የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ፡፡ ይህ የተበለው በሎጂክ ላይ በመመስረት ነው፡፡ ከታች የተያያዘውን ይመልከቱ፡፡ ከኦሮሞ ቀጥሎ ይበዛል ተብሎ ሲወራ የቆየው የአማራ ሕዝብ እንኳን ለሁተኛ ደረጃ ብዛት ከድህጣን ሕዝቦችም የመጨረሻ ደረጃ ቁጥር ብቻ ነው ያለው፡፡
ስለዝህ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ቁጥር ተቀንሶ አማራን እንደ ብዝሀ አስቆጥሮ ኖሮአል ማለት ነው፡፡ ሰዎቹ የሌላውን ማንነትና ታርክ መስረቅ ላይ አይታሙም እኮ፡፡ የህዝብ ቆጠራውን በሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ወጥቶ የተቃወመው አማራ አለ የሚባልበት አካባቢ ብቻ መሆኑ ይታወሳል፡፡ ቆጠራው ከተሰረዘ በኃላ ደግሞ ቆጠራ ሳይካሄድ እያሉ ማላዘናቸውን ቀጥለው ብናይም እንኳ፡፡
በመሆኑም የኦሮሞን ሕዝብ የሚወክሉ ፓርቲዎች በኦሮሞ 50% በላይነት መደራደር የለባቸውም፡፡
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
According to the first 1984 population census of Ethiopia, the population of Oromo (12,387,664) and Amhara (12,055,250) were statistically equal. However, the 1984 population census did not cover some parts of North Western Gondar and Wolo, because of these regions were war or conflict zones which made difficult to send census enumeration workers. Thus, had the population enumeration covered these conflict zones, the Amhara population would have beenn relatively larger than the Oromo population. Those censuses undertaken during the TPLF regime are inaccurate and are politically fabricated hypothetical figures - amazing genocide of population at least on paper and census database by TPLF. Refer page 46 on this link
https://international.ipums.org/interna ... t1984a.pdf
https://international.ipums.org/interna ... t1984a.pdf
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
Abere,Abere wrote: ↑18 Jan 2020, 13:10According to the first 1984 population census of Ethiopia, the population of Oromo (12,387,664) and Amhara (12,055,250) were statistically equal. However, the 1984 population census did not cover some parts of North Western Gondar and Wolo, because of these regions were war or conflict zones which made difficult to send census enumeration workers. Thus, had the population enumeration covered these conflict zones, the Amhara population would have beenn relatively larger than the Oromo population. Those censuses undertaken during the TPLF regime are inaccurate and are politically fabricated hypothetical figures - amazing genocide of population at least on paper and census database by TPLF. Refer page 46 on this link
https://international.ipums.org/interna ... t1984a.pdf
Your comment is invalid for two reasons.
1. You are talking of ancient census data whatsoever the case might be. I gave recent census data (2018) collected by neutral internationally credible entity.
2. Even more recent census was planned by gov't of Ethiopia but Amhara opposed it for fear of its result which could have yield to minority Amhara.
In fact any observer who can distinguish between presence in media and on the ground can tell that Amhara (mixed) is finger counted in Ethiopia. Only those Amharas in the media (ESAT, Ethio 360, zeHabesha, etc) are plenty but not on the ground except in Farta (south gonder) and its surroundings. Okay my dear?
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
AbebeB :AbebeB wrote: ↑18 Jan 2020, 18:13Abere,Abere wrote: ↑18 Jan 2020, 13:10According to the first 1984 population census of Ethiopia, the population of Oromo (12,387,664) and Amhara (12,055,250) were statistically equal. However, the 1984 population census did not cover some parts of North Western Gondar and Wolo, because of these regions were war or conflict zones which made difficult to send census enumeration workers. Thus, had the population enumeration covered these conflict zones, the Amhara population would have beenn relatively larger than the Oromo population. Those censuses undertaken during the TPLF regime are inaccurate and are politically fabricated hypothetical figures - amazing genocide of population at least on paper and census database by TPLF. Refer page 46 on this link
https://international.ipums.org/interna ... t1984a.pdf
Your comment is invalid for two reasons.
1. You are talking of ancient census data whatsoever the case might be. I gave recent census data (2018) collected by neutral internationally credible entity.
2. Even more recent census was planned by gov't of Ethiopia but Amhara opposed it for fear of its result which could have yield to minority Amhara.
In fact any observer who can distinguish between presence in media and on the ground can tell that Amhara (mixed) is finger counted in Ethiopia. Only those Amharas in the media (ESAT, Ethio 360, zeHabesha, etc) are plenty but not on the ground except in Farta (south gonder) and its surroundings. Okay my dear?
----What I wrote is not a comment, it is a hard fact. The 1984 Population Census of Ethiopia is the first most accurate census operation the country has ever conducted free of political or religious intervention. This is the only Census the country can use as baseline year/data to project how much the population of the country would be anytime in the future, i.e. 5 years, 10, 20 , 30 ,etc. Please also note, decennial census operation is a very huge undertaking and is ONLY conducted by the government, not by any NGO or international agency as you try to disinform readers. Thus, if the Amhara and Oromo population in the 1984 Census base year were each 12 million and were equal, how on earth would the Oromo population exceeds the Amhara population by 10 or more million? Let's say you deposit 12 million Birr at Commercial Bank branch in Arat Kilo and another 12 million Birr at Commercial Bank branch Merkato on the same day at the same interest rate (say 3%) would you expect different yield rate(amount) after 10 years or 20 years - given that you never withdrew any money out from any of the accounts? No, the same compound interest rate applies will apply equal amount to your principals to each of the account. If you get a different return or yield from you accounts, that means, the accounting clerks at the bank committed error in their computation. Like wise, the population Amhara and Oromo, even on the basis of that bench mark were statistically tie - when the under enumerated population in North Western Gondar & Wolo included the Amhara population out numbers the Oromo population. This the hard fact.
