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ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ejersa » 02 Jun 2020, 20:56

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 03 Jun 2020, 08:51

Mengaw yabello,

I don't get it. what is the message? what are you trying to say? can you be a bit more clear? I can see that you posted the most gruesome pictures on the internet without any warning. That is violating the rules for civil discussion.

Why don't you clearly state your problem with concrete evidence not propaganda from Bekele geriba and jawar or Merrara. Peoples need the general truth that just happened on the ground so ppls can relate to it. Not the fake statue-like anole.

For example, we praise Menilik and put his statue for many reasons to mention few, he opened first school evidence the school is still there and many students even Oromos benefit out of it. He brought electricity because of that you are vomiting here. Things like this tangible evidence. Then ppls will change their opinion and support. Otherwise, more Oromo and other ethnic will die when yo preach hate and threatened others.

I believe you brought these pictures to intimidate us and to show us how deranged you and your alike are. I have no dought if you ppls got a chance you gladly will commit the same or more gruesome atrocities. This is savagery and even the thought can put you in jail for a long time where you belong when the unity government came in power. So mind what you are wishing for savage animals. Ethiopia has no place for groups and ppls like you.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 03 Jun 2020, 09:58

Lakeshore wrote:
03 Jun 2020, 08:51
Mengaw yabello,
For example, we praise Menilik and put his statue for many reasons to mention few, he opened first school evidence the school is still there and many students even Oromos benefit out of it. He brought electricity because of that you are vomiting here. Things like this tangible evidence. Then ppls will change their opinion and support. Otherwise, more Oromo and other ethnic will die when yo preach hate and threatened others.
Dear LakeShoe,

some time u have to apply your own rule equally over every one .
if u measure King Milk because he opened the first art school
then u must also measured the Italian in the same yardstick they brought u everything everything technology they give u.
king Meles also give u all civilization and constitution, dormancy voting freedom of speech fed government etc etc
now u will not use the same yardstick to measure king Meles u only talk about his mistake ..

why not we should agree king milk opened the first art school and he killed oromo u must admit his mistake and his good then only we can turn the page and move on..

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 04 Jun 2020, 00:24

That is your problem OLF, OFECO, IFLO, Querro members. You didn't do anything but you go to other ethnicities and tell them to be Oromo. You burn their houses in the night, beat the elderly, and rape women. At this moment nobody wants to associate with you and you do not represent the Oromo people let alone Ilibabor. The current government has a duty to protect individual rights. If you disregard the law of the land and terrorize civilians you are an outlaw and the governing body has the right to in force the law and guarantees peace by any means.

If you keep doing that it doesn't matter who is on the power you will be dealt with accordingly. There is police and army to keep the rule of law and you don't need to carry weapons and roam in the jungle. if you have grievances put down your arm and negotiate if not it will be fair to get an armed response. When that happened you shouldn't cry.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 04 Jun 2020, 02:10

That is your problem OLF, OFECO, IFLO, Querro members. You didn't do anything but you go to other ethnicities and tell them to be Oromo. You burn their houses in the night, beat the elderly, and rape women. At this moment nobody wants to associate with you and you do not represent the Oromo people let alone Ilibabor. The current government has a duty to protect individual rights. If you disregard the law of the land and terrorize civilians you are an outlaw and the governing body has the right to in force the law and guarantees peace by any means.

If you keep doing that it doesn't matter who is on the power you will be dealt with accordingly. There is police and army to keep the rule of law and you don't need to carry weapons and roam in the jungle. if you have grievances put down your arm and negotiate if not it will be fair to get an armed response. When that happened you shouldn't cry.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Abdelaziz » 04 Jun 2020, 02:18

Eyeru, anchi kintarotam hamasenay lootinesh, this is total fabrication. Meshrefet is learning the typical lies of Hamasenay we'ndagereds. kkkkkkk How can they become 10 overnight after we were told they were 6 and had run away to the forest? Now he says he kiled 7 of them, and caught 3, as if they are tortoises. I think he wants 7 di'cks in his fin'afint gonderam fintita, I'm 100% sure this propaganda piece was concocted by Meshrefet and Meshrefet only... we know that fagot from head to toe, and we know the 3 kids on the picture are members of his own militia faking as rebels. Get lost anchi chigaram hamasenay kelbi.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 04 Jun 2020, 06:47

Lakeshore wrote:
04 Jun 2020, 02:10
That is your problem OLF, OFECO, IFLO, Querro members. You didn't do anything but you go to other ethnicities and tell them to be Oromo. You burn their houses in the night, beat the elderly, and rape women.


if an Amhara does the same thing would be equally wrong ? or u r only seeing the oromo sin.. everything you said here doesnt apply on Amhara because when Amhara does it it is for love of one Ethiopia ...even መንጌ was killing for love of mama Ethiopia .. so መንጌ killing is justified .. as long as u dont came and clear up what u said this logic will be recorded as default in history book.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 05 Jun 2020, 18:31

June 6

I like your passion for your cause but you need to calm down and focus on the subject. Still, you are so agitated and here and there.
Here is how I see your question. You tried to make it obvious that these bloodthirsty groups are representing Orome. That is a huge no! They do not represent Oromo peoples. Most Oromos are like many other Ethiopian are yes oppressed and they are poor. Where do you think these terrorist groups got their weapons, in general, their logistics. It is a known fact that it does not form the poor Oromo people because they do not support them rather afraid of them of course? They are rapist and killer mobs. just to answer that they got it from Egypt, and Sudan and other Arab countries who are enemies of Ethiopia because they perceive Ethiopia as the pearl of Christianity. Therefore, their agenda is not the Oromo people's agenda 100%.
It is imperative that unity is strength.

