Search found 129 matches
- 12 Apr 2020, 19:32
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Bedinnu BEADEN Never Ever Learn The Last 30 Years Lole, Slave & Bieng Slave Against Amara People.
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2517
Re: Bedinnu BEADEN Never Ever Learn The Last 30 Years Lole, Slave & Bieng Slave Against Amara People.
They are infested inside with TPLFISTS, onegisits and Qumants. How do you think they will change. Only thing is Mobilize the People and illuminate them Lol
- 27 Mar 2020, 17:18
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: መቃብር ቆፋሪው የህወሃት ጋዜጣኛ ያየሰው ሽመልስ በቁጥጥር ስር ዋል!!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3310
Re: መቃብር ቆፋሪው የህወሃት ጋዜጣኛ ያየሰው ሽመልስ በቁጥጥር ስር ዋል!!
Example of Hodam Amhara, who works for Crook TPLF. Shame on Hodam Amharas
- 20 Feb 2020, 19:33
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Breaking:Election board sends final warning to OFC after immigration office confirmed Jawar is not yet Ethiopian citizen
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1248
Re: Breaking:Election board sends final warning to OFC after immigration office confirmed Jawar is not yet Ethiopian cit
ofeco Shuold be banned for this election as it has already violated the rule. BAN BAN BAM PERIOD
- 20 Feb 2020, 00:16
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Amazing. OFC party (Jawar party) founder Bulcha Demeksa participates in rally in support of Dr. Abiy
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2571
Re: Amazing. OFC party (Jawar party) founder Bulcha Demeksa participates in rally in support of Dr. Abiy
G-war is dead every day. The oromo people finally weak up and understood how peace is critical for people to develop.
- 13 Feb 2020, 00:03
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Ethio 360 Live መደመጥ ያለበት!!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1825
Re: Ethio 360 Live መደመጥ ያለበት!!
where is ADEPA the dead party who is giving up everything. so sad
- 11 Feb 2020, 19:19
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: How to displace the 160k Gumuz
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2101
Re: How to displace the 160k Gumuz
There was no Gumez land before TPLF came in power . to weaken Amharas,TPLF gave all of the lands in every corner to other Tribs including them selves. There will come a time where we will bring back our looted lands soon.
- 11 Feb 2020, 19:16
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Ethio 360 100k views, ESAT 30K views
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2284
Re: Ethio 360 100k views, ESAT 30K views
the 360 group are the best we have for now. The ESAT group are sellouts for the Abye. This Abye Guy is destroying Ethiopia and it people.
we need to be on the side of 360 and fight tis Gallas.
we need to be on the side of 360 and fight tis Gallas.
- 04 Feb 2020, 11:53
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ፊርማው ሳይደርቅ የኦነግ እና የኦፌኮ ደጋፊዎች ግብ ግብ በጅማ
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2321
Re: ፊርማው ሳይደርቅ የኦነግ እና የኦፌኮ ደጋፊዎች ግብ ግብ በጅማ
This Savage Gallas will eat each other soon. It will take another 100 years to make Gallas civilized.
- 20 Jan 2020, 13:58
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2703
Re: የአሮሞ ሕዝብ ከጠቅላላ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝቦች ብዛት ከ50% በላይ ነው ተባለ
Amhara is majority in any way you count it.
- 15 Jan 2020, 20:39
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: "ወያኔ በቀለ ገርባ (ሰገራ) የተባለ ኮርቻ ገዝታ የኦፌኮን ፈረስ እየጋለበች እየመጣች ነው"!!!!
- Replies: 11
- Views: 3853
Re: "ወያኔ በቀለ ገርባ (ሰገራ) የተባለ ኮርቻ ገዝታ የኦፌኮን ፈረስ እየጋለበች እየመጣች ነው"!!!!
Thanks god The Gallant Amhara people through their silence has send a chillig effect on this Man. As you can see he is scared of Amharas.
He Knows when they come they do not have mercy on this man Bekele [deleted].
He Knows when they come they do not have mercy on this man Bekele [deleted].
- 24 Dec 2019, 13:54
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ዑስታዝ አሕመዲን ጀበል በሞጣ ከተማ ምን ሲያደርጉ ነበር?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1601
Re: ዑስታዝ አሕመዲን ጀበል በሞጣ ከተማ ምን ሲያደርጉ ነበር?
