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by Mahlana
04 May 2020, 19:29
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: I know all forces of backwardness and darkness are at a state of shock
Replies: 5
Views: 2079

I know all forces of backwardness and darkness are at a state of shock

ዓወት ንቕኑዕ ቓልሲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ!!


ዲሞክራሲያዊ መሰል ህዝቢ ብቕልፅም ህዝቢ ይኽበር!!

ሎሚ እውን ዉፈር ተበገስ!!

by Mahlana
02 May 2020, 06:41
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why is this EthioRedSea guy vehemently putting sovereign territories under a question mark?
Replies: 2
Views: 1310

Why is this EthioRedSea guy vehemently putting sovereign territories under a question mark?

What is that he needs? Why is he distributing plots of lands reghit and left? Who is he? Is he Minilik in persona or Minilik impersonation? Why is he willing to pass over or sell sovereign ethiopian/Tigrai territories under a table? Why is all his attention concentrted at South Mereb region? What is...
by Mahlana
02 May 2020, 05:54
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Yesterdays, 01 of May, 2020, codified 17 minutes total stay-out of-immediate door in the entire Tigrai was sobering
Replies: 0
Views: 977

Yesterdays, 01 of May, 2020, codified 17 minutes total stay-out of-immediate door in the entire Tigrai was sobering

It seems that Tigrai is testing its readiness and preparedness for all kinds of developments in the horn of Africa region. What happened yesterday in the whole Tigrai showed that the entire population of Tigrai can work just like a single person. I do not how and when TPLF managed to create such a ...
by Mahlana
01 May 2020, 10:49
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: A monastery that was used as a hiding place for persecuted palace high priests by the catholic Emperor Susenyos.
Replies: 0
Views: 938

A monastery that was used as a hiding place for persecuted palace high priests by the catholic Emperor Susenyos.

Emperor Susenyos( The biological father of the famous Emperor Failedes) of the Gondar dynasty had converted to catholicism by the pressure of the Portugese Jesuits. Hre started persecuting the priests of his palace and all other orthodox followers. His palace priests went for hiding in this church ...
by Mahlana
30 Apr 2020, 04:02
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Did COVID-19 fail us miserably?
Replies: 0
Views: 890

Did COVID-19 fail us miserably?

I see that ALL the individuals who happen to be the absolute nightmares of not only this forum but also humanity are back to the forum except one of the most gifted individuals, i.e., Ethoash(may God be with him wherever he is). It is crystal clear that COVID-19 failed us big time! COVID-19 was our ...
by Mahlana
30 Apr 2020, 03:31
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: This TesfaNews troll should be gunned down!!!
Replies: 0
Views: 942

This TesfaNews troll should be gunned down!!!

He just recoverd from COVID-19 and he came back to the forum and he is flooding the forum with the most boring word ever!!!! testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing ONE THOUSAND times!!!!!!!!!!! I really had headaches and I even threw out!!!!!!!!!! It seems that COVID...
by Mahlana
30 Apr 2020, 02:28
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ከምቲ ናይ ቀደም
Replies: 0
Views: 898

ከምቲ ናይ ቀደም

ቅድስቲ ዓደይ ታሪኻን ባህላን ኩሉ ፅቡቕ!!

ንልዕሊ 40 ዓመት ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ኣብ ድኽነትን ጭቆናን ቆሪንዎ ዘሎ መሪሕነት ህወሓት ቀዳማይ ፀላኢ ህዝብና ምዃና እናዘከርና ነዛ ጥዕምቲ ደርፊ ነስተማቕር::

by Mahlana
27 Apr 2020, 22:24
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Ethiopian forces occupy parts of Sudan border zone
Replies: 3
Views: 1920

Re: Ethiopian forces occupy parts of Sudan border zone

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Middle East Monitor Egypt exerts pressures to remove Sudan PM [Mınasse Wondımu Haılu - Anadolu Agency] April 27, 2020 at 9:07 am As part of its efforts to end negotiations on the Ethiopia dam project, Egypt has been working to undermine and remove Suda...
by Mahlana
27 Apr 2020, 21:07
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Ethiopian forces occupy parts of Sudan border zone
Replies: 3
Views: 1920

Ethiopian forces occupy parts of Sudan border zone

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: The Chairman of Sudan’s Sovereignty Council has revealed that Ethiopian forces and militias have seized a large part of his country’s territory along the border. “There are old problems. Herders have lost their livestock and farmers have lost their lands. The armed fo...
by Mahlana
27 Apr 2020, 06:09
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: BREAKING NEWS: Midroc Ethiopias CEO resigns
Replies: 1
Views: 1426

BREAKING NEWS: Midroc Ethiopias CEO resigns

Please wait, video is loading...

