Search found 6 matches

by Boxer
28 Jul 2019, 18:12
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: P@rn is the cure to Ethiopia's population growth
Replies: 1
Views: 2297

Re: P@rn is the cure to Ethiopia's population growth

The fact internet is bad in Ethiopia means that millions of $ex addicts are forced to have $ex with women and then end up producing unneeded babies. This can be avoided by building better internet infrastructure and poisoning the youth with [deleted]. Believe me when the youth become [deleted] addi...
by Boxer
24 Jul 2019, 14:35
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: የመለስ ራአይ!
Replies: 7
Views: 4562

Re: የመለስ ራአይ!

:lol: :lol: :lol: