
If you willingly accept what you are not, you have no right to complain about it. What you say is equivalent to Germans accepting being Nazis.

Posts: 494
Joined: 27 Oct 2014, 15:59

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by sholagebya » 26 Aug 2020, 18:53

« አውቆ የተኛ ቢቀሰቅሱት አይሰማም!! > የተባለው የአንተ አይነቱን እኮ ነው ።

<< Nothing further I rest my case ! > As an experienced attorney concluded his case after
presenting a convincing presentation's case against the plaintiff real motive. ከንቱ ነው በእውነት !!
If you willingly accept what you are not, you have no right to complain about it. What you say is equivalent to Germans accepting being Nazis.

quote=banebris2013 post_id=1098406 time=1598477120 user_id=40399]
info wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 03:14
banebris2013 wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 00:48
All the systems i was talking about are specific to the systems of the two kings i mentioned. Though the term is used widely since 1991, i felt it is very important to understand the origin of the term and in what context it was being used. Having saying that, can you answer the question i posed in my heading?
You are absolutist right in that the terms Tebab, Neftegna, Timketegna are being used as political weapon. Hopefully time will abolish this terms by changing political environment in to something positive in the future.
You asked: Why is that amhara has to take on themselves the responsibility of being neftenga.

Simple Answer: Because it was the Amhara farmers, mothers, fathers and civilians that were displaced, killed and their properties destroyed in the name of neftegna for the last 30 years. How hard is that to understand, that the word Netegna is nothing but a code word to incite ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara? Is that not what the last 30 years has thought us? We have seen no "gun carrier" or "assigned by the system" being attacked for being neftegna. It was always Amhara civilians that were the target, i.e. that is the meaning of Netegna in today's Ethiopia. Why is that hard to understand? The word has changed its meaning, period and means Amhara civilians. Why are toxic ethno fascists still use the word knowing the consequences very well?

The last 30 years have shown us, those who constantly use this word for political discourse have displaced Amhara farmers, killed and attacked Amhara civilians and destroyed Amhara properties. It is by now very clear what these people have in mind when they say Neftegna. It is the innocent Amhara people that they see as enemies and as a possible target. When you use the word neftegna I feel you want to target me and my family even though I am a strong opponent of the actual historical Neftegna system which I prefer to call a feudal system.

:arrow: Hence, anybody who use the term neftegna should be charged for inciting ethnic cleansing and genocide on Amhara people, period!
If you willingly accept what you are not, you have no right to complain about it. What you say is equivalent to Germans accepting being Nazis.

Naga Tuma
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Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by Naga Tuma » 27 Aug 2020, 03:15

banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas.
Can you list a few names among the significant number of "others" that were assigned and how the process of assignment went?

The rest of the participants here, I have just come up with a list of some amusing words after reading the words ነፍጥ and ነፍጠኛ። These words are ዱለኛ፣ ጦረኛ፣ ነፍጠኛ፣ ምሳይለኛ፣ ንዉክለርኛ፣ ሃይድጅንኛ፣ ኮቪድኛ።

Seriously, can you define each of them and check in which era and on which planet you guys have been living as you blame those who were able to make and were also able to get what their time had to offer even if they weren't the first ones to make them?

I am not suggesting these all are necessary or that systems don't necessarily develop as a function of time. I am just suggesting truly how silly your arguments sound, at least to me, when you try to run away from the heritage of time instead of owning it as progress tends to perfect itself over time.

Posts: 3637
Joined: 05 Dec 2014, 11:33

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by info » 27 Aug 2020, 06:23

banebris2013 wrote:
26 Aug 2020, 17:25
If you willingly accept what you are not, you have no right to complain about it. What you say is equivalent to Germans accepting being Nazis.
Hmm, what options do I have when all the last 30 years thought me that neftegna is every Amhara civilian that is marked for killing, displacement and ethnic cleansing? The real question is why ethno fascists don't focus on OPDO/PP who actually have the real power in Oromia and Ethiopia rather than calling for genocide on neftegna aka Amahra civilians? What is your obsession with neftegna aka Amhara people? Why not focus on OPDO instead? Why not call them by their name PP/OPDO and blame them? It is clear that those who shout neftegna are those who are not interested in actually addressing the current problem and finding a political solution but rather on genocide and ethnic cleansing. For this crime, they are rightfully charged and jailed. And it seems the majority of Ethiopians have no sympathy for those who agitate for crimes against humanity. Honestly, by not focusing on OPDO/PP but shouting on neftgena aka Amahra people, these ethno fascists are hurting their struggle and make it very easy for the government to charge and jail them. Kudos to the government!

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by banebris2013 » 27 Aug 2020, 23:32

Naga Tuma wrote:
27 Aug 2020, 03:15
banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas.
Can you list a few names among the significant number of "others" that were assigned and how the process of assignment went?

The rest of the participants here, I have just come up with a list of some amusing words after reading the words ነፍጥ and ነፍጠኛ። These words are ዱለኛ፣ ጦረኛ፣ ነፍጠኛ፣ ምሳይለኛ፣ ንዉክለርኛ፣ ሃይድጅንኛ፣ ኮቪድኛ።

Seriously, can you define each of them and check in which era and on which planet you guys have been living as you blame those who were able to make and were also able to get what their time had to offer even if they weren't the first ones to make them?

I am not suggesting these all are necessary or that systems don't necessarily develop as a function of time. I am just suggesting truly how silly your arguments sound, at least to me, when you try to run away from the heritage of time instead of owning it as progress tends to perfect itself over time.
Not interested in anything that comes from you. I told you, i do not recognize anything that comes from you as genuine.

Posts: 2155
Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: Neftegna as system vs Neftenga as Amhara

Post by kibramlak » 28 Aug 2020, 14:29

You made a point. All cries of all sorts of names are without considering the footprint of time. Unfortunately, that sorry prof Merera couldnt understand this simple logic. If it were like the military title, his academic title must be revoked. What a spoiled brain !

Naga Tuma wrote:
27 Aug 2020, 03:15
banebris2013 wrote:
25 Aug 2020, 03:31
Though Amharas are the majority, there are significant number of non amharas assigned as neftengas.
Can you list a few names among the significant number of "others" that were assigned and how the process of assignment went?

The rest of the participants here, I have just come up with a list of some amusing words after reading the words ነፍጥ and ነፍጠኛ። These words are ዱለኛ፣ ጦረኛ፣ ነፍጠኛ፣ ምሳይለኛ፣ ንዉክለርኛ፣ ሃይድጅንኛ፣ ኮቪድኛ።

Seriously, can you define each of them and check in which era and on which planet you guys have been living as you blame those who were able to make and were also able to get what their time had to offer even if they weren't the first ones to make them?

I am not suggesting these all are necessary or that systems don't necessarily develop as a function of time. I am just suggesting truly how silly your arguments sound, at least to me, when you try to run away from the heritage of time instead of owning it as progress tends to perfect itself over time.

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