For example, look at Eritrea ELF?EPLF claimed they were marginalized and fought with the help of Arabs and the west and got their independence. Did I like it, no, but I was hoping they will realize one day that they made a mistake? However, after 20 years of independence still, young Eritrean migrates by thousands everywhere the Economy is not in great shape but their leader realized something after all the emotion and bravado settles down. Unity is more important than division. I admire Isayas because he can reform and learn from his mistakes for the sake of the peoples. on the other hand as Ethiopian, we are more than happy to live with them as a neighbor or united as one country whichever they and the Ethiopian people choose.

The core of modern democracy is based on individual rights. Every individual has the right to choose where to live, who to marry, where to go, and what religion to practice. However, in the federalist platform, there is no individual right that means you should be categorized in a group then and only then you can be heard. That is a problem because certain groups like Quero hijacked and intimidate the people and advance their agenda.

You were saying if the Oromo people choose independent will accept it of course that is the highest form of manifestation of democracy but the catch is it must be the people chose not groups of sell-out or those who have a lust for power. Therefore, before independence, they should explain to the peoples of Oromo their agenda clearly without intimidation. Explain to them what is the benefit of independence, to the people not to the leaders, than being together in this case economic and political benefits based on facts, not the fairy tell Anole story.

Then being an Oromo should be defined clearly. Speaking oromigna does not make somebody an Oromo. You should live with them, share their happiness and sorrow, marry their daughter not rape them drink from their river not bottled highland, and so on. Then those peoples approve yo as their representative then you can raise your independence to the government and the government will not have any ground to deny. So to answer your question yes I will respect the Oromo people decision if they choose to be separated but I do not care what OLF,OFECO, Querro claim because these are the groups currently oppressing the Oromo peoples and use them as a human shield against the government peacekeeping forces. However, history showed us many times people do not get wrong but groups and individuals did.

You also said if you are Amhara, Eritrea or American mind your business. That is the core of your problem. you do not know what democracy means. It is about individual rights so I can be anyone in order to stand for individual rights. For example, Take the case of Floyd the American black man who was killed by racist policemen. peoples in France, Canada, England, even China, and all over the world went out to protest. According to you since they are, not black whites shouldn't protest, since they are not American all the other world shouldn't protest did you see how ridiculous that is i.e Querro policy is.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 06 Jun 2020, 07:10


if OLF,OFECO, Querro told u yes, we got our gun from Egypt what would u do? talk on ER or send Fed army to stop them

if OLF,OFECO, Querro say to u yes, we r the one who want independent and start independent fight what would u do send fed army to save the poor oromia people . just like Eritrea what happened your dad wage war to stop them from breaking away.. saying the same thing not the Eritrean people but EPLF is the one who want to break away.

EPLF, AND OLF,OFECO, Querro all want unity but not the Amhara unity.. this u must understand the whole European want unity and they united but refused to do so under Nazi .. do u know the reason why the refused and fought የሞት ሽረት ትግል ያረጉበትን ምክን ያት ። አንድነትን ጠልተው ነው ወይ።

EPLF ask the same question they never want out right independent they want fed government system .. your daddy refused them that is why they fought u.. the funny thing is u want to do the same thing on oromia ... unity is good crap. yes unity is good not under Amhara rule everyone should govern their house..

about France, Canada, England, even China,(forget China ) the rest protested on their own ground protested police brutality in their own nation... based on this if buda like u protested OLF IN YOUR region and also demanded the same right for the
ቅማንት፨ አገው፤ ኦሮሞዎች፨ እና ለሌሎችም አናሳ ጎሳዎች ስላማዊ ስልፍ አርገህ መብታቸው ይጠበቅ ብትል አንድ ነገር ። በፈረንሳይ ውስጥ እኮ ፍሎይድ መብት ይከበር ሳይሆን የጥቁር ህይወት ፋይዳ ይኑረው ሲሉ ፈረንሳይ አገር ላሉት ጥቁሮች አነስተኛ ዜጎች በሙሉ መብታቸው ይጠበቅ በለው ነው።

አሁንም ቡዳ አማሮች በቦታቸው ላይ የሚደረገውን ተመሳሳይ ጭቆና ቢቃወሙ አንድ ነገር ነው። ግን ጣልቃ መግባት ሌላ ነገር ነው። አማሮች ክልል ላይ ምንም ግፍ የማይደረግ ይመስላል አንተ አፍንጫህን በኦሮሞ ጉዳይ አስገብተህ መተንፈስ ሳይሆን ንፍጥህን ስትቀባባ አቁም ። ነገር ታባብሳለህ እንጂ የምታመጣው ነገር የለም እያልኩህ ነው።

