ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
ከሁለት አመት በፊት OPDO ራሱን ችሎ የሚቆም ድርጅት አይደለም ብዬ ጽፈ ነበር፡፡ ስለዚህ OPDO ከአማራ ድርቶች ጌታ መርጦ በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ መቀጠል ወይም የትግራይ ጌቶቱን ተሸክሞ ለመቀጠል መወሰን ግዴታ አንደሚሆንበት ፅፌ ነበር፡፡ ምክንያቱም OPDO አፋን ኦሮሞ በሚናገሩ ግን ኦሮሞ ያልሆኑ ሀበሾች የተሞላ ስለሆነ ከኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ድጋፍ ያሌለው መሆኑን በመጥቀስ፡፡ አንድ ሀበሻም ሲመልስልኝ ይህንን በግልጽ መጻፍ እንዳልነበረብኝ እኔን በመውቀስ ልክ እንዳልነበርኩ አስተያዬቱን ሰጥቶኝ ነበር፡፡
ያም ሆነ ይህ አሁን ያለው እውኔታ OPDO አማራን በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ ለመቀጠል በመወሰኑ ያኔ ያልኩትን ያጸና ለመሆኑ የሚጠራጠር ያለ አይመስለኝም፡፡
OPDO በሂደት ወደ ODP ተቀይሮ አሁን ደግም PP ነኝ ብሏል፡፡ ሁሉም ስሞች ግን የሀበሻ ሽታውን ስላልቀየረ ኦሮሞ ሊቀበለው አልቻለም፡፡ የኦሮሞ የያነ ጥያቄ፤ PP ሆይ በጭንቅላትህ ላይ የተሸከምከውን ህወሀት አውርድ የሚል ነበር፡፡ አሁንም ጥያቄው PP ሆይ በጀርባህ ያዘለከውን አማራ አራግፈህ ኦሮሞ ሁንና ከሌሎች ኦሮሞ ልጆች ጋር ሀገራችንን ምራ የሚል ነው፡፡ ይህ ካልሆነ ግን ጃል መሮ እየመጣ ነውና መንገድ ልቀቅ የሚል ነው፡፡
ጥያቄው ጉዞ ከእንግዲህ ወዴትና እንዴት የሚለው ነው፡፡ ለእኔ መልሱ ግልጽና የማያሻማ ነው፡፡
ይህንን ምክር የማይቀበል PP (አብይ፣ አዲሱ. ሺመልስ ና ሌሎች አፋን ኦሮሞ ተናጋሪ ሰፋሪዋች) ካለልተቀበሉ ግን በኦሮሚያ ለሚገኙ ሰፋሪዎች ጠንቅ ለመሆንና ነጻ ኦሮሚያ ምስረታን ለማፋጠን የመርዳት አስተዋጽኦ ብቻ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ሁሉም ይገንዘብ፡፡
ውጤቱን ከሁለት ዓመታት በኃላ እንገመግማለን፡፡
ያም ሆነ ይህ አሁን ያለው እውኔታ OPDO አማራን በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ ለመቀጠል በመወሰኑ ያኔ ያልኩትን ያጸና ለመሆኑ የሚጠራጠር ያለ አይመስለኝም፡፡
OPDO በሂደት ወደ ODP ተቀይሮ አሁን ደግም PP ነኝ ብሏል፡፡ ሁሉም ስሞች ግን የሀበሻ ሽታውን ስላልቀየረ ኦሮሞ ሊቀበለው አልቻለም፡፡ የኦሮሞ የያነ ጥያቄ፤ PP ሆይ በጭንቅላትህ ላይ የተሸከምከውን ህወሀት አውርድ የሚል ነበር፡፡ አሁንም ጥያቄው PP ሆይ በጀርባህ ያዘለከውን አማራ አራግፈህ ኦሮሞ ሁንና ከሌሎች ኦሮሞ ልጆች ጋር ሀገራችንን ምራ የሚል ነው፡፡ ይህ ካልሆነ ግን ጃል መሮ እየመጣ ነውና መንገድ ልቀቅ የሚል ነው፡፡
ጥያቄው ጉዞ ከእንግዲህ ወዴትና እንዴት የሚለው ነው፡፡ ለእኔ መልሱ ግልጽና የማያሻማ ነው፡፡
ይህንን ምክር የማይቀበል PP (አብይ፣ አዲሱ. ሺመልስ ና ሌሎች አፋን ኦሮሞ ተናጋሪ ሰፋሪዋች) ካለልተቀበሉ ግን በኦሮሚያ ለሚገኙ ሰፋሪዎች ጠንቅ ለመሆንና ነጻ ኦሮሚያ ምስረታን ለማፋጠን የመርዳት አስተዋጽኦ ብቻ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ሁሉም ይገንዘብ፡፡
ውጤቱን ከሁለት ዓመታት በኃላ እንገመግማለን፡፡
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
I stated the above for I can guess the undercurrents of armed politics in Oromia
I also know we have chameleons like this guy.

