Search found 66 matches
- 08 May 2020, 13:26
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Tplf, mallelit assasination attemp on Pia is an act of war, harsh response is coming.
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1246
- 01 May 2020, 10:23
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: The abiy, eritrean government must put this guy in check for disrespecting eritrea, or else we shall do it by ourselves.
- Replies: 41
- Views: 12013
- 01 May 2020, 10:15
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Replies: 7
- Views: 2262
Tarik, this is a threat to the national security of an independent country Eritrea, we should not sit back and watch this guy talk about Eritrea.
- 29 Apr 2020, 14:41
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: R Ethiopians That Stupid?: U Know All Z Top Companies & High Rising In A-Abeba R Still Owned By Agames!!! WEEY GUUD !!!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1498
Re: R Ethiopians That Stupid?: U Know All Z Top Companies & High Rising In A-Abeba R Still Owned By Agames!!! WEEY GUUD
R Ethiopians That Stupid?: U Know All Z Top Companies & High Rising In AAbeba R Still Owned By Agames!!! WEEY GUUD !!! Tarik, i don't think they are stupid, but this is abiy ahmed job to confiscate or auction th...
- 27 Apr 2020, 17:47
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Eritrea should help tigrai get it's independence, ogaden return to somalia so ethiopia can collapse.
- Replies: 13
- Views: 4169
Re: Eritrea should help tigrai get it's independence, ogaden return to somalia so ethiopia can collapse.
This is the only solution that i could think of. And tigrai independent should promise it will never go to war against eritrea instead work together and help our two people get out from poverty and misery. I understand your frustration but patience is a virtue. After this covid19 drama our mama Eri...
- 27 Apr 2020, 10:59
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: FACT: Z Pfdj Tegaru Party Cadres Want 2 Unite Eritrea With Ethiopia, But We Pure Eritreans Don't Want Virus Ethiopia!!!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1407
Re: FACT: Z Pfdj Tegaru Party Cadres Want 2 Unite Eritrea With Ethiopia, But We Pure Eritreans Don't Want Virus Ethiopia
FACT: Z Pfdj Tegaru Party Cadres Want 2 Unite Eritrea With Ethiopia, But We Pure Eritreans Don't Want Virus Ethiopia!!! :roll: :!: :idea: :arrow: Tarik, i hope not but if that is their intentions well we will not sit aside and watch. we eritreans fought and di...
- 25 Apr 2020, 22:53
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1364
- 08 Apr 2020, 17:22
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Stop calling him a doctor. he is just a malaria researcher.
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1970
Stop calling him a doctor. he is just a malaria researcher.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ge'ez: ቴዎድሮስ አድሓኖም ገብረኢየሱስ; born 3 March 1965)[1] is an Ethiopian[1] microbiologist and internationally recognized malaria researcher[2] who currently serves as Director-General of the World Health Organization, a position he has held since 2017.[3][4] Tedros is the first...
- 29 Feb 2020, 13:06
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ዝኽሪ ህልቂት አስመራን ከባቢአን 1975.
- Replies: 0
- Views: 973
- 10 Feb 2020, 12:39
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ነወለዶታት እትሰጋገር "ፈንቅል ኢሎምኻየ" ትብል ደርፊ.
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1017
- 02 Feb 2020, 17:29
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ናይ ረሳ ማለሊት ወግሐ ጸብሐ ኣኸባ ካብ ኩቱር ፍርሒ አዮ። ፈንቕል ትመስክር።
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1122
ናይ ረሳ ማለሊት ወግሐ ጸብሐ ኣኸባ ካብ ኩቱር ፍርሒ አዮ። ፈንቕል ትመስክር።
ከምቲ ኣቦታትና አርትራውያን ናይ ቐደም ዝምስሉዏ'ስ፣ ዝገብር'ሲ ነዲኡ ነይነግር። ያአኢ ህዝቢ አርትራ ብጃህራ ፈኸራን ናይ ፈራ ማለሊት ክደሃል አንድዮ አቲ ሓሳቦም ነሩ፣ ግን ብ ኣንጻሩ ግን ህዝቢን መንግስትን አርትራ ኣሹንካይ'ዶ ናይ ፈራ ማለሊት ፈኸራ ናይቶም ሓያላት ናይ ኣፍሪቃን ሕብረት ሶቨየት አኢና ዝብሉ ዝነበር ሕቖኦም ሰሩ ኣልሚስዎም አዮ። ፈንቕል ትመስክር። [media][/media] [media]...
- 08 Jan 2020, 11:03
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ርእይቶ ኤርትራዊያን ኣብ መልእኽቲ ጉባኤ ናይ ሓሳዊትን ሰራቒትን ማለሊት ህወሓት።
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1714
ርእይቶ ኤርትራዊያን ኣብ መልእኽቲ ጉባኤ ናይ ሓሳዊትን ሰራቒትን ማለሊት ህወሓት።
ርእይቶ ኤርትራዊያን ኣብ መልእኽቲ ጉባኤ ህውሓት ጥሪ 07, 2020 ተወልደ ወልደገብረኤል ኣካፍል ርእይቶታት ንምርኣይ መሕተሚ ዋሽንግተን — ህወሓት ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ክልተ መዓልታት ኣብ ዘካየዶ ህጹጽ ጉባኤ፡ ናብ ብልጽግና ፓርቲ ከምዘይጽንበር ምውሳኑ ሓቢሩ፡ ናብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝቐንዐ መልእኽቲ`ውን ኣሕሊፉ ኔሩ። “ህዝቢ ትግራይን ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ሓደ ቋንቋ፣ተመሳሳሊ ባህልን ብመውስቦ ዝተኣሳሰረን ሓው ህዝቢ እዩ” ዝብል መግለጺ ሕወሓት “ኣብ ዝሓለፉ ክልተ ዓሰርተ ዓማውቲ ......