Please wait, video is loading...
by Mahlana
25 Apr 2020, 20:56
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Have both North Koreas lost their despotic leaders?
Replies: 4
Views: 1825

Re: Have both North Koreas lost their despotic leaders?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: rip debrits nayna!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Intense rumors of the leaders of both the North Koreas to have died. They are becoming more intense by the days. If they are indeed alive, why don't th...
by Mahlana
25 Apr 2020, 20:34
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Say what?!?!?! Ethiopia preparing for war with Eritrea?!!?!
Replies: 3
Views: 1606

Say what?!?!?! Ethiopia preparing for war with Eritrea?!!?!

One reason for postponing the elections is what?!?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Listen to this from 25/04/2020: And read this from the 24/04/2020, which says that the eritrean military is approaching the border villages of AdiTekualu, Mukuti, Aditek...
by Mahlana
25 Apr 2020, 20:22
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Have both North Koreas lost their despotic leaders?
Replies: 4
Views: 1825

Have both North Koreas lost their despotic leaders?

Intense rumors of the leaders of both the North Koreas to have died. They are becoming more intense by the days. If they are indeed alive, why don't they come out and clear the dust? You see? One problem amongst despotic leaders is that they play such hide and seek with the very people they dictate ...
by Mahlana
25 Apr 2020, 09:15
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Whoops!!!
Replies: 0
Views: 1030


Kind of.. "I am not satisfied with only the 600 square KMs of Gondars fertile land. Give me half of Gondar!" ለህዳሴ ግድቡ የውኃ ሙሌት በዋሽንግተን የተደረገው ድርድር ጭብጦች ከግንዛቤ መግባት እንዳለባቸው ሱዳን አስታወቀች 22 April 2020 ዮሐንስ አንበርብር የህዳሴ ግድቡ የውኃ ሙሌትን አስመልክቶ ኢትዮጵያ፣ ግብፅና ሱዳን በአሜሪካ ዋሽንግተን ከተማ ሲያደርጉት በነበረውና በተቋረጠው ድርድር ስምምነት የተደ...
by Mahlana
24 Apr 2020, 18:50
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: BREAKING NEWS: The UK withdrew all its embassy staff from Asmara
Replies: 5
Views: 2405

Re: BREAKING NEWS: The UK withdrew all its embassy staff from Asmara

I have no idea. Countries withdraw their staff and lift their citizens for serious reasons only. Something serious must be going on. I am thinking may be the rumors are true that Issayas is very gravely ill in Saudi Arabia hospital and America and British are the first hand to know it. If the rumor ...
by Mahlana
24 Apr 2020, 18:43
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: BREAKING NEWS: The UK withdrew all its embassy staff from Asmara
Replies: 5
Views: 2405

BREAKING NEWS: The UK withdrew all its embassy staff from Asmara

What is going on???????? Summary Still current at:24 April 2020Updated: 18 April 2020Latest update: Given the rapidly changing situation in Eritrea we are temporarily withdrawing all UK staff from our Embassy. The Embassy will continue to carry out essential work including providing 24/7 consular as...
by Mahlana
24 Apr 2020, 18:00
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Question to Eritreans in this forum: Why is the USA lifting its citizens from Eritrea?
Replies: 6
Views: 2409

Question to Eritreans in this forum: Why is the USA lifting its citizens from Eritrea?

The USA is not lifting its citizens from other african countries but only from Eritrea.

Why? Do you have any first hand info?

Pause your stupid hodgepodge for the momnet and reply to this serious question seriously now.
by Mahlana
23 Apr 2020, 19:51
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: In case Tigrai wants to ally with any Amharas, it must be ONLY with the Shoans.
Replies: 12
Views: 3225

In case Tigrai wants to ally with any Amharas, it must be ONLY with the Shoans.

The Shoans are the only Amharas with balls and they happen to be very capable. The ugly Gondars are nothing but talking clowns. The Gojjams are nothing but bloody opportunists, i.e.,political prostitutes!!! So, in case Tigrai wants, for any reason, to ally with any Amharas, it must be ONLY with the ...