The good thing promising is that, regardless of humiliated individuals, Oromo nation needs to regain sovereignty of its country Oromia.
I stated the above for I can guess the undercurrents of armed politics in Oromia
I also know we have chameleons like this guy.

The good thing promising is that, regardless of humiliated individuals, Oromo nation needs to regain sovereignty of its country Oromia.
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 19:17You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!

Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
Did any Oromo ask your help? Why you pretend as if you are Oromo. You being one of the leper, are we Oromos evil to expect you help us?tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 19:17You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!
No, not so. We know our ways.
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
AbebeB wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 20:10Did any Oromo ask your help? Why you pretend as if you are Oromo. You being one of the leper, are we Oromos evil to expect you help us?tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 19:17You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!
I will give you free way without a single episode of obstacle on your way to liberate Oromia; but you won't succeed in a century! Mark my word forever!! You won't, period. Gallas, whether peasant or intellectuals are born to be servants of their masters. They kept that sentiments in their phacking brain. they are not self efficient in their nature; they are jeleaous of each other whether it is related to wealth, political position, or something else. They have never given the chance to rule a single Kebele, let alone a
Country. Now, Your OPDO uncles, who were slaves of TPLF until 2 yrs ago has got a chance to rule that bloody empire, but failed again and again, killling their brothers and sisters. Your phacking party has been in the jungle for more than half a century, claiming struggling while planting onions in the Sahl desert of Eritrea, came back after it has got the opportunity, but still failed. DOMMA!
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
You are the best example of a Bantugudifecha, you are not just Meshrefet supporter but identical twin of Meshrefet himself, you hate genuine Oromos and their struggle for independence becoz you want meshrefet to stay in 4killo to save your nafxania masters. You [deleted] about Oromos whenever Meshrefet is in trouble, you are the same like the crazy Ethwar/Intelreport. What a freak bunch of bantujarsogudifechas! I tell you what, Oromo know Bantugudifechas are the worst enemies of Oromos and all Ethiopian nations and nationaliities, fortunately we will burr you sooner than later.tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 19:17You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!
Last edited by abel qael on 06 Jun 2020, 23:07, edited 1 time in total.
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
This OUERRO, olf< ofeco, SHENE these are mobs, hooligans who terrorize the same people they are claiming to represent. How do they get the mandate to represent the Oromo peoples? The answer is easy because they don't value their own life. They don't have a job, they do not have education so they can't be higher in peaceful Ethiopia therefore they took hooliganism as a way of life and endanger most of Oromo's life. In order to reflect and understand their mistake, the government shows them patience but they interpret it as a weakness . They keep terrorizing small villages where the government forces are few and try to sneak up in the night and kill individual government employees. Is this really a struggle or a crime. You did it for the last 50 years and nothing happened and will never happen in the future too.
Now when Abye is pressured and starts to crack down on these hooligans they start to cry and asked amnesty international, on BBC, Aljazeera to save them. If you are brave as you claimed then do not complain. The sad thing about this Oromo libration hooligans is that for the third time they are closing the chance for self-administration by violating individual rights and committing very savage crimes that never happened in Ethiopia. They are trying to slander our Christian name as the land of pagan.
Neftegna " Amhara peoples are believers they forgive but they do not forget. They do not believe in ethnicity but in unity. as you said if you do not want unity you can't act like a child with tantrum. There are rules and procedures you have to follow that but if you choose to continue fighting after you came to Ethiopia by the mercy of Ethiopian then you do not want to stand on the wrong side of Amahara people trust me.