- 18 Dec 2019, 21:55
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ከዚህ በኃላ የጎንደር ሕዝብ የሚፈልገው ልክ እንደ ሲዳማ ሕዝብ የራሱን ክልል ብቻ ነው ::
- Replies: 16
- Views: 5793
Re: ከዚህ በኃላ የጎንደር ሕዝብ የሚፈልገው ልክ እንደ ሲዳማ ሕዝብ የራሱን ክልል ብቻ ነው ::
Here we go again. to divide and weaken Amharas. no one can buy your rotten Ideas. Keep dreaming to divide Amharas . it won't work LOL
- 17 Dec 2019, 19:52
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Finally General Tefera Mammo & Colonel Allebel Released From Prison With No Charge.
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2302
Re: Finally General Tefera Mammo & Colonel Allebel Released From Prison With No Charge.
they should not have to be in jail in the first place.
- 28 Nov 2019, 01:45
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ODP's hoe, EZEMA, is in serious trouble
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1643
Re: ODP's hoe, EZEMA, is in serious trouble
Ezema was dead on arrival. Will get no support anywhere.They held meetings around Addis Abeba as if Ethiopia is only Addis.
- 28 Nov 2019, 01:38
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ጋላ አብይ አህመድ ኢሳትን ከነ ጋዜጠኞቹ ከገዛው በኋላ ለፕሮፖጋንዳ ስራ ከ50 ሚልዮን ብር በላይ መድቦላቸው ላብይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ እየሰሩ ነው!!!
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2501
Re: ጋላ አብይ አህመድ ኢሳትን ከነ ጋዜጠኞቹ ከገዛው በኋላ ለፕሮፖጋንዳ ስራ ከ50 ሚልዮን ብር በላይ መድቦላቸው ላብይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ እየሰሩ ነው!!!
Sisay is A sel out. He choose Dr. Abeye and G-war over Ethiopian people. so sad
- 28 Nov 2019, 01:32
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: *በ ኢሳትና በ ኢትዮ 360 ጦርነት ሊጀመር ይመስላል፤* የባላአደራው ም/ፕ ኢርምያስ ለገስ በኢሳት ጵህፈት ቤት የተቃውሞ ስልፍ ጠራ፡፡ ይህ የአለቃው የበረከት አባባል ነው ሲል ኢሳት ገለጰ፡
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2788
Re: *በ ኢሳትና በ ኢትዮ 360 ጦርነት ሊጀመር ይመስላል፤* የባላአደራው ም/ፕ ኢርምያስ ለገስ በኢሳት ጵህፈት ቤት የተቃውሞ ስልፍ ጠራ፡፡ ይህ የአለቃው የበረከት አባባል ነው ሲል ኢሳት
Sisay Agena's mind is stuck with TPLF. He doesn't seem like to understand the current struggle. His support to Dr. ABEYE so uppaling.
He needs to back off from Eskinder.
He needs to back off from Eskinder.
- 27 Nov 2019, 22:09
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: BREAKING NEWS: Amhara support for EZEMA has totally collapsed
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1966
Re: BREAKING NEWS: Amhara support for EZEMA has totally collapsed
Sisay Travels back and forth every month from Washington to Addis to get the money and now become enemies of our struggle.
- 27 Nov 2019, 22:07
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ጋላ አብይ አህመድ ኢሳትን ከነ ጋዜጠኞቹ ከገዛው በኋላ ለፕሮፖጋንዳ ስራ ከ50 ሚልዮን ብር በላይ መድቦላቸው ላብይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ እየሰሩ ነው!!!
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2501
Re: ጋላ አብይ አህመድ ኢሳትን ከነ ጋዜጠኞቹ ከገዛው በኋላ ለፕሮፖጋንዳ ስራ ከ50 ሚልዮን ብር በላይ መድቦላቸው ላብይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ እየሰሩ ነው!!!
The ESAT group are all sellout especially Sisay. We diasporas need to stop supporting them. They are destroying our unity.
- 27 Nov 2019, 15:00
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: "Old Ethiopia that used to Rob, destroy and kill the Oromo and other marginalized People is NOT COMING BACK"-Jawar
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4166
Re: "Old Ethiopia that used to Rob, destroy and kill the Oromo and other marginalized People is NOT COMING BACK"-Jawar
the bigest mistake that Emiye Meleklek did was to let the Gallas ASSIMILATE in to Ethiopian complex instead of driving them out of our territories.
- 27 Nov 2019, 14:40
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: በአማራ ጥላቻ የታወረ የሽማግሌ ቅሌታም ትግሬ!!!
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3165
Re: በአማራ ጥላቻ የታወረ የሽማግሌ ቅሌታም ትግሬ!!!
When he was in gojam this dotard was badly raped