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Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 11 May 2020, 12:57

Why do Oromo keep editing Harar & Dire Dawa wikipedia pages? Harar and Dire Dawa do NOT belong to Oromo, Both Harar and Dire Dawa were founded and named by Somalis, It's Somali towns, Somali lands and there is really nothing Oromo immigrants can do about it, the 10% of Harar and 20% of Dire Dawa residents who identified as Oromo are direct descendants of South/West/Central Ethiopian brought to the Somali region as slaves in 1850, They are not native to eastern Ethiopia,

The first people known to have inhabited in Dire Dawa, Harar and the whole eastern and southeastern Ethiopia were Somalis, It's an undeniable fact.

The name given to the town by Somalis is Harar not Xarar, Stop misleading the people.
Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 12 May 2020, 20:40, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 11 May 2020, 13:17

Historical Maps of Africa.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 11 May 2020, 13:34

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 11 May 2020, 13:49

There is a proverb that says never wake a sleeping lion, Somali are resting lions, don't provoke them.
Naga Tuma wrote:
18 Jan 2020, 21:48
One of my first physical impression of Hararghe after crossing the Awash river was when I saw in a distance a caravan of country folks flocking in mass. In fairness, it was a time of unrest in the country after the Dergue fell and before the TPLF/EPRDF was in full control of the country. When I asked why the country folks were flocking in mass, I was told that they were running away from the Issa people. Then, I followed up with a quick question of why they don't fight back instead of running away from their homes. The simple answer I got was that the Issa are fierce fighters. I don't remember saying much more after that. However, my first surprise about the power dynamics in that area stays with me.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 11 May 2020, 16:11

Somalis make up more than sixty five percent of Dire Dawa population, the rest are immigrants.

Diri Dhaba/Diri Dhabe Dire Dawa.

And Harar, Somalis make up more than forty nine percent of the population, while Adaris who have Somalis blood running through their veins but have absolutely nothing in common with us Abyssinians make up less than fifteen percent of the populations of Harar, the rest are immigrants.

Young Adari woman.

Harar is nothing but a shanty town.
Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 12 May 2020, 19:23, edited 2 times in total.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Sadacha Macca » 11 May 2020, 16:28

Nobody cares about the opinion of an agame lady who praises Somalis all day on here.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by sun » 11 May 2020, 18:34

AbyssiniaLady wrote:
11 May 2020, 12:57
Why do low IQ Oromo keep editing Harar & Dire Dawa wikipedia pages? Harar and Dire Dawa do NOT belong to Oromo, Both Harar and Dire Dawa were founded and named by Somalis, It's Somali towns, Somali lands and there is really nothing Oromo immigrants can do about it, the 10% of Harar and 20% of Dire Dawa residents who identified as Oromo are direct descendants of South/West/Central Ethiopian brought to the Somali region as slaves in 1850, They are not native to eastern Ethiopia,

The first people known to have inhabited in Dire Dawa, Harar and the whole eastern and southeastern Ethiopia were Somalis, It's an undeniable fact.

The name given to the town by Somalis is Harar not Xarar, Stop misleading the people.
Really? :lol:

What you are scribbling just out of your rusty brain in here is only in your pink wet baboon chimp red ar$$$ hole alone but not existing in reality and factually. Please stop smoking and sniffing too much so that you may not live in active hallucinations and hypnotic delusions.

Otherwise the fact is that the great civilized and egalitarian Oromos liberated all the peoples and families from slavery and concentration camps, no question asked. Even with out going to the imaginary historical days even some two years ago the great and egalitarian Oromos stood up against slavery and tyranny and liberated all the jailed and banished Ethiopians from concentration camps and wide spread public and hidden jails, telling the prisoners to go free just like the birds in the sky and fly where ever they may wish to fly. BINGO! :P

Add to these niceties the fact that these same egalitarian Oromos sacrificed their own lives and limbs in hundreds and thousands painfully overcoming the brutalities and inhumanities as to remove all Ethiopian groups and individuals from the concocted terrorist list and allowed to pursue their dreams freely by peacefully participating in the political affairs of their country. You may sit in Makale Tigray and keep twerking endless in the name of the Somalis so that the Somalis may get fooled as to come to Mkale and carry you on their back to Menelik palace. You may fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool the shrewd and intelligent kushitic Somalis.