ዓማራ ሲጥል አንጂ ሲተኩስ ኣይታይም ሲባል ኣልሰማህም የኣጋመውን ህውሃት በቁም ያሰረው ኣማራ ነው without any bullet shot they quarantine the agame TPLF in agmeland.No matter what is your agenda you have to abide by the law of the land. You can't carry your old gun and roam around the bushes and terrorize poor Oromos. At the same time, do not come here and open your filthy mouth as Oromo you are an Arab agent who works for pocket money. No these hooligans do not represent the peace-loving Oromo people.
Now when Abye is pressured and starts to crack down on these hooligans they start to cry and asked amnesty international, on BBC, Aljazeera to save them. If you are brave as you claimed then do not complain. The sad thing about this Oromo libration hooligans is that for the third time they are closing the chance for self-administration by violating individual rights and committing very savage crimes that never happened in Ethiopia. They are trying to slander our Christian name as the land of pagan.
Neftegna " Amhara peoples are believers they forgive but they do not forget. They do not believe in ethnicity but in unity. as you said if you do not want unity you can't act like a child with tantrum. There are rules and procedures you have to follow that but if you choose to continue fighting after you came to Ethiopia by the mercy of Ethiopian then you do not want to stand on the wrong side of Amahara people trust me.
ዓማራ ሲጥል አንጂ ሲተኩስ ኣይታይም ሲባል ኣልሰማህም የኣጋመውን ህውሃት በቁም ያሰረው ኣማራ ነው without any bullet shot they quarantine the agame TPLF in agmeland.No matter what is your agenda you have to abide by the law of the land. You can't carry your old gun and roam around the bushes and terrorize poor Oromos. At the same time, do not come here and open your filthy mouth as Oromo you are an Arab agent who works for pocket money. No these hooligans do not represent the peace-loving Oromo people.
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
Why wait for 2 years? If Meshrefet gets 2 more years, Oromia will not be on the map.ውጤቱን ከሁለት ዓመታት በኃላ እንገመግማለን፡፡
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 21:31tolcha,AbebeB wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 20:10Did any Oromo ask your help? Why you pretend as if you are Oromo. You being one of the leper, are we Oromos evil to expect you help us?tolcha wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 19:17You will never liberate a single village, Fandiyaa!!! Just post craps again and again! Gallas struggle is dead end. When they failed to achieve a victory, they started eating eachother. I am out. Go search a fool that follows your garbage organization or an idiot who fight for you!
I will give you free way without a single episode of obstacle on your way to liberate Oromia; but you won't succeed in a century! Mark my word forever!! You won't, period. Gallas, whether peasant or intellectuals are born to be servants of their masters. They kept that sentiments in their phacking brain. they are not self efficient in their nature; they are jeleaous of each other whether it is related to wealth, political position, or something else. They have never given the chance to rule a single Kebele, let alone a
Country. Now, Your OPDO uncles, who were slaves of TPLF until 2 yrs ago has got a chance to rule that bloody empire, but failed again and again, killling their brothers and sisters. Your phacking party has been in the jungle for more than half a century, claiming struggling while planting onions in the Sahl desert of Eritrea, came back after it has got the opportunity, but still failed. DOMMA!
ስድብሽ ያው ቆማጣ (አማራ) መሆንሽን ያስገነዝበኛል፡፡
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
That is an old Western slogan. The current situation in Ethiopia is about the rise of false ethnicism advocated by Arabs, the west with different agenda and followed by their agents like Jawar, Bekele Geriba, Dawed Ibsa, Merra, Melese.
These organizations started as Marxists. But when socialism start to fail because of Gorbachev's perestroika and USSR internal power struggle. The support of money and armaments drained both for Ethiopian government and these foreign agent groups. Then the Arab, to spread Islamism and the west i.e USA, Britania, Germany, Italy and so on, to completely eliminate the last socialist nation in Africa, approach this groups at list twice, in Italy Bologna Italy, London England and instruct them to keep their differences aside, change their ideology and fight Mengistu if they want to stay relevant in Ethiopian politics.
