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በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው? ጉራጌ ዘምናዊ ባላገር ስለሆነ ነው !!

Post by Horus » 01 Feb 2020, 03:26

መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

Last edited by Horus on 02 Feb 2020, 03:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Feb 2020, 09:53

Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by kibramlak » 01 Feb 2020, 11:46

@Horus, @Selam,

I join you and its regrettable that this culture of Gurages couldnt infiltrate into the blood of others. The are perfect examples from whom everyone could learn to get out of the socioeconomic and political crisis where we are in.


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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Feb 2020, 13:27


የሴት ድምጽ ነው ያለሕ

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by AbebeB » 01 Feb 2020, 16:35

Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!
መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!
የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!
ሰው መጓዝ ካልቻለ ጫማ አይቆሽምማ፡፡ ስለዚህ ሰው መጓዝ መቻል አለበትና እነሱም ሥራ ያገኛሉ፡፡

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Feb 2020, 17:09

ይብ ብላቹሁ ይህንን ፎቶ ተመልከቱ ጉንዳኖቹ Aphids ከጠላት ይከላከላሉ Aphids ደግሞ በተራቸው ለጉንዳኖቹ የሱካር ወተት ይስጡዋቸዋል ሲምፕሰስ (symbiotic relationship,) ግኑኝነት ይባላል አንዱ በአንዱ ላይ ተደጋግፎ መሆር ማለት ነው:

there are other logic defining symbiotic relationship,
አዛው ወፋን አበላትም ለምን ብትሉ ወፋ ልክ እንደጥርስ መጎርጎሪያ ትራፊ ስጋ ከአዞው ጥርስ ስለምታወጣለት ነው። በቀላሉ የጥርስ አኪሙ ስለሆነች ጥሩሱን እየፀዳችለት ነው ። እሷም እራቷን እየበላች

እና ወደ ጉራጌና አማራ የጥቅም መተሳሰር ስመታ መልሱ ቀላል ነው። symbiotic relationship

አማራ ስራ አይወድም መስራት በፍፁም አይወዱም ። እነሱ የሚፈልጉት የመንግስት ስልጣን ተስጥቶቸው ጉቦ መቀበል ነው። ታድያ ጉራጌ ይህ በጣም ተስማምቶቸዋል ለአማራ ጉቦ እየስጡ ልክ እንደሁለተኛ ዜጋ እየታዩ በደስታ ይሆራሉ። ለምን ብትሉ አማሮች ከኦሮሞና ከትግሬዎች ይጠብቁዋቸዋል አማሮች በስራቸው አይገቡም።

ጎራጌዎ ትግሬዎችን የሚጠሉዋቸው ትግሬዎች የስራ ሰዎች ናቸው ጉራጌን ያስንቃሉ። ለምስሌ ጉራጌ አንድ ደጅ የሱቅ በድረቴ ተነስቱ የስፈር ሱቅ ይከፍታል ። ትግሬዎ ደግሞ ዱባይን ያስናቀ ሞል ይከፍታል በምን እና ምን ነው የሚወዳደሩት ።።። ትግሬዎች አቀኛም ስለሆኑ ታክስ በአግባብ እንዲከፈል ነገሩን በሙሉ በኤሌትሮኒክ አደረጉት ጉራጌዎቹ ዋጋ እንዲስቅሉ አስገደዱዋቸው በአጠቃላይ አቀኛ ነጋዴ እንዲሆኑ አስገደዱዋቸው ይህ አልተዋጠላቸውም

አማሮች ደንታ የላቸውም ጉራጌዎች ታክስ ከፈሉ አልከፈሉ ። ወይ አየር በአየር ስሩ አልስሩ እነሱ የሚፈልጉት ያችኑ ጉቦ ነው። አገር በተአምርም አያደግም አማሮችና ጉራጌዎች ይዘውት

እኔን ያልገባኝ ነገር ጉራጌ ለምን ኦሮሞችን እንደሚጠሉዋቸው ነው። ኦሮሞች በጉራጌዎች ንግድ አይገቡም ጉቦም አይጠይቁም ። ኦሮሞዎች የሚፈልጉት ጀምላ ንግድ ነው ችርቻሮውንም አያወቁበትም በሙሉ ችርቻሮውን ለጉራጌዎች ለቀውታል ታዲያ ፍራቻቸው ምንም አይገባኝም ። ወይ ከማታወቀው መለሐክ የምታወቀው ሴጣን ይሻላል ብለው እንደሆን አላውቅም ይህ ነው ምክን ያቱ ።

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Feb 2020, 17:17

Buda Woyane - obviously, if you were the crocodile, you would eat the bird right away and continue to live with your teeth infection and filth. isn't that what TPLF thugs are doing right now? KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 17:09

አዛው ወፋን አበላትም ለምን ብትሉ ወፋ ልክ እንደጥርስ መጎርጎሪያ ትራፊ ስጋ ከአዞው ጥርስ ስለምታወጣለት ነው። በቀላሉ የጥርስ አኪሙ ስለሆነች ጥሩሱን እየፀዳችለት ነው ። እሷም እራቷን እየበላች

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Horus » 01 Feb 2020, 21:46

Selam & Kibramlak,

If we go by the basic laws of evolution, Ethiopians, at some point must find the right direction of their development. At this moment, the people are facing a number of obstructions to their natural development including wrong paradigms, misdefinition of their problems, bad culture and stupid elite class.

