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by mitmitaye
07 Nov 2021, 17:55
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Americans are running out of time to save TPLF.
Replies: 5
Views: 1673

Re: Americans are running out of time to save TPLF.

Hehee.. majority Ethiopians don’t have the appetite to see tplf alive let alone the government to ‘negotiate’ .. but hey this is ‘African politics’.. one day you are a terrorist, next day a government or part of the government.. BIACH!!
by mitmitaye
07 Nov 2021, 17:27
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: "ውይይት እና ድርድር የሚለው ከዚህ በኋላ አይሰራም" [VIDEO]
Replies: 5
Views: 1480

Re: "ውይይት እና ድርድር የሚለው ከዚህ በኋላ አይሰራም" [VIDEO]

ውይይት እና ድርድር የሚለው ከዚህ በኋላ አይሰራም"

Says.., while arranging to meet in Mekele to open the doors for DIRDIR :mrgreen: :mrgreen: laughing at us .. :oops: :oops:
by mitmitaye
07 Nov 2021, 17:13
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Ethiopians listen to me- You Are NOT alone on THIS.
Replies: 15
Views: 2814

Re: Ethiopians listen to me- You Are NOT alone on THIS.

ህግደፍ & supporters don't hesitate a bit and have the resolve in dealing with TPLF I know you mean well but I disagree HGDEF uses one Ethiopian group against another. worked with TPLF against DERG, EPRP worked with OLF, ONLF against EPRDF worked with PP against TPLF, OLF This is the record of HGDEF. ...
by mitmitaye
12 Sep 2021, 17:51
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Horus, I heard Egyptians has the same New Years Day as Ethiopians. Is it due to Orthodox, or cultural affinity or....
Replies: 9
Views: 2149

Re: Horus, I heard Egyptians has the same New Years Day as Ethiopians. Is it due to Orthodox, or cultural affinity or..

Abere, egyptian calendar 12 months of 30 days & leap year.. and their names are very close or similar to Ethiopians before Christianity as’s to do with the Nile & agriculture. It dates back christianity. In Ethiopia it’s divided in two. Amete Fida- before Christ & Amete Mihrete- after Christ...
by mitmitaye
23 Aug 2021, 16:22
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: What If Abiy Ahmed is Playing Amharas and Tigarus for Idiots?
Replies: 34
Views: 18250

Re: What If Abiy Ahmed is Playing Amharas and Tigarus for Idiots?

But what if Abiy Amhed is playing Amharas for fools? What if his objective is to neutralize Amharas and Tigarus? What happens after Amharas and Tigarus fight to a bloody finish ? For them it was Tigaru Vs Amhara then and it is still that. For us true Amhara s, our #1 enemy is TPLF and the leeches (...
by mitmitaye
18 Aug 2021, 15:42
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why is the Abiy Administration reluctant to openly declaring about the recapture of Maichew, Korem, and now Shire?
Replies: 14
Views: 3578

Re: Why is the Abiy Administration reluctant to openly declaring about the recapture of Maichew, Korem, and now Shire?

Re: Why is the Abiy Administration reluctant to openly declaring about the recapture of Maichew, Korem, and now Shire? [/b] I wish this statement were true.. but unfortunately, the government at Arat kilo is still holding into its self imposed TEKUS AQUM thingy.. it seems so far attacking tplf only...
by mitmitaye
17 Aug 2021, 10:47
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: To all Tigrayans, it is not how we fought & captured the # of enemies but what we bring home matters???
Replies: 10
Views: 2489

Re: To all Tigrayans, it is not how we fought & captured the # of enemies but what we bring home matters???

Re: To all Tigrayans, it is not how we fought & captured the # of enemies but what we bring home matters???
Leflafiw— what did bring ‘home’? Tigray’s kids dead body & duQet?! :oops: :oops: :oops:
by mitmitaye
17 Aug 2021, 10:30
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ሰበር ዜና : ሱዳን ከጎንደር በወሰደችው መሬት ላይ ያሠራቸው በአፍሪካ ትልቁ ድልድይ ዛሬ አስመረቀች
Replies: 3
Views: 1220

Re: ሰበር ዜና : ሱዳን ከጎንደር በወሰደችው መሬት ላይ ያሠራቸው በአፍሪካ ትልቁ ድልድይ ዛሬ አስመረቀች

ዜና : ሱዳን ከጎንደር በወሰደችው መሬት ላይ ያሠራቸው በአፍሪካ ትልቁ ድልድይ ዛሬ አስመረቀች

Thanks Sudan, for wasting your money & making for us such a beautiful bridge. We will have a good use of it once we finished the Banda Tplf.. we are too busy now :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
by mitmitaye
17 Aug 2021, 09:55
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ ሆይ ውጣና ጁንታውን ተላላኪውች እርምጃ ውሰድ!
Replies: 5
Views: 1876

Re: የአዲስ አበባ ህዝብ ሆይ ውጣና ጁንታውን ተላላኪውች እርምጃ ውሰድ!

