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by Odie
4 minutes ago
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: US Defence Secretary Drops A Bombshell To The Detriment Of Zelensky's Comedy!
Replies: 3
Views: 67

Re: US Defence Secretary Drops A Bombshell To The Detriment Of Zelensky's Comedy!

It is in fact not the comedian Zelenski who should be sleepless today, rather the dement in the name of Joe Biden, he is the sole responsible person for the sufferings of too many people around the world, not only in Ukraine or Russia. That man should be brought to court of justice, revoking his pe...
by Odie
Today, 08:24
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: ኮሪደር ልማት!
Replies: 0
Views: 34

ኮሪደር ልማት!

ኮሪዶር ልማት
barbarians style :mrgreen:
Destroying the lives of ethnics they hate
First 3 minutes

by Odie
Yesterday, 18:23
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: የብልፅግና ስርወ መንግስት ያለው ትግራይ ነው እነ አብይና ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ግን አይገባቸውም! ስራቸውን ለመንቀል 7 አመት በከንቱ ደከሙ!
Replies: 7
Views: 133

Re: የብልፅግና ስርወ መንግስት ያለው ትግራይ ነው እነ አብይና ሽመልስ አብዲሳ ግን አይገባቸውም! ስራቸውን ለመንቀል 7 አመት በከንቱ ደከሙ!

Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 18:04
Abere በልጅነቴ የተማረ ይግደለኝ ሲባል እሰማ ነበር ! ያንተ PHD ግን በጥላቻ ታጅሎ እንደ ቃልቻ በመጋረጃ ውስጥ አስቀምጦሃል!
Blame yourself house ni$$$ga!
Don’t you know you are hated by all bs of your bulsh$$$t!

by Odie
Yesterday, 18:17
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Danakali sea forming
Replies: 1
Views: 94

Re: Danakali sea forming

It is not Danakali sea, it is Ethiopian (we will call it Abyssinian Ocean and gulf) Ocean that will be forming in the future. From the map, Assab and Djibouti likely will be gone. Oromia back to Madagascar by floating but will not be allowed to go for free :lol: :lol:
by Odie
Yesterday, 18:05
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives
Replies: 2
Views: 98

Re: Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives

Arabs claiming the Jewish land is like the Oromo fascists committing genocide and confiscating minority land in Ethiopia that has to be reversed. No wonder UEA is similarly propping up the self claimed Oromuma king! Either they leave us or they sign into the union in peace and equality barring their...
by Odie
Yesterday, 17:02
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?
Replies: 12
Views: 198

Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

የባንዳ ልጅ!

አያቶችህ ኤርትራዊ መስለው ሊቢያውያንን ወግተዋል!
Son of askari!

እናንተ የሚያምርባችሁ ስትለምኑ ነው:: ከዛ በተረፈ ስትጠግቡ ስራችሁ violence and hate!
by Odie
Yesterday, 16:46
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?
Replies: 12
Views: 198

Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Axumezana wrote:
Yesterday, 16:41
Abere you live in the old paradigm of the Amhara so called elites barking like a toothless dog but no contribution to build Ethiopia.
እብድ ውሻ!
ፈረንጅ ትግራይ ስለገባ ነሽጠህ አይደል?
by Odie
Yesterday, 16:38
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives
Replies: 2
Views: 98

Re: Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives

Israel should possess Gaza and the west bank. It is there land. There is no palestinians but mixed arab and other population in gaza and west bank including the mosque are the makings of ottoman empire! ………………………….. 1. Roman Empire (63 BCE - 330 CE): Jews: The Jewish presence in the region was signi...
by Odie
Yesterday, 16:33
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives
Replies: 2
Views: 98

Jordan king talking in white house for the money he receives

Egypt should lose the billions in military aid including advanced aircrafts or should accept palestinians like jordan. P trump is making the king talk. It is Sisi’s interrogation time. He cannot have his cake and eat it :lol: Nothing to do with GERD :lol:
by Odie
Yesterday, 15:37
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?
Replies: 12
Views: 198

Re: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Odie, Everyone knows TPLF, Shabia and OLF like iPhone are not made in Ethiopia. :lol: These malicious mercenaries are not something Ethiopians recall for they have been so terrible and socially undesirable. Their manufacturer and producer recalls, but not really they want. Do you recall that one US...
by Odie
Yesterday, 15:00
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Why are Tigrians still western darlings?
Replies: 12
Views: 198

Why are Tigrians still western darlings?

Seven western embassy diplomats for the barren land to meditate the two worst criminals in the country together with Oromo fascist cult leader :mrgreen: I believe all of them are libtard junks who want to promote the ethnic fiefdom the installed over 30 years ago and the lettered community cultural ...
by Odie
Yesterday, 10:23
Forum: Ethiopian News & Opinion
Topic: Shabiya ወያኔ alliance for 80 year!
Replies: 5
Views: 163

Re: Shabiya ወያኔ alliance for 80 year!

አሳዳሪ ጌታቸውን አኩርፈው በህብረት የኮበለሉትን የአህያ እና የውሻ ተረት እና ምሳሌ ይመስላል። አህያዋ ነጨት ነጨት ስታደርግ ውላ ሌሊት ላይ ነፋኝ ቀበተተኝ ላናፋ ብላ ውሻውን እራሷንም በአያጅቦ ክርን አስደቅቃ የተዘነጠለችውን። የአድጊ ሻዕብያ እና ውሻ ወያኔ ዕጣ ይህን ምሳሌ አይነት ነው። 50 አመታት በላይ ያንዛረጡብት አቀበት ቁልቁለት የፈሱበት ሁሉ ፍሬ ዐልባ። ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የተረገመ የተመታ ስለሆነ ቆረቆንዳ ሁኖ ይቀራል። አሁን በተራው ፉን ፉን የሚለው ከብት ...