The west didn't see them as a reliable agent because of two major reasons. first, all of them organized under Marxist Leninist ideology even if they do not understand it fully the reason why I say that they didn't have a formally educated person in them, plus they were practicing different from Marxism. for example, Melese Zenawi follows the Albanian style Enver Hoxa's distorted version. Isayas was practicing the Mao Tse-tung version and OLF similarly.
Second, contrary to the communist ideology they were deeply divided and organized under ethnic lines. However, their belief was to form their own separate nation and till then agreed to fight the most dangerous enemy for both of them the Ethiopian government even if they are feeding on it.
Prior to approaching these groups, the west tried to topple Mengistu multiple times. They tried to assassinate him. They conducted many subversive actions in the country like organizing EDU lead Cudeta which failed prematurely resulted in the arrest of its 18 members. example Degazmach Asegahegn, Degazmach Ketsela from inside and many others from Somalia, Egypt and many other Arab countries. After that the CIA and MI5 attempt for the second time by infiltrating the Ethiopian army and recruiting some military Generals and officers to topple Mengistu. The depth of the infiltration was limited to top brasses only because of the very sophisticated and feared Ethiopian security agency.
The final plan of the cudeta started on May 8, Ethiopian calendar to shoot down Mengistu's plane when he was traveling to East Germany ( GDR) for an official visit as all of us know that cudeta failed miserable and coast many lives.
The west was baffled by the successive failer and loyalty of the people to Mengistu. As a resort to remove him they fledging a full-scale war against Ethiopian people. For this action, the west approached these terrorist organizations like TPL,ELF, EpLF, OLF, IFLO actually any group that was engaged in destabilizing the country invited to Italy Bologna. At this time Mengistu was ready to launch its final offensive under the slogan " The red star call" those groups were terrified so they agree to everything, including to denounce their Marxist ideology, on the table In exchange for armament, training and battlefield information, logistic and Immigration status for the leaders of these registered terrorist group members in the west.
At the same time, the west approached Mengistu as a mediator and arranged negotiations with these groups again In Italy. This time the negotiator from the Ethiopian side includes x EPLF members who surrender to Derg, Example, Teklay and his brother they were high raking EPLF members and Abraham Yayeh from TPLF Gebremedihin was left because of the language barrier. Then before the meeting started when they see Teklay and his brother the EPLF got furies and left the negotiation.
On the other hand, the west organized the formation of the united front against Ethiopia. Creating EPRDF during the so-called second congress.
The west made them fledge unity between EPLF, TPLF, EPRP, OLF, IFLO. They reorganize them and started a full-scale war supported by them and some Arab countries like Egypt. This time the cash flows in the pocket of these group leaders started. Even if they are fighting and negotiated together OLF and IFLO didn't get as much as the others because they are not tigree and they were not that effective in the war front. The leader of these groups started to live a high life for example Meles in Mogadishu. This was the money Aboy Sibihat of TPLF's old dog always saying we ( EFERT) had money before we came to Addis from business dealing but it was tied to the war and he doesn't have direct access.
The problem of this agreement with the west was so secret to fighters at the ground. As the fighting continued and Tplf and EPLF told to continue to Addis Ababa, even if they are enjoying the new weapons, and more food than before the fighters started to raise questions. why are we fighting out of our province as their name implies TPLF is by design tigrea libration and EPLF was Eritrean libration. The answer was it is wartime no and we will explain that later. When they reach Addis Ababa the EPLF leadership sticks to their promises and went back to Eritrea but TPLF guesses what they didn't instead they arrest all who raises the question. They arrested more than 15 000 tgree fighters after a few weeks of reaching Addis Ababa. Among the prisoners, 5000 of them died of torture and excution. The rest deported back to Tigray after deeply reformed some of them given land in Oromia, Gambela, Welqiyet, Wello, Amachiho, Addis Ababa, Hawassa, Nazeret. Among them, Debretsion who exiled later after few years to Tigray when TPLF splits into two factions this was the main reason, not the Eritrea war. Meresa, hassan shifa to mention few.
