Jobless gangs looking for excuse to riot.
Search found 28 matches
- 31 Oct 2019, 19:13
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Ethiopia says at least 78 people killed in protests last week, number could rise
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1964
- 31 Oct 2019, 19:08
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Wayanes fear and hate the Amharas, disrespect the Oromos and others
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2350
- 30 Oct 2019, 19:07
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Abiy Ahmed is Amhara
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2769
Re: Abiy Ahmed is Amhara Down down Amharu Abiyie. Coward all this ferry does is talk talk and cannot stop the Qeru “The Youth” aka “Al-Shabab “The Youth” bi Arabigna Qwanqwa Yeah, he is Amhara. Your nightmare. No worries his plane will be shot down by qeru Is that...
- 30 Oct 2019, 18:55
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Abiy Ahmed is Amhara
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2769
Re: Abiy Ahmed is Amhara Down down Amharu Abiyie. Coward all this ferry does is talk talk and cannot stop the Qeru “The Youth” aka “Al-Shabab “The Youth” bi Arabigna Qwanqwa Yeah, he is Amhara. Your nightmare. No worries his plane will be shot down by qeru Is that...
- 30 Oct 2019, 18:45
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Abiy Ahmed is Amhara
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2769
- 28 Oct 2019, 19:43
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ODP sympathises with Qerros
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2339
Re: ODP sympathises with Qerros
ODP is Oromo version of TPLF.
- 28 Oct 2019, 19:40
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Blaming the Oromos
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2633
- 28 Oct 2019, 19:19
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ODP sympathises with Qerros
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2339
- 28 Oct 2019, 19:16
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Blaming the Oromos
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2633
Blaming the Oromos
Blaming the Oromos for the crimes of Qurros is wrong. Blaming the Oromos is exactly what the enemies want, so do not be their tool.
- 26 Oct 2019, 11:12
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Exploring the possibility of suing OMN in the US court
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1263
- 24 Oct 2019, 15:08
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Potential tool for the enemies
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1395
Potential tool for the enemies
Enemies of Ethiopia see Jawar as their potential tool they can use to destabilize the country.
We do know if he is not already being paid for his incitements.
We do know if he is not already being paid for his incitements.
- 23 Oct 2019, 15:16
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Qerros, aka the Oromo Wayanes
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1130
Qerros, aka the Oromo Wayanes
Qerros, aka the Oromo Wayanes, are making peaceful life impossible by blocking roads, seizing lands and threatening citizens. ...
The 14 Provinces
The 14 Provinces
- 23 Oct 2019, 15:11
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Ethiopian flag with different colors
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1138
- 23 Sep 2019, 19:33
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3068
Re: If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy When we Weyane were ruling Ethiopia democratically and constitutionally for 27 golden years, we didn't allow the Oromo Irrecha celebration to take place anywhere in the country, including in the Oromia region. The reason...
- 23 Sep 2019, 19:29
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: When the current dam is completed, Ethiopia should start constructing more
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1339
When the current dam is completed, Ethiopia should start constructing more
Egypt has been threatening Ethiopia for constructing dam on the Nile river. From the way they talk, Egyptians think they are the only ones who are entitled to use Nile water. They feel superior so much so ...
The 14 Provinces
The 14 Provinces
- 21 Sep 2019, 11:26
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3068
If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy
If Irrecha is celebrated in Addis Ababa, everybody will be happy. It is not Oromo culture ...
The 14 Provinces
The 14 Provinces
- 03 Sep 2019, 16:59
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: The OLF terrorists are trying to steal the identity of Ethiopian Orthodox Church
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1128
The OLF terrorists are trying to steal the identity of Ethiopian Orthodox Church
The OLF terrorists are trying to create fake Orthodox Church, but their illegal act of stealing the true identity of Ethiopian Orthodox Church, to divide Ethiopian Christians, will fail, just like Wayanes' attempt to divide muslims, by introducing new kind of Islam. The OLF terrorists are the true e...
- 03 Aug 2019, 18:03
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Blocking the internet is wrong
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3570
Re: Blocking the internet is a criminal act
Okay I admit the title is a bit strong.I am moderating it.
- 03 Aug 2019, 17:30
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Blocking the internet is wrong
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3570
Re: Blocking the internet is a criminal act
I do not agree with the headline. Restricting internet access is not a criminal act, but a bad policy. Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen in the NEW Digital Age, published 2013, argue the internet as a " 'lawless' space, ungoverned and ungovernable by design. Its decentralized makeup and constantly mutat...
- 03 Aug 2019, 17:07
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Blocking the internet is wrong
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3570
Re: Blocking the internet is a criminal act
She is right. That is one of the question he should answer.