እሺ የግለስብ መብት የቡድን መብት እያልክ ማወነባበድ ትፈልጋለህ። አንተን ከማስረዳት መልሴ አጭር ነው ምናባህ ታመጣለህ የግለስብ መብት ሆነ የቡድን መብት ሆነ የፈለጉትን ቢመርጡ አንተ ማነህና ነው ተሳስተዋል የምትለው። መቶ አምሳ አመት ስትመራ ለኦሮሞዎች መብት ተቆርቁረህ የግለስብ መብት ብትሰጥ የኦሮሞን ቋንቋ ብትጠብቅና ብታከብርላቸው አሁን ለመናገር መብት ነበረህ ። አሁን እኮ አንተ ጭቋኝ ጎሳ ነህ አርፈህ ከመኖር ይልቅ ። የድሮ ጭስኛህን ጭስኝነት ይሻልሀል ብለህ መምከር ድፍረት ነው። እንኩዋን ስተት ሆኖ አማራ ትክክልም ቢሆን ኦሮሞ የሚቀበለው አይመስለኝም።

ስለዚህ አንተ በምትለው መንገድ አንድ ግለስብ ኦሮሞ አገር መኖር መብቱ ነው ለሚለው ማን ከለከለው። አርፎ ከኖረ ግን የማያውቁት አገር ሄዶ ምንጣፍ አንጥፉልኝ። እናንተ የኔን ቋንቋ ተናገሩ ። ስማቹህም ከባድ ስለሆነ በአማራ ስም ቀይሩ እያልክ አዛ ስታረጋቸው ነው ያቋሙህ እንጂ መኖርማ መብት ህ ነው። ግን ኦሮምኛ ካልቻልክ አስተርጎሚ ይቀርብልሀል እንጂ ኦሮሞዎቹን አማርኛ አወሩ ማለት አትችልም አማርኛ ቢችሉም እንኳን። አሁን እንደለመድከው ለንግድ ለገበያ አማርኛ መናገር ጠቃሚ ነው ብለ። አንተ ደደብ። እንቢዬው ካሉስ ምን ታረጋለህ።

በመጨረሻም የምልህ የፈለገኸውን አውራ። የፈለግኸውን በል መጨረሻው ምን ታመጣለህ ነው።

ለምሳሌ ኦነግ ሚስኪን የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ ያንን ስልሳ አምስት ሚሊዬን ሕዝብ ሲያታልል ። አንተ አንድ ቡዳ አማራ ከስልሳ ሚሊዬኑ ሕዝብ ይልቅ እኔ አውቅላቹዋለሁ። ማለት ድፈርት ብቻ ሳይሆን ንቀት ቢሆንም እኔ ጥይቄዬ ልክ እንደቡናቤት ሴት ወሬ ብቻ ታወራለህ ወይ ከአብይ ጋራ ሆነህ ተዘምታለህ ። ሚስኪን የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ ከኦነግ ለማዳን። ይህንን ነው እንድትመልስልኝ የምፈልገው ። በተዓምር ይህንን አትመልስም ምክን ያቱም መልስ የለህም።

ኤርትራኖች ነፃነታቸው ቆጫቸው። የቆጫቸው እኮ የትግሬዎች አገዛዝ ነው ። እንጂ የአማራ አገዛዝ አይደለም። እስቲ የድሮውን የአማራ አገዛዝ አንድ ቋንቋ አንድ መንግስት አንድ ፖለቲካ አንድ አይማኖት አንድ ባንዲራ አንድ ሀገር አንድ አስተሳስብ አንድ ሀገር አገዛዝ። ጠቅልለህ ግዛው ብትል ወይ ደግሞ አስብ የሁሉም ኢትዬዽያዊ ነው ። ብለህ የአስብን ገቢ ለአዲስባባ መንግስት አስገቡ ብትላቸው ። ድራሽህ ጋ አይደርሱም ። እነሱ የሚመኙት የትግሬዎችን አገዛዝ ብቻ ነው።

አንድ ምክን ያት ልስጥህ ጥያቄዎችን ላለመመለስ በጣም ረዝም ነው ሊገባኝ አይችልም ብትል ጥሩ ምክንያት ነው።

አለበለዝያ ኦነግን በውግያ ታስወግዳለህ ወይ ከግብፅ ጋር ተባብረው አገር እንዳይገነጥሉ።

ወይስ ኦነግን በወሬ ብቻ ማፍረስ የምትችል መስሎሀል

እንዳልከው ኦነግ የግብፆች ቅጥረኛ ነው ገንዘብ ከግብፆች ይቀበላል ። ቀጥተኛው መልስ ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ ግጥም አርገው ገንዘብ ይቀበላሉ ። ምንም ምርምር አያስፈልግም እንኩዋን እሱ ሲገርምህ ግብፅ ጦርነት ብታስነሳ ከግብፅ ጋራ ይቆማሉ ። እህሳ ምን ታመጣለህ እያልኩህ ነው። ከወሬ በስተቀር። እኛ የስለቸን ወሬ ብቻ ነው። በድርጊት አሳየን ወሬህን እዛ ተወን።

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 06 Jun 2020, 07:10

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Last edited by Ethoash on 06 Jun 2020, 23:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 06 Jun 2020, 14:07


As expected I saw the insult. Let's leave that aside for the moment. By just doing that you remind me what TPLF was saying about a year or two before they got quarantined. They were saying the exact same word " what can you do about it" because they were expecting us to fight them with their choice of method and for that, they accumulated a huge stack of armament. However, the general public spits them out so let alone fight the couldn't get peoples to guard their stockpile of weapon. Yes, the might pass it to these parasite groups like OLF, Querro, and OFECO who perpetuate the misery of Oromo people fro their hidden agenda of the Islamization or Oromo and power.