Read any history you will not find any libration front lead country prospering because they fight for a very long time they get addicted to the chaos they get institutionalized. It is like a prisoner who spent decades in jail and when they come out can function in normal society. Mujahidin,Unita, Isis, PLO, POLISARIO, Rwnada, ZANU any many groups
These groups in Ethiopia are different because they betrayed their own ideology, their own people, their own country basically themselves. They do not represent Oromo or Tigree they are living day by day. However, Abiy didn't come through war addiction and he is practicing faith he has family and young so he is different and we should give him a chance.
These organizations started as Marxists. But when socialism start to fail because of Gorbachev's perestroika and USSR internal power struggle. The support of money and armaments drained both for Ethiopian government and these foreign agent groups. Then the Arab, to spread Islamism and the west i.e USA, Britania, Germany, Italy and so on, to completely eliminate the last socialist nation in Africa, approach this groups at list twice, in Italy Bologna Italy, London England and instruct them to keep their differences aside, change their ideology and fight Mengistu if they want to stay relevant in Ethiopian politics.
The west didn't see them as a reliable agent because of two major reasons. first, all of them organized under Marxist Leninist ideology even if they do not understand it fully the reason why I say that they didn't have a formally educated person in them, plus they were practicing different from Marxism. for example, Melese Zenawi follows the Albanian style Enver Hoxa's distorted version. Isayas was practicing the Mao Tse-tung version and OLF similarly.
Second, contrary to the communist ideology they were deeply divided and organized under ethnic lines. However, their belief was to form their own separate nation and till then agreed to fight the most dangerous enemy for both of them the Ethiopian government even if they are feeding on it.
Prior to approaching these groups, the west tried to topple Mengistu multiple times. They tried to assassinate him. They conducted many subversive actions in the country like organizing EDU lead Cudeta which failed prematurely resulted in the arrest of its 18 members. example Degazmach Asegahegn, Degazmach Ketsela from inside and many others from Somalia, Egypt and many other Arab countries. After that the CIA and MI5 attempt for the second time by infiltrating the Ethiopian army and recruiting some military Generals and officers to topple Mengistu. The depth of the infiltration was limited to top brasses only because of the very sophisticated and feared Ethiopian security agency.
The final plan of the cudeta started on May 8, Ethiopian calendar to shoot down Mengistu's plane when he was traveling to East Germany ( GDR) for an official visit as all of us know that cudeta failed miserable and coast many lives.
The west was baffled by the successive failer and loyalty of the people to Mengistu. As a resort to remove him they fledging a full-scale war against Ethiopian people. For this action, the west approached these terrorist organizations like TPL,ELF, EpLF, OLF, IFLO actually any group that was engaged in destabilizing the country invited to Italy Bologna. At this time Mengistu was ready to launch its final offensive under the slogan " The red star call" those groups were terrified so they agree to everything, including to denounce their Marxist ideology, on the table In exchange for armament, training and battlefield information, logistic and Immigration status for the leaders of these registered terrorist group members in the west.
At the same time, the west approached Mengistu as a mediator and arranged negotiations with these groups again In Italy. This time the negotiator from the Ethiopian side includes x EPLF members who surrender to Derg, Example, Teklay and his brother they were high raking EPLF members and Abraham Yayeh from TPLF Gebremedihin was left because of the language barrier. Then before the meeting started when they see Teklay and his brother the EPLF got furies and left the negotiation.
On the other hand, the west organized the formation of the united front against Ethiopia. Creating EPRDF during the so-called second congress.
The west made them fledge unity between EPLF, TPLF, EPRP, OLF, IFLO. They reorganize them and started a full-scale war supported by them and some Arab countries like Egypt. This time the cash flows in the pocket of these group leaders started. Even if they are fighting and negotiated together OLF and IFLO didn't get as much as the others because they are not tigree and they were not that effective in the war front. The leader of these groups started to live a high life for example Meles in Mogadishu. This was the money Aboy Sibihat of TPLF's old dog always saying we ( EFERT) had money before we came to Addis from business dealing but it was tied to the war and he doesn't have direct access.