መንግስትንም ሌላም ተማምነህ ዝም ያልክ የእአ ህዝብ ሆይ አሁን ወጥተህ በየሰፈርህ ባለ ጅንታ እና ትግሬ ላይ እርምጃ ውሰድ:: ውጊው ከውስጥ ካልጀመረ ውስጡን መከት እትችልም:: ክኑግ ጋር የተገኘሽ ሰሊጥ ኣብረሽ ተወቀጭ አንዲሉ ምንኛውም ትግሬ ባሁኑ ወቅት ውያኔን አንድማይደግፍ በራሱ ምንገድ በትግባር ካላሰየ ብስትቀር መለቅም አና መውገድ ኣለበት። ስለዚህ ያዲስ ኣበባ ሆነ ይባህርዳር ወጣት ትግሬ ይሆነን ብሙሉ በዘነዘና ኣናቱን ብማለት ማስወገድ አራስንም ወገንንም ምርዝ ...
by mitmitaye
16 Aug 2021, 13:36
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Ethiopians unite, kill terrorist-tplf fast, because usa will install Ethiopia's taliban in 4 kilo. Learn from Kabul.
Replies: 1
Views: 810

Re: Ethiopians unite, kill terrorist-tplf fast, because usa will install Ethiopia's taliban in 4 kilo. Learn from Kabul.

Actually, no, tplf will not be successful to march to the Menilk’s palace.. USA underestimate taliban & over estimated its power. In our case, USA over estimated tplf, under estimated our government & Ethiopians. There will be big surprise.. that’s been said, right now, Susan rice & co, might have ...
by mitmitaye
29 Jul 2021, 14:24
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ኤርትራ ምንድነው ችግሯ? ኤርትራ በምንም ተአምር የኢትዮጵያን ድንበር አልፋ ጦርነት ላይ መሳተፍ የለባትም
Replies: 19
Views: 3503

Re: ኤርትራ ምንድነው ችግሯ? ኤርትራ በምንም ተአምር የኢትዮጵያን ድንበር አልፋ ጦርነት ላይ መሳተፍ የለባትም

Ok, what will they do or what will you do if America deploy its troops or if america go for air strike both Eritrea and Ethiopia? You losers, will cry again. You all are short sighted only knows to blabber just what you see in your eyes. Don't be so much stupid, think!! No, Erirea should stay away!...
by mitmitaye
25 Jul 2021, 15:18
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Breaking News:-- Terrorist Juntas Completely Decimated Destroyed In Ade Reqqay City No Exit To / From Sudan Borders !!
Replies: 6
Views: 1990

Re: Breaking News:-- Terrorist Juntas Completely Decimated Destroyed In Ade Reqqay City No Exit To / From Sudan Borders

Terrorist Juntas Completely Decimated Destroyed In Ade Reqqay City No Exit To / From Sudan Borders !!
Apparently they entered Ade Reqay for selfies.. the rest is history :lol: :lol: :lol:
by mitmitaye
25 Jul 2021, 11:42
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF
Replies: 10
Views: 2699

Re: የመከላከያ ሠራዊት የተናጥል ተኩስ አቁም እንድጥስ ትዕዛዝ በአስቸኳይ ይደርስዋል እየተባለ ነው። The party is soon to be over for TPLF

Abere, what are they waiting while tplf is killing and advancing with sophisticated tools? Why wait? Amaras are feeling betrayed and angry at abiy.. they are left to fight with Qomeh TebiQegn.. don’t you, for once, ask why the ENDF is just sitting idle for days while innocent people are getting kill...
by mitmitaye
24 Jul 2021, 03:19
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Heart wrenching scene of parents wailing as PM Abiy keeps graduating students under siege
Replies: 6
Views: 2037

Re: Heart wrenching scene of parents wailing as PM Abiy keeps graduating students under siege

Re: Heart wrenching scene of parents wailing as PM Abiy keeps graduating students under siege I wish Ethiopians were wailing for Tigray girls when raped by shabia & tplf gangs-pretending to be ethio & Eritrean soldiers for propaganda, I wish Ethiopians protest when cruel things were done against th...
by mitmitaye
23 Jul 2021, 17:27
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Abiy is making a mistake that the derg did...forceful conscription.
Replies: 21
Views: 4465

Re: Abiy is making a mistake that the derg did...forceful conscription.

Re: Abiy is making a mistake that the derg did...forceful conscription.

I grew up in Addis during Derg rule, and have seen and heard of AFESA.. I’m in Addis for the past 3+ months.. Didn’t see or hear any ‘forceful conscription’.. it’s a lie!!
by mitmitaye
22 Jul 2021, 17:38
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Call for forgiveness and reconcilation!
Replies: 20
Views: 4680

Re: Call for forgiveness and reconcilation!

mitmitaye, That is a good question. Abiy Ahemd as leader and patriarhc of the country means Tigray is one of the child of mother Ethiopia. But Tigray is a disobedient child. It is not a neighbor, it is a child that should be disciplined for misbehaving. Do you see below what the Holy Scripture comm...