- 02 Jan 2020, 21:42
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ሓሳዊት ማለሊት ህወሓት ናይ ስብሓት ነጋ ወዲ ዓድዋ ውድብ ኣብ አንግደዐ ድኻ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ተወጢሓ ትፍክር ኣላ አዛ ሃዳሚት።
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1245
- 02 Jan 2020, 12:12
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ERi-TV, New Year Special: ሓድሽ ዓመት ምስ ጉጅለ ባህሊ ኣሰር.
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1036
- 01 Jan 2020, 13:49
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ተመስገን ኣምላኽ 2020 is going to be a great year because isias afewerki from tigrai didn't appear on tv for his usual hatftf.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1523
Re: ተመስገን ኣምላኽ 2020 is going to be a great year because isias afewerki from tigrai didn't appear on tv for his usual hat
MOI Eritrea 9 hrs · ከሊመት ሓይስ ረኢስ ኢሰይያስ አፈወርቂ እብ መናሰበት ሰነት ሐዳስ 2020 ሕሹም ሸዐብ ኤርትርየ እት ቀበት ዐድ ወኻርጅ! እብ መናሰበት እለ እንበይእ እተ ለህሌነ ሰነት 2020፡ እግል ክሉ ሸዐብ ኤርትርየ ምስል ቅዋት ድፋዑ አሰናይነ! ሰነት 2019፡ ዝያድ ለገአ ልግበእ እብ ሰእየተ ወመስኩበተ እት ደማን ለበ አካን ዉቅል እንዴ ፈገርነ ንትሳረሕ ምነ ህሌነ፡ እትለ ደማን ለበ ደረጀት ለበጸሕነ፡ ምስለ ዉጡይ ቴለል መንጠቀት፡ አግደ ደሚር ከር...
- 01 Jan 2020, 11:48
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ርሑስ በዓል ሓድሽ ዓመት 2020 ንመላአ ህዝቢ አርትራ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገርን ወጻአን ትርከብ ህዝብና፣ ዓመት ሰላምን ራህዋን ይግበረና።
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1327
- 30 Dec 2019, 12:12
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: (((WHY R ETHIOPIA & ERITREA SILENT)))???: Cursed-Land-Tigray Have Declared War On Eritrea & Ethiopia!!! WEEY GUUD !!!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2092
Re: (((WHY R ETHIOPIA & ERITREA SILENT)))???: Cursed-Land-Tigray Have Declared War On Eritrea & Ethiopia!!! WEEY GUUD !!
[media][/media] :roll: Strategies to nullify Abiy’s agenda of subduing Tigrai By Berhane Kahsay Tigrai Online Dec. 28, 2019 Tigrai is considering all options including secession Article 39 can be invoked which is an attractive proposition that received tremendous attenti...
- 23 Dec 2019, 12:23
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: (((WHEN WILL ETHIOPIA WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM MY LAND BADME)))?: 536+ Days Since Peace Signing But No Change On Z Ground!!!
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1751
Re: (((WHEN WILL ETHIOPIA WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM MY LAND BADME)))?: 536+ Days Since Peace Signing But No Change On Z Groun Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship between Eritrea and Ethiopia Conscious that the peoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea share close bonds of geography, history, culture, language and religion as well as fundamental common interests; Recognizing that over...
- 02 Dec 2019, 11:47
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: No matter what, Eritrea must never open it's border with tigrai. Never trust tplf.
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2303
Re: No matter what, Eritrea must never open it's border with tigrai. Never trust tplf.
No matter what, Eritrea must never open it's border with tigrai. Never trust tplf. brother Eritrea4Ever, i agree with you, and allow me to add also the tigrai people must stand up and defend themselves from the tplf selfish leaders or else they will be hated by everybody, i am sure the mistrust is ...
- 30 Nov 2019, 11:45
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ኩነታት ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዘይተኣማምን ደረጃ በጺሑ ሰለ ዘሎ መንግስትን ህዝብን አርትራ ክጥንቐቕ ይግባአ። ንምንታይ'ሲ ሕማም ጎሮበት ተማሓላላፋይ ስለዝኾነ።
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1389
ኩነታት ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዘይተኣማምን ደረጃ በጺሑ ሰለ ዘሎ መንግስትን ህዝብን አርትራ ክጥንቐቕ ይግባአ። ንምንታይ'ሲ ሕማም ጎሮበት ተማሓላላፋይ ስለዝኾነ።
ኩነታት ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ዘይተኣማምን ደረጃ በጺሑ ሰለ ዘሎ መንግስትን ህዝብን አርትራ ክጥንቐቕ ይግባአ። ንምንታይ'ሲ ሕማም ጎሮበት ተማሓላላፋይ ስለዝኾነ።