You asked me if those groups wedge a full fledge war would I join the war? and you asked me also what would I do if not? War is the last resort for any kind of dispute. If you resort to war before exhausting any peaceful path then you are destined for destruction. That is what happening right now on the ground. The Abiy government still young and needs time to address any questions. You groups they came to the country under the Abiy amnesty and want to fight him. That is absurd and stupid. you didn't give him any other option except destroying you and your groups.

These groups didn't do anything to the Oromo youth except the false promise of independence which you do not have any clue what to do even if you got independence. After independence, the youth will not have a job that means no food and will rise up and fight you again just the way it is happening now in Tigre. Abiy will recruit more police forces and army in this way, at last, the Oromo youth get a steady income and creat family. Then the same Oromo youth will eradicate you as it happening in Welega and so on. On top of that other Ethiopian will also join the army and contribute to your destruction. This will be your last chance to use this opportunity put down your arms and be part of the solution than being a generation-long problem

Don't mistake patience as a weakness when you are a government it is just like being a father. You don't punish your kids for every mistake because you want them to learn but you set the boundary and if they cross that then they will face the consequences. It doesn't matter if you are Oromo or mercenaries of Egypt still will break you down we did it to ITALY, Egypt and TPLF, ELF and OLF until they run back to their den.

To answer your question not only me but there are and there will be millions of Oromo youth to campaign on you and your alike.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 06 Jun 2020, 23:53

This OUERRO, olf< ofeco, SHENE these are mobs, hooligans who terrorize the same people they are claiming to represent. How do they get the mandate to represent the Oromo peoples? The answer is easy because they don't value their own life. They don't have a job, they do not have education so they can't be higher in peaceful Ethiopia therefore they took hooliganism as a way of life and endanger most of Oromo's life. In order to reflect and understand their mistake, the government shows them patience but they interpret it as a weakness . They keep terrorizing small villages where the government forces are few and try to sneak up in the night and kill individual government employees. Is this really a struggle or a crime. You did it for the last 50 years and nothing happened and will never happen in the future too.

Now when Abye is pressured and starts to crack down on these hooligans they start to cry and asked amnesty international, on BBC, Aljazeera to save them. If you are brave as you claimed then do not complain. The sad thing about this Oromo libration hooligans is that for the third time they are closing the chance for self-administration by violating individual rights and committing very savage crimes that never happened in Ethiopia. They are trying to slander our Christian name as the land of pagan.

Neftegna " Amhara peoples are believers they forgive but they do not forget. They do not believe in ethnicity but in unity. as you said if you do not want unity you can't act like a child with tantrum. There are rules and procedures you have to follow that but if you choose to continue fighting after you came to Ethiopia by the mercy of Ethiopian then you do not want to stand on the wrong side of Amahara people trust me.

ዓማራ ሲጥል አንጂ ሲተኩስ ኣይታይም ሲባል ኣልሰማህም የኣጋመውን ህውሃት በቁም ያሰረው ኣማራ ነው without any bullet shot they quarantine the agame TPLF in agmeland.No matter what is your agenda you have to abide by the law of the land. You can't carry your old gun and roam around the bushes and terrorize poor Oromos. At the same time, do not come here and open your filthy mouth as Oromo you are an Arab agent who works for pocket money. No these hooligans do not represent the peace-loving Oromo people.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 07 Jun 2020, 00:24

አንተ በራባንሶ

እነጁሀር ለምነው ገቡ ትላለህ ። ጁሀር አይደለም ወይ የቄሮዎች መሪ አብዬቱን አፋፍሞ ። ወርቃማዎቹን አንገሽግሾ በቃኝ ያስኛቸው። አብይ አይደለም ወይ ትግሬዎች መርጠው የሾሙት። ለምን የበላበትን ስባሪ ታረገዋለህ።