Yes, there are pockets of examples and models of possible exist from our chaos which I simply call the ethos of work. But as you well know our people are held hostage by ethnic merchants of poverty, hate and violence.

1. What is the true Ethiopian problem? It is not the politics of dignity. It is the politics and economics of development (economic, social, intellectual, technical). Until we discover our true problem and accurate definition of that problem, nothing will change on a large scale.

2. The ethnic paradigm as driving culture is a perfect tool to control and delude the mass but soon it will explode in a more tragic chaos; and may be then more people will begin to make serious paradigm shift.

3. Culture is a way of life. It is the sum total of the competence of a people. I have yet to see one serious public intellectual who has a good definition of culture among Ethiopian elite. A people without a more or less agreed upon common culture is no better than a directionless herd.

So, we need to define and articulate a culture we can use.

4. Finally, there has to happen some kind of transformation within the so called ruling elite class of the nation. It is this class that is framing the narrative in every area of life and it is a false and stupid narrative.

In the face of these obstructions, it is going to take sometime for our different ethnic groups to learn from each other confront their true problems - their own human development.

kier !!!

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Horus » 01 Feb 2020, 22:13

ይህው አንዱ መግ ነን ያለበት ካልቸር !!!

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by sun » 01 Feb 2020, 22:26

Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

Hmm... :lol:

During Mengistu's time, the colonel often appeared in public and used to make hypnotizing public speeches, saying, "Our dear and near great country Ethiopia can never be sold by tresenous bandits and terrorist eplf, tplf, etc. We will defend our mother country Ethiopia with our blood and sweat from corner to corner and ready to pay the ultimate prices. ETHIOPIA FIRST!" the chairman used to say repeatedly in public.

Then one day a nice relaxed Gurage businessman who was listening to the Chairman's highly charged speech was turning towards his friend standing next to him and asked him if Chairman Mengistu has lost his sanity completely. How so? His friend asked? Because he is saying that Eritrea, Tigray or any part of Ethiopia can not be sold or bought by all means possible while in my opinion anything can be sold and bought if the price is good and profits are enough big.
. :lol:

"የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!" :P
Last edited by sun on 01 Feb 2020, 22:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Feb 2020, 22:32

Heard that cafeteria joke long ago. You made it sound goofy.
sun wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:26
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

Hmm... :lol:

During Mengistu's time, the colonel often appeared in public and used to make hypnotizing speeches saying, "Our dear and near great country Ethiopia can never be sold by tresenous bandits and terrorist eplf, tplf, etc. We will defend our mother country Ethiopia with our blood and sweat from corner to corner and ready to pay the ultimate prices. ETHIOPIA FIRST!" the chairman used to say repeatedly in public.

Then one day a nice relaxed Gurage businessman who was listening to the Chairman's highly charged speech was turning towards his friend standing next to him and asked him if Chairman Mengistu has lost his sanity completely. How so? His friend asked? Because he is saying that Eritrea, Tigray or any part of Ethiopia can not be sold or bought by all means possible while in my opinion anything can be sold and bought if the price is good and profits are enough big.
. :lol:

"የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!" :P

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by sun » 01 Feb 2020, 22:43


This is no joke since no one is interested in poking the joking for making the shocking. Worse yet, you can not prove your lame jetteejettee ija fattee wild cafeteria joke hypothesis. Any way stay blessed so that we may have nice hypothesis every now and then. :P
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:32
Heard that cafeteria joke long ago. You made it sound goofy.
sun wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:26
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

Hmm... :lol:

During Mengistu's time, the colonel often appeared in public and used to make hypnotizing speeches saying, "Our dear and near great country Ethiopia can never be sold by tresenous bandits and terrorist eplf, tplf, etc. We will defend our mother country Ethiopia with our blood and sweat from corner to corner and ready to pay the ultimate prices. ETHIOPIA FIRST!" the chairman used to say repeatedly in public.

