Search found 17 matches

by abiadi
31 Dec 2022, 14:57
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: why agew betray tigray? unbelievable
Replies: 2
Views: 525

why agew betray tigray? unbelievable

agew claiming tigray korem? sick
thank you tghat for exposing this evil deed

watch to the board at the end. what a disgrace
by abiadi
03 Aug 2022, 17:17
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: debretsion and getachew reda
Replies: 2
Views: 742

debretsion and getachew reda

have sold tigray and its future. these are the most incompetent leaders tigray ever had

by abiadi
16 Apr 2022, 17:37
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: this is what fascist abiy did to tigray
Replies: 6
Views: 1285

this is what fascist abiy did to tigray

are you happy now?
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by abiadi
17 Mar 2022, 06:57
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ሃገረ ኣግኣዚት greater tigray
Replies: 20
Views: 5389

Re: ሃገረ ኣግኣዚት greater tigray

why bolognas crying? this about greater tigray not italian pasta eritra
by abiadi
16 Mar 2022, 03:04
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ሃገረ ኣግኣዚት greater tigray
Replies: 20
Views: 5389

ሃገረ ኣግኣዚት greater tigray
by abiadi
04 Feb 2022, 04:20
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: tesfazion and the hamassien chauvinism. eritrea is hamassien, all others are listros and migrants
Replies: 0
Views: 560

tesfazion and the hamassien chauvinism. eritrea is hamassien, all others are listros and migrants

he also said the land from omhajer to asseb belongs to hamassien and insulted seraye and akeleguzay

TDF should remove the diqalu tigray leaders and free the oppressed peoples of eritrea

by abiadi
15 Jan 2022, 17:09
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Bravo! 2 opposition Parties in Tigray say TPLF contributed to genocide, call for a new transitional government in Tigray
Replies: 5
Views: 1248

Re: Bravo! 2 opposition Parties in Tigray say TPLF contributed to genocide, call for a new transitional government in Ti

this is not about your country ethiopia. this is about transitional government in tigray. What is new here, it was Dr. Debretsiyon Gebremeskel, who was proposing a transitional and also a provisional government, isn't it? This is simply echoing what Debretsiyon already said, in my view. Debre should...
by abiadi
15 Jan 2022, 16:10
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Bravo! 2 opposition Parties in Tigray say TPLF contributed to genocide, call for a new transitional government in Tigray
Replies: 5
Views: 1248

Bravo! 2 opposition Parties in Tigray say TPLF contributed to genocide, call for a new transitional government in Tigray

The opposition parties say TPLF partly contributed to the development of genocide on Tigrayans by being unable to forsee and avert it “The TPLF has stood against this just demand of the people of Tigray and is desperately trying to use the fighting capacity of the Tigrayan people to its own objecti...
by abiadi
14 Feb 2021, 14:24
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: በአዲግራት ዩኒቨሪስቲ በአሁኑ ጊዜ የተፈፀመ [VIDEO]
Replies: 6
Views: 2254

Re: በአዲግራት ዩኒቨሪስቲ በአሁኑ ጊዜ የተፈፀመ [VIDEO]

አይዟችሁ አትሳቀቁ! ዜናው የእልቂት አይደለም:: stop the lie. this was celebrated in meqelle university not in adigrat university even the video says that. shabia completly destroyed adigrat university. adigrat university doesn't exist anymore.
by abiadi
21 Jan 2021, 13:29
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: You cannot call yourself opposition living in A/A while Tigray is burning by Addis Ababa people
Replies: 4
Views: 1962

Re: You cannot call yourself opposition living in A/A while Tigray is burning by Addis Ababa people

Kebrom Berhe, Addis Ababa city is not the battle field for the survival of Tigray and does not make you anything to say in Addis Ababa the enemy territory except you are Anchiwa Kelete Andel trying to live in both worlds. You and your party Baitona is discarded from the heart and brain of Tigrayans...
by abiadi
20 Dec 2020, 20:34
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Tigraionline commentator took off his glove: The talking points are, the name of Ethiopia, Banda and language
Replies: 2
Views: 1302

Re: Tigraionline commentator took off his glove: The talking points are, the name of Ethiopia, Banda and language

amhara police commissioner admitted spying inside tigray bevor the war and preparing, most probably in collaboration with bandas. The three main points you highlighted are: [/b] 1. The name of Ethiopia and worshiping Ethiopia main cause for Tigrayans is woyane lead...
by abiadi
11 Dec 2020, 10:51
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ((((BREAKING)))))—- U.S. urges withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia
Replies: 7
Views: 2590

Re: ((((BREAKING)))))—- U.S. urges withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia[0]=AZW5yKgVYLxryy0sV6FYrEkVTnTfOCiRoWOXgYCG6c87jf9MZR86wc2p8wVO-B_7kttls4Qj6jRaIil-Hh5Cd5BLAQExujvMYcIPnrUZUApvcAHd7vQLsVZMEoiDCT8cmQ0&__t...
by abiadi
27 Nov 2019, 04:22
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: thankless ethnics have all abandoned tigrai and joined meshrefet after all tigrai did to them
Replies: 1
Views: 1387

thankless ethnics have all abandoned tigrai and joined meshrefet after all tigrai did to them

tigrai should never care for these thankless mothafockers. how can they all abondon tigray and side with mercenary meshrefet? fack them all.

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by abiadi
24 Oct 2019, 11:19
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Breaking News! TPLF's Involvment on Yesterdays Revolt!!!!
Replies: 4
Views: 2708

Re: Breaking News! TPLF's Involvment on Yesterdays Revolt!!!!

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