እንዳልኩህ እደግመዋለሁ አብይ የአማራ ጨሎ አይደለም እናንተ ባላቹሁት የሚላላከው ። በቀደም እናንተን ስምቶ ኦጋዴን ዘምቶ በምርጫ የውጣውን የፖለቲካ መሪ ያለምንም ስልጣኑ አስሮታል ። ምንም እንኩዋን አብዲ አሌ የሕግ ከለላ ቢኖረውም ይህንን ጥሶ ነው እስር ቤት የወረወረው ። የዋሱንም መብት ሳይጠብቅለት። አብይ ሁለተኛ አይሳሳትም ኦሮሞዎቹን በሙሉ እወጋለሁ ብሎ ባያስብ ጥሩ ነው። አሁንም በወለጋ የተፈጠረውን ግጭት በዜዴ በስላም አብርዶ ኦሮሞዎቹ የፈለጉትን ባማረግ በስላም መያዝ ነው። ኦሮሞዎቹን ትግሬዎቹን ኦጋዴዎቹን ፈትቶ መልቀቅ ነው በክልላቸው የፈለጉትን ያርጉ ። የዛን ግዜ ነው አብይ እወነተኛ የሁላችንም መሪ የሚሆነው ። የቡዳ አማራ ብልጠት እኮ በጣም ይገርመኛል ። ኦሮሞን ለመወጋት ሲፈልጉ አማራና ኦሮሞ ጦርነት አይሉም በኢትዬዽያ ስም ስር ተደብቀው ኢትዬዽያና ኦሮሞ ውግያ ይሉናል ። አማሮች ፈሪዎች መሆናቸውን ስለሚያውቁ የፈደራል ጦር እንዲሄድላቸው ይፈልጋሉ። አብይ ሞኝነቱ የሚለካው ይህቺን ከተታለለ ነው። አብይ መልሱ አማሮች መዝመት ይችላሉ ማን ከለከላቸው ነው።

አማሮች የኦሮሞ መገንጠል የአሎሌ ሐውልት ካላማራቸው እንግዲያውማ ኦሮሞን መጨበጥ ነው ። እኔ ሕወቴን እስጣለው አንተ ጎታታ በራባንሶ ጫማ ከአማራ በስተቀር ማንም ጎሳ በኦሮሞች ላይ ቅሬት ያለው አታመጣልኝም ሁሉም የራሱን ችግር ለመፍታት ቀና ደፋ ይላል። እ

አማራ ብቻ ነው በስው ውጥ ላማስል የሚለው የሱ እሮበት። ለዚህ መዳኒቱ እቁጩን እቁጩን መናገር ነው። ቆማጣን ቆማጣ ካላሉት ገብቼ ልፈትፍት ይላልና ቁምጥናው መነገር አለበት።

በዚህች ትንሽ ምሳሌ ላስረዳቹሁ ስዎች ። አቶ ጎተር ምን ብሎ ጠየቀኝ መስላቹሁ ኦነጎች ከግብፆች ጋራ ይስራሉ ገንዘብም ይቀበላሉ ብሎ ከሰ ሳቸው ። የጠበቀው አይቀበሉም ብዬ እንድከራከር ነበር። እኔ ግን ምን አባህ ታመጣለህ አንተ የምን ጉድ ነህ ኦነግን ለመከልከል ምን መብት አለህ። አዋ ግጥም አርገው ገንዘብ ይቀበላሉ ካስፈለገም ጦርነት ከመጣ ከግብፅ ጋራ ይቆማሉ ስለው ጭጭ ምጭጭ አለ። እንዲ እያረጉ ነው እነዚህን ቡዳዎች ልክ ልካቸውን መንገር። አማራ ምንም አያገባውም በኦሮሞ ጉዳይ ። በኢትየዽያ ጉዳይ ግን ሁሉም ያገባዋል ይህ ማለት አቶ ጎተራ ለቅማንትም በአማራ ለሚገደሉት እኩል ከጮኸ የዛን ግዜ ። ለኦሮሞ ሕዝብም ቢጮህ በዋለበት ኩበት መልቀሙ ምንም አያስነውርም። ያለበለዚያ ግን የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ ጥያቄ የኦነጎች ብቻ በማስመለስ ኦሮሞዎች በጭቆና እንደድሮዋቸው እንዲኖሩ ተረት ተረት ማውራት ግን አይፈቀድም።

እንዳልኩት ወንድ ከሆንክ ድንበር ተሻግረህ ና። የወንድ እንጀራ መብሊያህን አጥተህ ተመለስ ነበር። የትግሬዎችንም የሉዕላዊ ቤተስቦች አስራለሁ ካልክ ማን ከለከለህ ና ደንበር ተሻገረህ ና። ግን በናሽናል ሚድያ አማራ ተረት ተረቱን ማወራት መገደብ አለበት ።። ያ ነው ጥላቻ የሚያመጣው።

ወንድ ከሆነ ጌታቸው አስፋ የእቡ ድርጅት አለቃ በነበረበት ግዜ ብዙ ሰዎች ላይ ግፍ ስለስራ ። ጦር ልከን ጎልጉለን እናወጣዋለን ብሎ ተናግሮ በተግባር ማሳየት ። ካልሆን በሚድያ መቅረብ ያለበት ለሁለት አመት በሙሉ ስለ ጌታቸው አስፋ ማወራት መቆም አለበት ጥላቻን ብቻ ነው የሚፈጥረው።

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 07 Jun 2020, 03:13

I thought we were arguing don't make like children's game ወንድ ከሆንክ ድንበር ተሻግረ. It is not about me it is about the Ethiopian people. Lets focus on the point of discussion.

I see an ingrained fundamental flow in the thinking of these foreign agent so-called Oromo libration hooligans. Let me ask you one question. By your claim, Oromo is on power and from whom are these Oromo libration front hooligans librate the Oromo peoples from. Once you get the power then the next step supposed to be disarmed and move to nation rebuilding? in the contrary, you still want to carry a gun to do what?