Additionally long standing barbaric wars and inhuman savage mutual killing machines in the form of endless wars and warmongering activities with neighborly countries have been put to STOP and converted in to the nice friendly humanistic egalitarian cooperative peaceful activities, never seen never heard before even for the last some 3000 years of Ethiopian history. And you thorny baboon rodent, call such globally acknowledged, world known and Gold Medal awarded indigenous democratic Gadaa projects as "expansionism?" If your hallucinated opinion may carry even an iota of relevant grain then even Pigs may fly.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Somaliman » 11 May 2020, 20:50

Sadacha Macca wrote:
11 May 2020, 16:28
Nobody cares about the opinion of an agame lady who praises Somalis all day on here.

Speak only for yourself and stop embarking everyone on your nonsense!

Be assured you're closer to the agames more than her, as she has nothing to do with them.

She's not praising anyone; she's only stating facts, and if that's what bothers you, then you can go and screw yourself!

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Sadacha Macca » 11 May 2020, 20:55

Somaliman wrote:
11 May 2020, 20:50
Sadacha Macca wrote:
11 May 2020, 16:28
Nobody cares about the opinion of an agame lady who praises Somalis all day on here.

Speak only for yourself and stop embarking everyone on your nonsense!

Be assured you're closer to the agames more than her, as she has nothing to do with them.

She's not praising anyone; she's only stating facts, and if that's what bothers you, then you can go and screw yourself!
Agame man,

Nobody believes you're Somali either. One only has to analyze your posts and come to that obvious conclusion. So you may as well stop while you're behind. Oromo and Somali relations/expansion/history etc is too complex for you simpletons.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 May 2020, 19:04

The retarded Sadacha Macca, there's nothing wrong with that, you can do it too and kiss Somali flag!!!

Noble Amhara
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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Noble Amhara » 12 May 2020, 19:12

we Conquered both of you, Ethiopia is Lions...
Last edited by Noble Amhara on 12 May 2020, 19:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 May 2020, 19:14

sun wrote:
11 May 2020, 18:34
You are a jackass, Oromo youth liberated Ethiopia and themselves from woyane and Abyssinians domination, No question about that, However, All I am saying is that Oromo shouldn't pick a fights with Somalis who welcomed them warmly into their lands, nurtured them, taught them to wear clothes and how to cook their food since slavery, This is in stark contrast to the treatment they received at the hands of my fellow primitive barefoot nappy headed Abyssinians,

Besides, what Oromo exports and imports have to pass through Somali region, just look at us, Abyssinians find themselves in a very difficult situation, No sea ports and no weapons to fight against the modern day expansionists.
Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 12 May 2020, 19:32, edited 2 times in total.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Noble Amhara » 12 May 2020, 19:24

What do you mean, We Abysinnians are blessed by Abune Menelik he stacked us Abysinnians with guns to take down the Oromo Expanionists, and keep in mind Abiy Ahmed’s Regime is 90% Amhara according to some, the last Oromo in Power is the mayor of Addis whom we race to Assassinate

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by sun » 12 May 2020, 20:16

AbyssiniaLady wrote:
12 May 2020, 19:14
sun wrote:
11 May 2020, 18:34
You are a jackass, :evil: Oromo youth liberated Ethiopia and themselves from woyane and Abyssinians domination, No question about that, However, All I am saying is that Oromo shouldn't pick a fights with Somalis who welcomed them warmly into their lands, nurtured them, taught them to wear clothes and how to cook their food since slavery, This is in stark contrast to the treatment they received at the hands of my fellow primitive barefoot nappy headed Abyssinians,

