Search found 62 matches
- 29 Jul 2023, 14:12
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Developing our Tgrgna.
- Replies: 4
- Views: 373
Re: Developing our Tgrgna.
Would be interesting to invite some from Tigray, absolutely not affiliated nor sympathizing TPLF. After all Tigrigna belongs to people of Tigray as well.
- 29 Jul 2023, 04:49
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: በትግርኛ ውስጥ የሌሉ ግን በጉራጌኛ ውስጥ ያሉ 4 ቃላት!
- Replies: 20
- Views: 2442
Re: በትግርኛ ውስጥ የሌሉ ግን በጉራጌኛ ውስጥ ያሉ 4 ቃላት!
ምናምን ቀማምሳችሁ አትፈላሰፉ፡፡ የምን መቀባጠር ነው? ሆሆ ሰዉ እየለቀቀ ነው ጃል!
- 29 Jun 2023, 04:00
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: To ridicule a war disabled is immoral irrespective of which side they fought!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 796
Re: To ridicule a war disabled is immoral irrespective of which side they fought!
Sanity is lost and hard to regain. The downhill rolling is accelerating down to a bottomless pit.
- 28 Jun 2023, 10:42
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: To ridicule a war disabled is immoral irrespective of which side they fought!
- Replies: 8
- Views: 796
To ridicule a war disabled is immoral irrespective of which side they fought!
its deplorable to ridicule a war disabled person irrespective of which side they fought. the sweeping majority of them went to war because of inhumane conscription and individually, they are not the cause of the violence. Say whatever you want to the leaders and spare these poor ones.
- 26 Dec 2021, 14:15
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Haileyesus Adamu
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1093
Re: Haileyesus Adamu
Please call him by his prophetic name Theodoros the III!
- 23 Dec 2021, 06:16
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ንብ ነኝ የሚል ዝንብ
- Replies: 1
- Views: 700
ንብ ነኝ የሚል ዝንብ
ወያኔ ዝንብ ነው፡፡ እስኪአሁን እዚህ ድምጻቸውን የሚያሰሙት ዝንቦች አይደሉ? ደሞ ንብ ነን ይላሉ!? ፊሊት ነው መድሃኒታቸው
- 26 Oct 2021, 11:01
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: <<<(((BREAKING NEWS)))>>>5 ተሳቢ ኃይል ጭኖ ወደ ሀይቅ ሲጓዝ የነበረው ኣሸባሪ-ህወሓት ታጣቂ ከነ ከባድ መሳሪያዎቹ በአየር ኃይል ተመቶ ሙሉ ተደምስሷል!!!WEEY GUUD!!!
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1009
Re: <<<(((BREAKING NEWS)>>>5 ተሳቢ ኃይል ጭኖ ወደ ሀይቅ ሲጓዝ የነበረው ኣሸባሪ-ህወሓት ታጣቂ ከነ ከባድ መሳሪያዎቹ በአየር ኃይል ተመቶ ሙሉ ተደምስሷል!!! WEEY GUUD
One sino truck = 75-85 woyane. Five times means upto 425 junta! That’s a lot! ምን ይደርጋል እነ ወያኔ ቤት የሰው ልጅ ርካሽ ነው፡፡
- 12 Aug 2021, 16:41
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Mekele air strike right now!
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1430
Mekele air strike right now!
Selected TPLF targets in Mekele is being bombed right now!
- 30 Jul 2021, 16:11
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Eritrea has Established a 40Km Exclusion Zone Inside Tigray into Which the TPLF Agames are Forbidden Entering
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1190
- 30 Jul 2021, 04:21
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Breaking Eritrea Captures Sheraro
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1375
Re: Breaking Eritrea Captures Sheraro
This is fake news from a fake account!! Eritrea hasn’t engaged in any combat so far!, a credible Eritrean high ranking source said.
- 27 Jul 2021, 06:25
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: STOP THE WAR TPLF! This is insane!
- Replies: 0
- Views: 798
STOP THE WAR TPLF! This is insane!
TPLF must stop the war and the senseless bravado NOW!! Thousands shouldn’t perish for your sick mentality! Any Tigrayan supporting TPLF only because they are tigrayans are also equally responsible! Stop propagating the lies and propaganda! War is not a sport event; people suffer and die!! For others...
- 12 Jun 2021, 04:53
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Good Work Isaias Destroying the Bandas
- Replies: 8
- Views: 4950
Re: Good Work Isaias Destroying the Bandas
This noble amara guy is a wounded PRO-woyanie disguising himself. Better to be like Aziza and Halaf mengedi than this guy.
- 07 Jun 2021, 14:39
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ተረጋገጠ፣ ባህላዊው ጨዋታው ምን እንደሆነ ስዩም በማስረጃ እረጋገጠ
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1722
ተረጋገጠ፣ ባህላዊው ጨዋታው ምን እንደሆነ ስዩም በማስረጃ እረጋገጠ
ተረጋገጠ፣ ባህላዊው ጨዋታው ምን እንደሆነ ስዩም በማስረጃ እረጋገጠ
- 18 Apr 2021, 10:48
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: An Eritrean diaspora returned to Eritrea with $280k in 1990s and see how his life is in 2021
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1354
Re: An Eritrean diaspora returned to Eritrea with $280k in 1990s and see how his life is in 2021
Ata weyin, vomit elsewhere not here
- 15 Apr 2021, 07:39
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Where is Solomon Tekalign Mehari, aka gudegnaw
- Replies: 0
- Views: 838
Where is Solomon Tekalign Mehari, aka gudegnaw
Where is Solomon Tekalign Mehari, aka gudegnaw?
- 21 Mar 2021, 14:51
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Haha..the number of "Axum victims" is now down from "hundreds", to 43.
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2322
Re: Haha..the number of "Axum victims" is now down from "hundreds", to 43.
Fight it until it reaches zero and they say’ The Axum massacre has never occurred and previous accounts were totally baseless. However we trust our sources and hope that they will report any human rights violations when they occur’. BTW Martin is a guy who doesn’t deserve any response.
- 15 Mar 2021, 06:47
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: ድሮና ዘንድሮ
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1152
Re: ድሮና ዘንድሮ
Please, its enough to post these pictures. Its over! Its not fun to see such gruesome pics however evil those people were! Enough!
- 15 Feb 2021, 13:14
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: What happened in Aksum? A personal account of a university lecturer
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1068
Re: What happened in Aksum? A personal account of a university lecturer
This is another fabricated lie. He saw the event as he’s watching a movie and even counts 720 corpses.. bla bla. Why do people sow hatred through lies. Especiall a hatred that leaves the God fearing and kind people of Tigray isolated from his brothers??? Why?
- 14 Feb 2021, 14:24
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: Halafi: your hatered towards Eritreans will consume!
- Replies: 0
- Views: 758
Halafi: your hatered towards Eritreans will consume!
Halafi: your hatered towards Eritreans will consume you, it’s eating your bones and soul! Better to heal before it’s late!
- 31 Jan 2021, 07:21
- Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
- Topic: People believe what they see than what they hear
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1125
People believe what they see than what they hear
A testimony of an eye witness: ‘ Yes, indeed, the issue of forceful return of Eritrean refugees is a fabricated and relayed fake news to make cheap politics out of it. People believe in their eyes than their ears. I have been physically to the refugees camp in Tigray with the High Commissioner for R...