Yours and those groups problem is that you believed your own fake story and thought the other ethnics will not leave in peace but they did. All of a sudden the war is finished and you do not know what to do. As both of us know you are so emotional you lack to plan ahead or have plan B in case A fails. Like in the past 50 years you didn't change your game plan which is fighting.

Don't worry this kind of mistake is not to Ormo libration front only we have seen the same thing with ELF/TPLF/ the Mujahidin/ ISIS they do not know what to do once the war stops no exit plan because intellect is in short supply when you spend 50 years fighting.

Very soon Abiy will make it illegal to organize by ethnicity once he win the election. You should have plan B if you still want to promote your divisive Islamic policy. When that happens you become an outlaw immediately and will be hunted everywhere whether you are hiding in present-day Oromia or whatever name it will get under united Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Gonder, Mekele Or your sponsor place Egypt.

About the TPLF, I replied again and again but still, you didn't get or you do not want to get it I don know but I will repeat it again. Everything works according to the plan. The first phase is to contain them so that they can't freely roam the country and sabotage the change. As you can witness it they became toothless dog now they came out on tv day in and day out threatening, begging and trying to negotiate for their freedom that is not the ultimate goal. First of Abiy do not want to be a wartime president he won the Nobel prize for peace in case if you forget it. second, the TPLF anticipated a war because they didn't expect that he will let them stay free until now. I was not a supporter of this strategy before but know I really admire Abiy's leadership and patience. By doing so he able to separate the criminal, thieves, killers, and looters from the poor tigrean people. As you can witness when the budget got tight and the future looks grim under TPLF the tigrea peoples themselves will hang those criminals. That is a brilliant strategy by Abiy. Now the situation is ripped soon all financial transactions will be under federal government then the cadre and the corrupt one will be cash strapped loose the confrontation and will be transported to Addis with that yellow helicopter.

My point is you fight a war in different ways you do not always roam in the jungle. war has different forms, military, economical, social, and political each of them equal impact on the outcome. You might learn from Abiy. When Abiy runs for the chairmanship of the party to become prime minister Demeke Mekonin of Amhara with drow his nomination at the last minute so the vote will not be split between Abiy , him, and TPLF. In order to deny TPLF the chance of winning when Demeke Mekonen withdraws the Amhara vote went to Abiy and Debrtsion got only 5 votes and loose because teh groundwork was done in collaboration. That is more than fighting and demonstration in front of a tree during irreecha.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 07 Jun 2020, 06:34


you want to have your cake and eating it at the same time

you want peace as the same time u want to wage war..በአንድ በኩል እኛ ጦርነት አንፈልግም ትላለህ። በሌላ በኩል ግን ኦሮሞን ልክ እናስገባዋለን ትላለህ። ቀጥ ለጥ እናረገዋለን ትላለህ ። አንተ በኢኮኖሚ ማንቁርታቸውን ይዘህ ልትገድላቸው ስትጣጣር እነሱ ደግሞ ዝም ብለው ያዩሀል ። አንተ ጦርነት አልፈልግም በዝምታ ጦርነት በኢኮኖሚ በፖለቲካ እፍኜ እገድላቸዋለህ ስትል እነሱ ደግሞ መደበኛውን ጦርነት አስነስተው መታገል ማን ይከለክላቸዋል ። ካርድ ጫዋታ መስለህ ።።።

ብቻ የምልህ የፈለገውን ለፍልፍ የሚስማህ የለም ። ወንድ ከሆንክ ድንበር ተሻግረህ ና። ወይ እንደለምድከው እስቲ ወንድ ከሆንክ የትግሬዎችን ባጀት ከልክል ። መንገዱንም ዝጋባቸው ምንም እንዳይገባላቸው አውጅና አንበርክካቸው ። ብቻ በፈለግኸው መንገድ ግጠማቸውና የትግሬዎችን ልዑላዊ ቤተስቦችን ለቃቅመህ እስር ቤት ከተህ የትግሬዎችን ሕዝብ አስፈታቸው ። ይህ ካበቃ በኋላ ኦሮሞ ላይ ዝመት

እንደለመድገው ኦሮሞን በጦርነት አልገጥምም ብለሀል ። በወሬ ሌት ተቀን ጭንቅላታቸውን አፍርሳቸው ። ለፍልፍባቸው እስቲ ኦነግ ፍርክሽክሹ እንደሚወጣ እናያለን። አልፈርስም ካለ ወሬ አስውራባቸው የግብፅ ተላላኪ ናቹሁ በላቸው ። ብቻ ምን አለፋህ ምንም አታስቀር ወሬህን ልከቅባቸው ልክ እንደጦር እንዲወጋቸው ። ከዚያማ ድል ለአማሮች ይሆናል ኦሮሞነት ቀርቶ በአማርኛ ይተካል እናም እናም እናም።