Besides, what Oromo exports and imports have to pass through Somali region, just look at us, Abyssinians find themselves in a very difficult situation, No sea ports and no weapons to fight against the modern day expansionists.
That is all what really matters. The rest is talk... talk... empty narcissistic wet baboon ar$$$ cheap bragging like that hopeless herm@phrodite b!tch calling her b!tchy self as "Nobel Amhara" even without being an Amhara and yet struggling with the endless kisaraa after kisaraa. The question of Oromos fighting with Somalis amounts to some kind of myth because oromois are not interested to fight with any one but try their best in fighting against starvation, sicknesses, poverty, ignorance, hate mongering and conflict generations. What the Oromos, the entire Horn area and Africa needs is peace, development, security and prosperity for all and themselves.

“The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us. Do the journey wisely.” ~Alex. Elle 8)

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by sun » 12 May 2020, 20:42

Somaliman wrote:
11 May 2020, 20:50
Sadacha Macca wrote:
11 May 2020, 16:28
Nobody cares about the opinion of an agame lady who praises Somalis all day on here.

Speak only for yourself and stop embarking everyone on your nonsense!

Be assured you're closer to the agames more than her, as she has nothing to do with them.

She's not praising anyone; she's only stating facts, and if that's what bothers you, then you can go and screw yourself!
In fact every one wants to screw that h0rny ho... so please stop diverting attention from the h0rny ho... lady "Nobel Amhara" and disappoint here greatly. Here I am making only factual statements! 8)

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 12 May 2020, 21:07

Stupid retarded broken record sharmüta, this thread is not about who liberated Ethiopia, Get lost!!!

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by gadaa2 » 13 May 2020, 11:02

Abysinia girl is really boring. Why we fight with Somali. Crazy Said Bare fight is not Somali fight. We are brothers to each other. Let alone with Somali we are living with the [deleted] of arabs together peacefully with foul mouth like you. Keep calm sip the coffee. No fight is allowed we are done with fighting 500 years ago.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by EthioRedSea » 13 May 2020, 11:18

Harar and Dire Dawa are Abyssinian cities. The Harari and Oromo were not around before 500 years. The Oromo and Somali migration in 1521 has changed the current demographics, but the region is basically Amhara-Tigrayan (Abyssinian).

Somalis are Bantu pastorlists that migrated from Malawi and so are Oromos Bantu pastorlists from West Africa. Still a significant section of the Somali population is pastorlists.

The Adere are recent migrants too. They are from Turkey. Abyssinian or North Ethiopians should not allow Somalis to take over Dire Dawa and Harar. Neither Somalis nor Gallas are the majority. It is Amhara-Tigray ( or Semetic Ethiopians) who are the majority. Somalis inhabit mainly the Ogaden area. Towns like Jijiga are Ethiopian (Abyssinian) and should be normaly led by Abyssinian.

Noble Amhara
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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Noble Amhara » 13 May 2020, 11:29

Tigrayans and Amharas are One big Abysinnian Family!
EthioRedSea wrote:
13 May 2020, 11:18
Harar and Dire Dawa are Abyssinian cities. The Harari and Oromo were not around before 500 years. The Oromo and Somali migration in 1521 has changed the current demographics, but the region is basically Amhara-Tigrayan (Abyssinian).

Somalis are Bantu pastorlists that migrated from Malawi and so are Oromos Bantu pastorlists from West Africa. Still a significant section of the Somali population is pastorlists.

The Adere are recent migrants too. They are from Turkey. Abyssinian or North Ethiopians should not allow Somalis to take over Dire Dawa and Harar. Neither Somalis nor Gallas are the majority. It is Amhara-Tigray ( or Semetic Ethiopians) who are the majority. Somalis inhabit mainly the Ogaden area. Towns like Jijiga are Ethiopian (Abyssinian) and should be normaly led by Abyssinian.

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Re: Oromo expansionists

Post by Noble Amhara » 13 May 2020, 12:00

Semetic Ethiopians are the first people to Inhabit Harar/DireDawa, Cushites original come from Kush which is located in South/West Africa

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