The problem of this agreement with the west was so secret to fighters at the ground. As the fighting continued and Tplf and EPLF told to continue to Addis Ababa, even if they are enjoying the new weapons, and more food than before the fighters started to raise questions. why are we fighting out of our province as their name implies TPLF is by design tigrea libration and EPLF was Eritrean libration. The answer was it is wartime no and we will explain that later. When they reach Addis Ababa the EPLF leadership sticks to their promises and went back to Eritrea but TPLF guesses what they didn't instead they arrest all who raises the question. They arrested more than 15 000 tgree fighters after a few weeks of reaching Addis Ababa. Among the prisoners, 5000 of them died of torture and excution. The rest deported back to Tigray after deeply reformed some of them given land in Oromia, Gambela, Welqiyet, Wello, Amachiho, Addis Ababa, Hawassa, Nazeret. Among them, Debretsion who exiled later after few years to Tigray when TPLF splits into two factions this was the main reason, not the Eritrea war. Meresa, hassan shifa to mention few.
Read any history you will not find any libration front lead country prospering because they fight for a very long time they get addicted to the chaos they get institutionalized. It is like a prisoner who spent decades in jail and when they come out can function in normal society. Mujahidin,Unita, Isis, PLO, POLISARIO, Rwnada, ZANU any many groups
These groups in Ethiopia are different because they betrayed their own ideology, their own people, their own country basically themselves. They do not represent Oromo or Tigree they are living day by day. However, Abiy didn't come through war addiction and he is practicing faith he has family and young so he is different and we should give him a chance.
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
AbebeB wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 17:22ጅብ የጅብ ልጅ ከዚህ በላይ ማሰብ አይችልም!! አንተን ብሎ ተንታኝ!! ትንኛም አንበጣ ለቃሚ!! የተቀናጀ ወሬ ግም ነው!!!
ከሁለት አመት በፊት OPDO ራሱን ችሎ የሚቆም ድርጅት አይደለም ብዬ ጽፈ ነበር፡፡ ስለዚህ OPDO ከአማራ ድርቶች ጌታ መርጦ በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ መቀጠል ወይም የትግራይ ጌቶቱን ተሸክሞ ለመቀጠል መወሰን ግዴታ አንደሚሆንበት ፅፌ ነበር፡፡ ምክንያቱም OPDO አፋን ኦሮሞ በሚናገሩ ግን ኦሮሞ ያልሆኑ ሀበሾች የተሞላ ስለሆነ ከኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ድጋፍ ያሌለው መሆኑን በመጥቀስ፡፡ አንድ ሀበሻም ሲመልስልኝ ይህንን በግልጽ መጻፍ እንዳልነበረብኝ እኔን በመውቀስ ልክ እንዳልነበርኩ አስተያዬቱን ሰጥቶኝ ነበር፡፡
ያም ሆነ ይህ አሁን ያለው እውኔታ OPDO አማራን በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ ለመቀጠል በመወሰኑ ያኔ ያልኩትን ያጸና ለመሆኑ የሚጠራጠር ያለ አይመስለኝም፡፡
OPDO በሂደት ወደ ODP ተቀይሮ አሁን ደግም PP ነኝ ብሏል፡፡ ሁሉም ስሞች ግን የሀበሻ ሽታውን ስላልቀየረ ኦሮሞ ሊቀበለው አልቻለም፡፡ የኦሮሞ የያነ ጥያቄ፤ PP ሆይ በጭንቅላትህ ላይ የተሸከምከውን ህወሀት አውርድ የሚል ነበር፡፡ አሁንም ጥያቄው PP ሆይ በጀርባህ ያዘለከውን አማራ አራግፈህ ኦሮሞ ሁንና ከሌሎች ኦሮሞ ልጆች ጋር ሀገራችንን ምራ የሚል ነው፡፡ ይህ ካልሆነ ግን ጃል መሮ እየመጣ ነውና መንገድ ልቀቅ የሚል ነው፡፡
ጥያቄው ጉዞ ከእንግዲህ ወዴትና እንዴት የሚለው ነው፡፡ ለእኔ መልሱ ግልጽና የማያሻማ ነው፡፡
ይህንን ምክር የማይቀበል PP (አብይ፣ አዲሱ. ሺመልስ ና ሌሎች አፋን ኦሮሞ ተናጋሪ ሰፋሪዋች) ካለልተቀበሉ ግን በኦሮሚያ ለሚገኙ ሰፋሪዎች ጠንቅ ለመሆንና ነጻ ኦሮሚያ ምስረታን ለማፋጠን የመርዳት አስተዋጽኦ ብቻ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ሁሉም ይገንዘብ፡፡
ውጤቱን ከሁለት ዓመታት በኃላ እንገመግማለን፡፡
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
የተሸናፊ ወሬ ግም ነው!!!