እንዳልኩህ ልብ ካለህ ወንድ ከሆንክ የኦሮሞን ድንበር ተሻገር።

አንተ ግን ብልጥ ነህ አሁንም አባይን ተክተህ ታወራለህ አባይ የአማራ ተላላኪ ውሻ ነው ያለህ ማነው ። አብይ የመላው ኢትዬዽያ መሪ እንጂ ። የአማራ ብቻ መሪ አይደለም እንዳልኩህ ከኦሮሞም ከትግሬም ጋራ ጦርነት ትፈልጋለህ አንተው አማራ ግጠማቸው በምታወቀው ጥንቆላና ቡዳነት ጦርነትማ አልችልም ። ሴታሴት ነኝ እኔ በወሬ ብቻ ነው የማምነው ብለሀል ። ያ ሁሉ ትግሬን እንጨብጣታለን ወሬ ሆኖ ቀረ

i wrote in Amharic because i know u r an Eritrean hence u cant understand Amhric to reply this way i know who u r.. Good day sir.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 07 Jun 2020, 12:27

Still, you didn't answer my question.
According to you, Oromo is on power, and from whom are these Oromo libration front hooligans librate the Oromo peoples from?

yo supposed to disarmed and move to nation rebuilding? on the contrary, you still want to carry a gun. when do you feel safe to leave the gun and start farming?

For your information, Look what the evel Takele Goma did in Addis Ababa When Eskinder Nega offers food for the needy, this animal Member of Querro stopped him for few hours just to be noticed. These peoples have no strategy but only react moment by moment. They do not have vision, compassion, and humanity. They do not represent Oromo peoples they infiltrate the change that is happening in Ethiopia. We know Oromo people as peace-loving and compassionate people. These Querr are the disgruntled menace of society.

In the meantime enjoy Amharic it is for all Ethiopian to enjoy not only for Amhara.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Ethoash » 07 Jun 2020, 12:43

Lakeshore wrote:
07 Jun 2020, 12:27
Still, you didn't answer my question.
According to you, Oromo is on power, and from whom are these Oromo libration front hooligans librate the Oromo peoples from?

yo supposed to disarmed and move to nation rebuilding? on the contrary, you still want to carry a gun. when do you feel safe to leave the gun and start farming?
ምንም አያገባህም እኔንም አያገባኝም ኦሮሞ የራሱ ክልል ነው። በነሱ ነገር ለመዘባረቅ ከፈለግህ ሁለት አመት ኦሮሞ ውስጥ መኖር አለብህ። እዚህም አሜሪካ ውስጥ ኒውርክ እኔኖርክ ዳላስ ላይ ምረጡኝ ማለት አትችልም ። አምሳ ክልላቸው የተለያየ አገር ነው አንዱ የሞት ፍርድ ሕጋቸው አለ። ሌሎቹ የአሜሪካ ክልሎች ደግሞ ግን ሁሉም ተከባብረው ይኖራሉ እንጂ አንዱ እስቴት ሌላውን በሱ ኢሜጅ ለመሳል አይሞክርም ። መከባበር ማለት እኮ አንዱ በአንዱ ጣልቃ አለመግባት ነው።

ለምሳሌ አንተ ጎደኛህን ስለሚስቱ ጤንነት መጠየቅ ትችላለህ ግን እዛ ላይ ታቆማለህ እንጂ ሌላ ወሬ አትፈተፍትም ። እንኩዋን የጎደኛህን ሚስት ። እህት ህንም ምን አይነት ባል ማግባት እንዳለባት መምረጥ አትችልም። እሱዋ ናት የመጨረሻውን ውሳኔ መወስን የምትችለው። አረ ባልሽ ስካራም ነው። ሌባ ነው ስራ ፈት ነው ብትላት ምንም ማረግ አትችልም እሱዋ ከመረጠቸው ። ታድያ ለዚህ ፍቱን መዳኒት እህት ህን ምርጫ አክብረህ ምክርህን ስትጠየቅ ብቻ በማረግ ። ከእት ህ ጋራ በስላም መኖር ትችላለህ ። ያለበለዚያ ቤቴ አትምጣ ብትልህ ምን ታረጋለህ። ይህን እንደህፃን የምመክርህ ድንገት ከገባህ ከጦርነት ከተረፍን ብዬ ነው እንጂ አህያን ማር ይጥማታል ብዬ አይደለም

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 07 Jun 2020, 13:07

Lakeshore wrote:
07 Jun 2020, 12:27
Still, you didn't answer my question.
According to you, Oromo is on power, and from whom are these Oromo libration front hooligans librate the Oromo peoples from?
From the ghost that has built a house over their whole spirit in the name of garbumma. You shouldn't forget that it will be very difficult to get rid of an habit that has lasted so long that easily.

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Re: ኦነግ-ሼኔ ተመታ!

Post by Lakeshore » 08 Jun 2020, 00:36

Well said again Defend The truth.

Saying that I don't think Ethoash has the capability for coherent discussion. I asked him a question he talks about the different issues even that is wrong. Just to address what you said about USA yes they have elected governors in each state and they can make their own legislation at the state level. As long as, they do not violate individual rights. There are also limits that are conducted at the federal level. for example, you can,t tell an individual to displace from one state because he is not born there or didn't speak the local language. Like the Qerro doing. Any American can go anywhere and live in America now. so you have wrong argument.

The current situation in Ethiopia is about the rise of false ethnicism advocated by Arabs, the west with different agenda and followed by their agents like Jawar, Bekele Geriba, Dawed Ibsa, Merra, Melese.