Then one day a nice relaxed Gurage businessman who was listening to the Chairman's highly charged speech was turning towards his friend standing next to him and asked him if Chairman Mengistu has lost his sanity completely. How so? His friend asked? Because he is saying that Eritrea, Tigray or any part of Ethiopia can not be sold or bought by all means possible while in my opinion anything can be sold and bought if the price is good and profits are enough big.
. :lol:

"የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!" :P

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Feb 2020, 23:09

ስለዚህ ደርግ የጉራጌዎቹን ምክር ተቀብሎ መሸጥ ነበረበታ።

ሌላ ድክም ያለ ቀልድ አስታወስከኝ “አዳምና ሄዋን ቻይናዊያን ቢሆኑ ኖሮ፡ እስካሁን ድረስ ገነት ውስጥ በኖርን ነበር። ምክንያቱም የእጸ በለስ ፍሬውን ትተው እባቡን ይበሉት ነበር”
Again, a cafeteria joke; don’t take it seriously.
sun wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:43

This is no joke since no one is interested in poking the joking for making the shocking. Worse yet, you can not prove your lame jetteejettee ija fattee wild cafeteria joke hypothesis. Any way stay blessed so that we may have nice hypothesis every now and then. :P
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:32
Heard that cafeteria joke long ago. You made it sound goofy.
sun wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 22:26
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

Hmm... :lol:

During Mengistu's time, the colonel often appeared in public and used to make hypnotizing speeches saying, "Our dear and near great country Ethiopia can never be sold by tresenous bandits and terrorist eplf, tplf, etc. We will defend our mother country Ethiopia with our blood and sweat from corner to corner and ready to pay the ultimate prices. ETHIOPIA FIRST!" the chairman used to say repeatedly in public.

Then one day a nice relaxed Gurage businessman who was listening to the Chairman's highly charged speech was turning towards his friend standing next to him and asked him if Chairman Mengistu has lost his sanity completely. How so? His friend asked? Because he is saying that Eritrea, Tigray or any part of Ethiopia can not be sold or bought by all means possible while in my opinion anything can be sold and bought if the price is good and profits are enough big.
. :lol:

"የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!" :P

Thomas H
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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Thomas H » 01 Feb 2020, 23:23

Horus ቆርቆሮ ራስ!
ገንዘብ ሰለማይከፈልበት ነዋ:: እስኪ በሰዓት ፭ ሳንቲም ክፈላቸው እና ያኔ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለው ጉራጌ ግልብጥ ብሎ ወጥቶ መንገዱን ሁሉ ይዘጋልሃል

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Horus » 01 Feb 2020, 23:32

አዲሱ የኢትዮጵያ ካልቸር እየተቀመረ ያለው ይህን በመሰሉ እንከን የለሽ ጠቢባን እነ ቴዲ፣ በነዳዊት፣ በነባላገሩ፣ በነጃኖ እና መሰሎች ነው !!

ከዳዊት አዲስ አልበም እጅግ የምወደውን እንሆ !!! ጉራጌኛ የምረግጠው በዚህ ምት ነው :!: :!: :!:

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by simbe11 » 01 Feb 2020, 23:40

The reason is the two sira fetoch, Horus and Selam are living abroad with welfare.

Just saying
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Horus » 01 Feb 2020, 23:46

simbe11 wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 23:40
The reason is the two sira fetoch, Horus and Selam are living abroad with welfare.

Just saying
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

ሲምቤ ፟ ተጨማሪ የንግሊዝኛ ትምህርት ይሻሃል :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by Selam/ » 02 Feb 2020, 00:13

ዝምባም ወያኔ፣ በዌልፌር የሚኖሩት ቀንዳቸውን የተመቱት የትህነግ አጎቶችህ ናቸው። KIFU!
simbe11 wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 23:40
The reason is the two sira fetoch, Horus and Selam are living abroad with welfare.

Just saying
Selam/ wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 09:53
Of course, Gurage’s work and non-violence culture is unparalleled. That is probably why they endured all harassments and sustained harsh regimes through out our history. If the other Ethiopians cut the prejudice and herd mentality and learn a fraction of Gurage’s family & entrepreneurial culture, we would have a peaceful and prosperous country with in a short period of time.
Horus wrote:
01 Feb 2020, 03:26
መልሱን እስከ መጨረሻ ተከታተሉ !!

መልሱ አንድ ቃል ነው .... ስራ !!! በቃ !!!!!!!!!!!

የማይሰሩ ሺ ዘመን ቢሰለፉ ከንሰሳነት አይወጡም !!!

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Re: በጉራጌ መንገድ የሚዘጋ ቦዘኔ የሌለው ለምንድን ነው?

Post by simbe11 » 02 Feb 2020, 00:24

Calling me weyane doesn’t make what I said about you wrong. Therefore, I’m going to repeat it once again. The only reason there is nobody hurdling rock and blocking the roads in Gurage zone is because the two jobless vagabonds, Horus and Selam, are living in America on welfare.

And that’s true.

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