quote=Ideaforum post_id=1070248 time=1591599534 user_id=48410]
quote=Ideaforum post_id=1070248 time=1591599534 user_id=48410]
[/quote]AbebeB wrote: ↑06 Jun 2020, 17:22ጅብ የጅብ ልጅ ከዚህ በላይ ማሰብ አይችልም!! አንተን ብሎ ተንታኝ!! ትንኛም አንበጣ ለቃሚ!! የተቀናጀ ወሬ ግም ነው!!!
ከሁለት አመት በፊት OPDO ራሱን ችሎ የሚቆም ድርጅት አይደለም ብዬ ጽፈ ነበር፡፡ ስለዚህ OPDO ከአማራ ድርቶች ጌታ መርጦ በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ መቀጠል ወይም የትግራይ ጌቶቱን ተሸክሞ ለመቀጠል መወሰን ግዴታ አንደሚሆንበት ፅፌ ነበር፡፡ ምክንያቱም OPDO አፋን ኦሮሞ በሚናገሩ ግን ኦሮሞ ያልሆኑ ሀበሾች የተሞላ ስለሆነ ከኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ድጋፍ ያሌለው መሆኑን በመጥቀስ፡፡ አንድ ሀበሻም ሲመልስልኝ ይህንን በግልጽ መጻፍ እንዳልነበረብኝ እኔን በመውቀስ ልክ እንዳልነበርኩ አስተያዬቱን ሰጥቶኝ ነበር፡፡
ያም ሆነ ይህ አሁን ያለው እውኔታ OPDO አማራን በራሱ ላይ አንግሶ ለመቀጠል በመወሰኑ ያኔ ያልኩትን ያጸና ለመሆኑ የሚጠራጠር ያለ አይመስለኝም፡፡
OPDO በሂደት ወደ ODP ተቀይሮ አሁን ደግም PP ነኝ ብሏል፡፡ ሁሉም ስሞች ግን የሀበሻ ሽታውን ስላልቀየረ ኦሮሞ ሊቀበለው አልቻለም፡፡ የኦሮሞ የያነ ጥያቄ፤ PP ሆይ በጭንቅላትህ ላይ የተሸከምከውን ህወሀት አውርድ የሚል ነበር፡፡ አሁንም ጥያቄው PP ሆይ በጀርባህ ያዘለከውን አማራ አራግፈህ ኦሮሞ ሁንና ከሌሎች ኦሮሞ ልጆች ጋር ሀገራችንን ምራ የሚል ነው፡፡ ይህ ካልሆነ ግን ጃል መሮ እየመጣ ነውና መንገድ ልቀቅ የሚል ነው፡፡
ጥያቄው ጉዞ ከእንግዲህ ወዴትና እንዴት የሚለው ነው፡፡ ለእኔ መልሱ ግልጽና የማያሻማ ነው፡፡
ይህንን ምክር የማይቀበል PP (አብይ፣ አዲሱ. ሺመልስ ና ሌሎች አፋን ኦሮሞ ተናጋሪ ሰፋሪዋች) ካለልተቀበሉ ግን በኦሮሚያ ለሚገኙ ሰፋሪዎች ጠንቅ ለመሆንና ነጻ ኦሮሚያ ምስረታን ለማፋጠን የመርዳት አስተዋጽኦ ብቻ ሊሆን እንደሚችል ሁሉም ይገንዘብ፡፡
ውጤቱን ከሁለት ዓመታት በኃላ እንገመግማለን፡፡
Re: ምክር ቢጤ አሮሚያ ለሠፈሩ ሀበሾች / piece of advice to habesha settlers in Oromia
አንደኣንተ ኣየነቱ ጋላ ቢያጠፋም ባያጠፋም በቀን (፫) ሶስት ጊዜ መመከር ኣለበት የተባለው አውነት ነው