These organizations started as Marxists. But when socialism start to fail because of Gorbachev's perestroika and USSR internal power struggle. The support of money and armaments drained both for Ethiopian government and these foreign agent groups. Then the Arab, to spread Islamism and the west i.e USA, Britania, Germany, Italy and so on, to completely eliminate the last socialist nation in Africa, approach this groups at list twice, in Italy Bologna Italy, London England and instruct them to keep their differences aside, change their ideology and fight Mengistu if they want to stay relevant in Ethiopian politics.

The west didn't see them as a reliable agent because of two major reasons. first, all of them organized under Marxist Leninist ideology even if they do not understand it fully the reason why I say that they didn't have a formally educated person in them, plus they were practicing different from Marxism. for example, Melese Zenawi follows the Albanian style Enver Hoxa's distorted version. Isayas was practicing the Mao Tse-tung version and OLF similarly.

Second, contrary to the communist ideology they were deeply divided and organized under ethnic lines. However, their belief was to form their own separate nation and till then agreed to fight the most dangerous enemy for both of them the Ethiopian government even if they are feeding on it.

Prior to approaching these groups, the west tried to topple Mengistu multiple times. They tried to assassinate him. They conducted many subversive actions in the country like organizing EDU lead Cudeta which failed prematurely resulted in the arrest of its 18 members. example Degazmach Asegahegn, Degazmach Ketsela from inside and many others from Somalia, Egypt, and many other Arab countries. After that the CIA and MI5 attempt for the second time by infiltrating the Ethiopian army and recruiting some military Generals and officers to topple Mengistu. The depth of the infiltration was limited to top brasses only because of the very sophisticated and feared Ethiopian security agency.

The final plan of the cudeta started on May 8, Ethiopian calendar to shoot down Mengistu's plane when he was traveling to East Germany ( GDR) for an official visit as all of us know that cudeta failed miserable and coast many lives.

The west was baffled by the successive failer and loyalty of the people to Mengistu. As a resort to remove him they fledging a full-scale war against Ethiopian people. For this action, the west approached these terrorist organizations like TPL,ELF, EpLF, OLF, IFLO actually any group that was engaged in destabilizing the country invited to Italy Bologna. At this time Mengistu was ready to launch its final offensive under the slogan " The red star call" those groups were terrified so they agree to everything, including to denounce their Marxist ideology, on the table In exchange for armament, training and battlefield information, logistic and Immigration status for the leaders of these registered terrorist group members in the west.

At the same time, the west approached Mengistu as a mediator and arranged negotiations with these groups again In Italy. This time the negotiator from the Ethiopian side includes x EPLF members who surrender to Derg, Example, Teklay and his brother they were high raking EPLF members and Abraham Yayeh from TPLF Gebremedihin was left because of the language barrier. Then before the meeting started when they see Teklay and his brother the EPLF got furies and left the negotiation.

On the other hand, the west organized the formation of the united front against Ethiopia. Creating EPRDF during the so-called second congress.
The west made them fledge unity between EPLF, TPLF, EPRP, OLF, IFLO. They reorganize them and started a full-scale war supported by them and some Arab countries like Egypt. This time the cash flows in the pocket of these group leaders started. Even if they are fighting and negotiated together OLF and IFLO didn't get as much as the others because they are not tigree and they were not that effective in the war front. The leader of these groups started to live a high life for example Meles in Mogadishu. This was the money Aboy Sibihat of TPLF's old dog always saying we ( EFERT) had money before we came to Addis from business dealing but it was tied to the war and he doesn't have direct access.

The problem of this agreement with the west was so secret to fighters at the ground. As the fighting continued and Tplf and EPLF told to continue to Addis Ababa, even if they are enjoying the new weapons, and more food than before the fighters started to raise questions. why are we fighting out of our province as their name implies TPLF is by design tigrea libration and EPLF was Eritrean libration. The answer was it is wartime no and we will explain that later. When they reach Addis Ababa the EPLF leadership sticks to their promises and went back to Eritrea but TPLF guesses what they didn't instead they arrest all who raises the question. They arrested more than 15 000 tgree fighters after a few weeks of reaching Addis Ababa. Among the prisoners, 5000 of them died of torture and excution. The rest deported back to Tigray after deeply reformed some of them given land in Oromia, Gambela, Welqiyet, Wello, Amachiho, Addis Ababa, Hawassa, Nazeret. Among them, Debretsion who exiled later after few years to Tigray when TPLF splits into two factions this was the main reason, not the Eritrea war. Meresa, hassan shifa to mention few.

Read any history you will not find any libration front lead country prospering because they fight for a very long time they get addicted to the chaos they get institutionalized. It is like a prisoner who spent decades in jail and when they come out can function in normal society. Mujahidin,Unita, Isis, PLO, POLISARIO, Rwnada, ZANU any many groups

These groups in Ethiopia are different because they betrayed their own ideology, their own people, their own country basically themselves. They do not represent Oromo or Tigree they are living day by day. However, Abiy didn't come through war addiction and he is practicing faith he has family and young so he is different and we should give him a chance.

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