---- You mentioned the 1994 political census of TPLF, which was very much flawed and below conventional census undertakings. Did you know the Somali and Afar Population twice or three times of what TPLF published. Did you know TPLF counted the Afar and Somali population again after the National population result was published because the census result was unacceptable to TPLF. First, the whole national census was faulty; second, the Population of either Somali or Afar was larger than the Tigre population which consequently pushed the Melese Zenawi Tigre population to stand 5th instead of ranking 3rd in the national population size rank. Please note that all the two censused done by TPLF are invalid and are useless to use as a population bench mark.
----- Do you know there is NO Majority ethnic group in Ethiopia and Ethiopian politics? You try to misinform readers Oromo is a majority - that is false Oromo is the same rank as others. You can only call Oromo a majority if both of the following criteria met
1) had its population made up at least 51% of the national population
2) Had the Oromo population constituted again a reasonable (say 25%) of the population in most provinces or regions of Ethiopia. Unfortunately,
there is none in most regions or provinces of Ethiopia.
Thus, the Oromo population is not a Majority. Only the OLF is fooling around which will not serve anything other than raising money for terrorist Jawar and illiterate Bekele Geriba.
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
Hey Abere,Abere wrote: ↑19 Jan 2020, 12:07AbebeB :AbebeB wrote: ↑18 Jan 2020, 18:13Abere,Abere wrote: ↑18 Jan 2020, 13:10According to the first 1984 population census of Ethiopia, the population of Oromo (12,387,664) and Amhara (12,055,250) were statistically equal. However, the 1984 population census did not cover some parts of North Western Gondar and Wolo, because of these regions were war or conflict zones which made difficult to send census enumeration workers. Thus, had the population enumeration covered these conflict zones, the Amhara population would have beenn relatively larger than the Oromo population. Those censuses undertaken during the TPLF regime are inaccurate and are politically fabricated hypothetical figures - amazing genocide of population at least on paper and census database by TPLF. Refer page 46 on this link
https://international.ipums.org/interna ... t1984a.pdf
Your comment is invalid for two reasons.
1. You are talking of ancient census data whatsoever the case might be. I gave recent census data (2018) collected by neutral internationally credible entity.
2. Even more recent census was planned by gov't of Ethiopia but Amhara opposed it for fear of its result which could have yield to minority Amhara.
In fact any observer who can distinguish between presence in media and on the ground can tell that Amhara (mixed) is finger counted in Ethiopia. Only those Amharas in the media (ESAT, Ethio 360, zeHabesha, etc) are plenty but not on the ground except in Farta (south gonder) and its surroundings. Okay my dear?
The 1984 Population Census of Ethiopia is the first most accurate census operation the country has ever conducted free of political or religious intervention.
Please note that all the two censused done by TPLF are invalid and are useless to use as a population bench mark.
... decennial census operation is a very huge undertaking and is ONLY conducted by the government, not by any NGO or international agency as you try to disinform readers.
bank issue and population growth
You can only call Oromo a majority if both of the following criteria met
1) had its population made up at least 51% of the national population
2) Had the Oromo population constituted again a reasonable (say 25%) of the population in most provinces or regions of Ethiopia.
I am not sure how much you pay me by teaching you this all. Anyways, follow me for this final taught. It follows some of your catching phrases:
The 1984 Population Census ....
Please note that all the two censused done by TPLF ...
Both Amhara and Tigre governments are same in terms of their policy toward Oromo population. So for us both were invalid. Specially that was conducted up to 1984 was bad because of the assimilation policy of the colonial state and ignorance embedded in its performance.
So acceptable is those censuses conducted where every nation in Ethiopia is self cognizant and maintains self position.
... decennial census operation is a very huge undertaking and is ONLY conducted by the government, not by any NGO or international agency as you try to disinform readers.
In principle any capable entity is allowed to conduct census or sample survey provided the sate agrees on that. That how census 2018 (that I linked you to) was conducted.
bank issue and population growth
This exactly where I caught you belong to Debtera or habesha clergy type of literature approach. Out of ignorance they write. What has to do bank operational principles with that of population growth? Irrelevant even to take parallels.
You can only call Oromo a majority if both of the following criteria met
1) had its population made up at least 51% of the national population
2) Had the Oromo population constituted again a reasonable (say 25%) of the population in most provinces or regions of Ethiopia.
Yes at least / greater than 50% (note that it isn't same as at least 51%) makes majority. That is what I proved Oromo nation's contemporary population size. Also we are delighted to make fresh census as long as the Achebe Amharas agree.
But that you said "... reasonable (say 25%) .. is irrelevant to make Oromo a majority nation. We are claiming that majority size in Ethiopia per se or whole population in Oromia.
So be ware that Oromos never allow you Amhara Achbes to further distort, lie, confuse, hide, make taboo in terms of facts and figures related to the nation. You can do that in your own particular case.
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
Amhara is majority in any way you count it.